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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 6,138건 중 561 - 580건 출력
  • 561
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    To the Worshipful Charles Smith, Esq. Mayor, ... of Northampton, this yearly bill of mortality is presented, by ... Samuel Wright
  • 562
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    To the church wardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of in the hundred of Blything
  • 563
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    To the electors of Shrewsbury. Gentlemen, when virtuous characters are wantonly and maliciously attacked, ...
  • 564
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    To the freeholders of the county of Berks. Gentlemen, having been this day honored with the approbation of the decided and undisputed majority of the freeholders who attended the nomination, ...
  • 565
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    To the freeholders of the county of Oxford. Brother freeholders, I feel it a duty incumbent on me, to inform you of the motives by which I am actuated, when on the present vacancy in your representation I offer myself to your notice. ...
  • 566
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    To the gentlemen, Clergy, & Freeholders, of the County of York. Gentlemen, as nothing could be more foreign to my wishes than to disturb the peace of this extensive county, with the Advice of my Friends I have relinquished the Contest. The Purity of my Motives, and my Disposition to serve you, were all I had to offer. The Support I have met with will be matter of Comfort and Consolation to me so l
  • 567
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    To the in-burgesses and inhabitants of the borough of Christchurch
  • 568
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    To the independent electors, of the town and county, of the town of Nottingham
  • 569
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    To the lovers of musick. Prospectus for The piano-forte magazine; with elegant piano-fortes (gratis) far superior to what are frequently sold for twenty-five guineas each. Being the grandest and most advantageous plan ever offered to the publick
  • 570
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    To the poor of Norwich
  • 571
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    To the priest who officiates in the name of Beelzebub, &c. Most tremendous and reverend priest! It has long been suspected that 'Beelzebub,' is the chief engineer of your party, ...
  • 572
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    To the public at large. Case of W. F. Savill, late an auctioneer, From the 21st of March, 1794; (by the authority of Government) being an authentic Testimony of his Innocence, and of the unfair and illegal Proceedings against him to deceive both Judges and Juries, as this is positively the Case; which shews clear in what Manner and Form in the Court of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer: wh
  • 573
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    To the worthy and independent freemen of Oxford. The success of the present day's canvass through a populous district previously canvassed by our opponent, confirms our confidence in the firm friendship of our brother citizens, ...
  • 574
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    To the worthy and independent freemen of the city of Oxford. Gentlemen, nothing but the present state of Mr. Annesley's health could possibly prevent his making a personal application to every freeman for his support to represent this city, ... and I trust that the report of Dr. Wall, as well as his hand bill of the 12th, will leave no room for its doubt. ...
  • 575
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    To the worthy and independent freemen of the city of Oxford. Gentlemen, permit me most earnestly to request the favour of your attendance to-morrow morning to poll for Mr. Annesley. ...
  • 576
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    To the worthy freemen and electors
  • 577
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    To the worthy householders of Knaresbro'. 'Down with the rottenness of the borough for ever!!!' Gentlemen, as you have long been deprived of your right of electing members to represent you in Parliament, and at present are so deprived by the Duke of Devonshire, whose tenants at Bolton, Londesburgh, &c. come, ... at every appointed election ... Come forward, ... and nominate any two men whose condu
  • 578
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    Tom Careless. As sung by Mr. Dignum
  • 579
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    Tracts on political and other subjects, published at various times by Joseph Towers, L. L. D. and Now First Collected Together, in three Volumes. ...
  • 580
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    Translation of the letters of a Hindoo Rajah; written previous to, and during the period of his residence in England. To which is prefixed a preliminary dissertation on the history, religion, and manners, of the Hindoos. In two volumes. By Eliza Hamilton, ...