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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 6,138건 중 5,861 - 5,880건 출력
  • 5861
    Book Info
    The trade of Britain stated; being the substance of two papers published in London on occasion of the importation of wine and brandy from North-Britain
  • 5862
    Book Info
    The triumph of union: with the Muse's address for the consummation of it in the Parliament of Great Britain. Written by Mr. Tate Poet-Laureat to Her majesty
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  • 5863
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    The triumphs of providence in the downfal of Pharaoh, renew'd in the late battle of Ramellies [sic]: being a sermon on Exodus ix. ver. 16. preach'd at the Savoy-Church. By John Dubourdieu, Minister of the French Congregation there
  • 5864
    Book Info
    The trophies: or, Augusta's glory. A Triumphant Ode, Made in Honour of the City, and upon the Trophies taken from the French at the Battel of Ramellies, May the 23d, 1706. by his Grace the Duke of Marlborough and Monsieur D'Auverquerque, and now fix'd in the Guild-Hall, London. Most humbly Dedicated to The Right Honourable, the Lord Mayor, the Honourable, the Court of Aldermen and Sheriffs, and al
  • 5865
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    The true Christ owned as God and man: By the People called Quakers. In answer to R. P's scurrilous pamphlet, intituled, The true Christ, and the Quaker's Christ, compared: by John Field
  • 5866
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    The true and deplorable case of the waggoners, Carryers of Goods into and from the City of London
  • 5867
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    The true meaning of the eternity of hell-torments. A sermon preach'd before King William, at Kensington, January 1701. By Sir William Dawes, ...
  • 5868
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    The true-Born Britain. Written by the author of the True-Born Englishman
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  • 5869
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    The truth and divine authority of the Gospel, asserted Against the Adversarys of Reveal'd Religion
  • 5870
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    The tryal of Henry Cornish, Esq; for conspiring the death of the King, and raising a rebellion in this kingdom; at the Sessions-House in the Old-Baily, London, on a Commission of Oyer and Terminer held there for the City of London, and County of Middlesex, October, 19. 1685, [sic]
  • 5871
    Book Info
    Thomas Beaven's Vindication of his second thoughts relating to the Quakers, considered. Being an answer to a late pamphlet abusively entitul'd, The high priest of Melkesham, &c. By Bohun Fox, L. L. B. Vicar of Melkesham, in the County of Wilts, and late Fellow of New-College, Oxon.
  • 5872
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    Thomas Beaven's second part, in relation to the Quakers
  • 5873
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    Thoughts on the Jewish Sabbath, occasion'd by some gentiles observation of that day. By Philanthropus
  • 5874
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    Three discourses: I. Concerning transubstantiation. II. Concerning invocation of angels and saints. III. Concerning the worship of images. With an appendix concerning the Pretended Sacraments of Pennance and Extreme Unotion: Wherein the Controversy is fairly Stated, and the Arguments on both sides with all Plainness and Perspicuity offer'd to the View and Judgment of the Impartial Reader. Compos'd
  • 5875
    Book Info
    Times of war, times for national humiliation and repentance. A sermon preach'd before the Queen at St. James's-Chappel, on Wednesday in Passion-Week. Being the fast-day appointed, for imploring the Continuance of God's Blessing and Assistance on the Arms of Her Majesty and Her Allies, engag'd in the present War, &c. By Sir William Dawes, Baronet, D. D. and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. Publ
  • 5876
    Book Info
    Times of war, times for national humiliation and repentance. A sermon preach'd before the Queen, at Saint James's Chappel, on Wednesday in Passion-Week. Being the fast-day appointed, for imploring the Continuance of God's Blessing and Assistance on the Arms of Her Majesty and Her Allies, engag'd in the present War, &c. By Sir William Dawes, Baronet, D. D. and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. P
  • 5877
    Book Info
    To His Grace Her Majesties High Commissioner and the Honourable Estates of Parliament. The Heemble Petition of the peer Shank Workers and Fingren Spinners of Aberdeen, and Places thereabout
  • 5878
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    To the Queen's most sacred Majesty, the Macers of Council and Exchequer in Scotland, now the North part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. ...
  • 5879
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    Travels through Denmark and some parts of Germany: by way of journal in the retinue of the English envoy, in 1702. With extracts of several laws, relating to the Absolute Power of the King, Religion, and Civil Government of the Country: Including, The Military and Maritime State thereof: The whole Illustrated with divers Curious Remarks; and a map of the isle of Huen, &c. Done into English from th
  • 5880
    Book Info
    Troisieme lettre d'un particulier, à Monsieur Misson, l'honnéte homme. Contenant quelques observations & reflexions, sur les nouveaux inspirez, et leur prétendus miracles, pour en faire voir l'imposture. Ce 15 de novembre, 1707