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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 6,138건 중 601 - 620건 출력
  • 601
    Book Info
    Two treatises of government: in the former, the false principles and foundation of Sir Robert Filmer, and his followers, are detected and overthrown. The latter, is an essay concerning the true original, extent, and end of civil government. By John Locke Esq;
  • 602
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    Tyronis thesaurus: or Entick's new Latin-English dictionary, designed for the use of grammar schools, and private education: containing all the words and phrases proper for reading the classic authors in both languages. A new edition, revised and corrected throughout. By William Crakelt, A. M. Rector Of Nursted And Ifield, In Kent
  • 603
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    A testimony of Richard Brothers, in an epistolary address to the people of England, on the Impending Judgments of God; with Original Letters Lately Sent to the Queen, Duke of Cloucester, Earl Fitzwilliam, Mr. Pitt, &c. &c. By G. Coggan, Merchant of Hull
  • 604
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    A testimony of the spirit of truth, concerning Richard Brothers, The Man appointed of God to govern the Hebrews, the Elijan promised by the Lord, in these last Days, to come and restore all Things; dignified with the Title of his King, who will be exalted to the Throne of David, in Mount Zion, in Jerusalem. in an address to the people of Israel, &c. to the Gentiles called Christians, and all other
  • 605
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    A testimony to the prophetical mission of Richard Brothers, by George Turner, of Leeds
  • 606
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    A token for children, being an exact account of the conversion, holy and exemplary lives and joyful deaths, of several young children. By James Janeway, Minister of the Gospel. To which is added, A token for the children of New England. Or, Some examples of children, in whom the fear of God was remarkably budding before they died; in several parts of New-England. Preserved and published for the en
  • 607
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    A tour to Milford Haven, in the year 1791. By Mrs. Morgan
  • 608
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    A translation of Citizen Fauchet's intercepted letter no. 10; to which are added extracts of no. 3 & 6
  • 609
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    A translation of the New Testament: by Gilbert Wakefield, B.A. The second edition, with improvements. In two volumes. ...
  • 610
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    A treatise of the pleas of the Crown; or a system of the principal matters relating to that subject, Digested under Proper Heads. By William Hawkins, Serjeant at Law. The seventh edition: in which the text is carefully collated with the original work; the marginal References corrected; new References from the modern Reporters added a Variety of Manuscript Cases inserted; and the whole enlarged by
  • 611
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    A treatise on gonorrh a virulenta, and lues venerea. By Benjamin Bell, member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland and Edinburgh, one of the surgeons to the Royal Infirmary, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Volume I[-II]
  • 612
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    A treatise on growth in grace, with reference to St. Paul's prayer for the Philippians. By Thomas Scott, Chaplain to the Lock Hospital
  • 613
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    A treatise on military finance; Containing I. The pay, subsistence, deductions and arrears of the forces on the British and Irish establishments; II. The allowances in camp, garrison and quarters, &c. &c. III. An enquiry into the method of cloathing and recruiting the army; IV. An extract from the report of the commissioners of public accounts, relating to the office of the pay-master-general. Wit
  • 614
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    A treatise on the duty of infantry officers and the present system of British military discipline. With an appendix. By Thomas Reide, Esq. Captain in the Loyal Essex Regiment of Fencible Infantry
  • 615
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    A treatise on the duty of infantry officers, and the present system of British military discipline. With an appendix
  • 616
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    A treatise on the law of elections, in all its branches. By John Simeon, Esq; of Lincoln's-Inn, Barrister at Law
  • 617
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    A true account of the murder of the monk of Whitby, by Lord William de Bruce, of Ugglebarnby, Lord Ralph de Piercy of Sneaton, and Allatson, a Freeholder; with the Monk's Pennance laid upon them, to be performed on Ascension-Eve every Year, otherwise to forfeit their Lands to the Abbot of Whitby
  • 618
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    A true copy of the proceedings of John A. Graham, Esq. L.L.D. agent to the Protestant Episcopal Church of the state of Vermont (in North America) at the Court of London, anno Domini, 1795
  • 619
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    A true state of the case; or, a vindication of the orthodox dissenters, from the misrepresentations of the Rev. Robert Foley, M. A. of Oriel College Oxford, and Rector of Oldswinford, Worcestershire: Contained in a late publication of his, entitled A defence of the Church of England; in five letters, Addressed to him, Wherein the Important Subjects of Schism, the Divinity of Christ, and Obedience
  • 620
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    Tableau de L'Europe, en Novembre 1795, et pensées sur ce qu'on a fait, & qu'on n'auroit pas dû faire, sur ce qu'on auroit dû faire, & qu'on n'a pas fait, sur ce qu'on devroit faire & que, peut-être, on ne fera pas