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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 6,138건 중 5,821 - 5,840건 출력
  • 5821
    Book Info
    The third volume of the works of Mr. Thomas Brown, containing, Amusements serious & comical, calculated for the meridian of London. To which is added, ten letters, on several subjects, Together with His Pocket-Book of Common Places. His Walk round London and Westminster, pleasantly exposing the Vices and Follies of several parts of the Town. Letters translated from Aeneas Sylvius, Poet-Laureat to
  • 5822
    Book Info
    The triumphs of London for the inauguration of the Right Honourable Sir Charles Duncombe, Knight. Lord Mayor of the City of London. Containing The Description (and also the Sculptures) of the Pageants, and the whole Solemnity of the Day. Performed on Friday the 29th of October, Anno 1708. All set forth at the proper Cost and Charge of the Honourable Company of Goldsmiths. Published by Authority
  • 5823
    Book Info
    The true nature of imposture fully display'd in the life of Mahomet. With a discourse annex'd, for the vindicating of Christianity from this charge: Offered to the Consideration of the Deists of the present Age. By Humphrey Prideaux, D.D. Dean of Norwich
  • 5824
    Book Info
    The true patriot's speech to the people of Rome, answer'd paragraph by paragraph
  • 5825
    Book Info
    The truth of the case: Or, A Full and True account Of the Horrid murders, Robberies and Burnings, Committed at Bradforton and Upton-Snodsbury, in the County of Worcester; and of the apprehension, examination, tryal, and conviction, of John Palmer, and Tho. Symonds, gent. William Hobbins, and John Allen, labourers, for the said crimes. To which is added, An Account of the Occasion of the Bp. of Oxf
  • 5826
    Book Info
    The two great comprehensive dutys of Christianity, faith and repentance, briefly explain'd and urg'd, as seasonable, in these Times of Great Infidelity and Impenitency. By a lover of truth and godliness
  • 5827
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    Thomas Kempe, and Page Hockett, plaintiffs, ... in a writ of error, ... Randolph Tutte, defendant. The defendant's case
  • 5828
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    Those two excellent monuments of ancient learning and piety, Minucius Felix's Octavius, and Tertullian's Apology for the primitive Christians, render'd into English
  • 5829
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    Three posthumous tracts of the famous Dr. Rob. Leighton, ... consisting of Rules for a holy-life; A sermon before the Parliament at Edenburgh: and a short catechism
  • 5830
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    Threnodia virginea: or the apotheosis. A poem, occasion'd by the much lamented death of Mrs Hester Buckworth, only daughter of Sir John Buckworth, kt. and bar
  • 5831
    Book Info
    Threnodia virginea: or, the apotheosis. A poem, occasion'd by the much lamented death of Mrs. Elizabeth Buckworth, only daughter of Sir John Buckworth, kt. and bar
  • 5832
    Book Info
    To begin harvest three days too soon rather than two days too late. Or, sentences of the dissenters. Containing, relations of pretended judgments, prodigies and apparitions in behalf of the non-conformists, in opposition to the establish'd church. With timely remarks
  • 5833
    Book Info
    To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. The humble address of the high-sheriff, grand-jury, justices of the peace, and the rest of the gentlemen of the county of Oxford. London, April 21
  • 5834
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    To the right honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in parliament assembled. The humble and dutiful application and petition of Capt. Thomas Orme
  • 5835
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    Tres libri Solomonis, scilicet, Proverbia, Ecclesiastes, et Cantica, carmine latino redditi. Per G. B.
  • 5836
    Book Info
    Truth in fiction: or, morality in masquerade. A collection of two hundred twenty five select fables of Æsop, and other authors. Done into English verse. By Edmund Arwaker, Rector of Donaghmore in Ireland, and Chaplain to His Grace The Duke of Ormond
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  • 5837
    Book Info
    Truth try'd: or, Mr. Agate's pretended Plain-Truth proved an untruth: in which his false stories and unfair quotations are detected; His Charge of jesuitism and donatism against the dissenters is Retorted, And their agreement with all foreign protestants in Point of ordination is further Manifested. By John Withers
  • 5838
    Book Info
    Turkish tales; consisting of several extraordinary adventures: with the history of the sultaness of Persia, and the visiers. Written originally in the Turkish language, by Chec Zade, for the use of Amurath II. And now done into English
  • 5839
    Book Info
    Twelve sermons preach'd at the lecture founded by Robert Boyle, Esq; concerning the possibility, necessity and certainty of divine revelation. The second edition. To which are added, three sermons, I. Of Scripture being a Rule: Preach'd at a Meeting of the Clergy in Lewes in Sussex. Not before Printed. II. Of Justification, reprinted: Preach'd at a Meeting of the Clergy at Chichester. III. Of a Pr
  • 5840
    Book Info
    Two compendious discourses: the one concerning the power of God: the other about the certainty and evidence of a future state. By Tho. Smith. D. D. Published in Opposition to the growing Atheism and Deism of the Age