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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 6,138건 중 5,781 - 5,800건 출력
  • 5781
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    A true answer to Dr. Sacheverell's sermon before the Lord Mayor, Nov. 5. 1709. In a letter to one of the aldermen
  • 5782
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    A true answer to Dr. Sacheverell's sermon before the Lord-Mayor, Nov. 5. 1709. In a letter to one of the aldermen
  • 5783
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    A true church-man, set in a just and clear light: or, an essay towards the right character of a faithful son of the establish'd church. To which is added, the learned Mr. Chillingworth's demonstration of the apostolical institution of episcopacy: written by him, about th beginning of the war of 1641
  • 5784
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    Taffi's master-piece: or, the Cambro-British invention. A mock poem. Being the Muscipula Oxoniensis translated into burlesque verse. By a Cantab
  • 5785
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    Taffy's triumph: or a new translation of the Cambro-Muo-Maxia: in imitation of Milton. By a gentleman of Oxford
  • 5786
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    The Tatler's character (July 21.) of æsculapius guessing diseases, without the knowledge of drugs; Apply'd to the British physicians and surgeons: Or, the difficult diseases of the royal family, nobility and gentry will never be understood and recover'd, when the populace are oppress'd and destroy'd by the practising-apothecaries and empiricks, confess'd by the college and Mr. Bernard the surgeon.
  • 5787
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    The temple of death, a poem, by the Right Honourable the Marquis of Normanby: a translation out of French. With an ode in memory of Her late Majesty Queen Mary. By a person of quality
  • 5788
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    The temple of death, a poem. By the Right Honourable the Marquis of Normanby: a translation out of French. With an ode in memory of her late Majesty Queen Mary. By a person of quality
  • 5789
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    The temple of fame, a poem. Inscrib'd to Mr. Congreve
  • 5790
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    The true character of the real Christian, or Sincere Good-Man; from Psal. cxix. 113. Wherein the nature of a religious hatred to vain thoughts, and a love to the law of God, is explain'd, and these Passions are prov'd to be the Real and Distinguishing Property of the True Christian. By Simon Browne, Minister in Portsmouth
  • 5791
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    The true moderation describ'd, and the false moderation delected, In a sermon preach'd in St. Nicholas Church in Bristol, July 31st, 1709. By Matthew Hole, B. D. And Vicar of Stokegursy in Somersetshire
  • 5792
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    The true royal English school, for Her Majesty's three kingdoms: being a catalogue of all the words in the Bible, beginning With One Syllable, and proceeding by Degrees To Eight, Divided and not Divided; whereby all Persons, both Young and Old, of the meanest Abilities, may, with little Help, be able to read the whole Bible over distinctly, easily, and more speedily than in any other Method: With
  • 5793
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    The tryal of Thomas Duke of Norfolk by his Peers, for high treason against the Queen; on Wednesday the 16th day of January, ... 1571. ... To which is added, an historical preface letting the reader into the nature of the case, ...
  • 5794
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    Three ingenious Spanish novels: namely, I. The loving revenge: Or, Wit in a Woman. II. The lucky escape: Or, the Jilt detected. III. The witty extravagant: Or, the Fortunate Lover. Containing several Amorous Intrigues, Subtle Plots, and Surprizing Turns of Fortune. Written by Don Alonso Savorsano, a famous Spanish Nobleman; and rendred into French by one of the most Refin'd Wits of that Nation. Tr
  • 5795
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    Three short treatises, viz. I. A modest plea for the clergy, &c. II. A sermon of the sacerdotal benediction, &c. III. A discourse published to undeceive the people in point of tithes, &c. Formerly printed, and now again pubished [sic] by Dr. George Hickes, in defense of th priesthood, ...
  • 5796
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    To live well, is the way to die well: and to live well, is to do well. ... John Banks
  • 5797
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    To the Lords and others [sic] commissioners, appointed by the Queen to take Care of the Poor Palatines. The case of the indigent poor consider'd, by which their wants may be fully supply'd
  • 5798
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    To the Reverend the minister of [blank] Reverend Sir, you will, herewith, receive Her Majesties brief for the better support and settlement of many thousands of distressed German protestants, ...
  • 5799
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    To the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the petition of Mr. James Greenshields minister of the gospel, ...
  • 5800
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    To the memory of the very reverend and truly pious Mr. George Meldrum professor of divinity in the Colledge of Edinburgh, and one of the Ministers of the Gospel there, who died the 18th day of February 1709, in the 75th Year of his Age. A pindarick ode