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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 1,001 - 1,020건 출력
  • 1001
    Book Info
    Thèmes françois et anglois, or French and English exercises, upon the rules laid down in Holder's Chambaud's French grammar. By G. Satis
    Satis, George
  • 1002
    Book Info
    That the loyal and spirited resistance of the Friends to the King and Constitution resident in the town and neighbourhood of Wakefield, in the year 1792, against democratical exertions for promoting disaffection ... in Great-Britain, may not entirely perish ... the papers ... have been collected and re-printed by Richard Henry Beaumont, ...
    Friends to the King | Constitution (Wakefield, England)
  • 1003
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    The Tatler. By Isaac Bickerstaff, Esquire. ...
    Steele, Richard
  • 1004
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    The Thymbriad, (from Xenophon's Cyropodia [sic].) By Lady Burrell
    Burrell, Sophia
  • 1005
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    The tailors. A tragedy for warm weather, in three acts. As performed at the Theatre Royal Hay-Market. ...
    Foote, Samuel
  • 1006
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    The tales of the genii; or, the delightful lessons of Horam, the son of Asmar. Faithfully translated from the Persian manuscript; and compared with the French and Spanish editions, published at Paris and Madrid. By Sir Charles Morell, Formerly Ambassador from the British Settlements in India to the Great Mogul. Cooke's edition. Embellished with superb engravings. ...
    Morell, Charles
  • 1007
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    The tea-table miscellany: a collection of choice songs, Scots and English. By Allan Ramsay.
    Ramsay, Allan
  • 1008
    Book Info
    The tears of the Muse. An elegiac poem. Sacred to the memory of the Right Honourable Sarah Countess of Westmorland. Addressed to and particularly intended for the future consideration of Lord Burghursh. By Peter Alley, Esq.
    Alley, Peter
  • 1009
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    The tempest. A comedy, by Shakespeare, as performed at the Theatres Royal. Regulated from the prompt-books, by permission of the managers. With an introduction, and notes critical and illustrative
    Shakespeare, William
  • 1010
    Book Info
    The theory and practice of the drill-husbandry; founded upon philosophical principles, and confirmed by experienf [sic]. Containing I. A dissertation on the natural food of plants. ... VI. Full directions for making several kinds of horse and hand hoes, ... Illustrated ... By William Amos
    Amos, William
  • 1011
    Book Info
    The theory of agreeable sensations: in which The Laws observed by Nature in the Distribution of Pleasure are investigated; and the Principles of Natural Theology and Moral Philosophy are established. Including likewise, relative to the same Subject, a dissertation upon harmony of style
    Levesque de Pouilly, Louis-Jean
  • 1012
    Book Info
    The tineum. Containing Estianomy, or the art of stirring a fire: The icead, a mock-heroic poem: an imitation of Horace, ... By C.V. Le Grice, ...
    Le Grice, C.V
  • 1013
    Book Info
    The tocsin of Britannia: with a novel plan for a constitutional army. By John Stewart, The Traveller
    Stewart, John
  • 1014
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    The tocsin of peace, in a peal [sic] to the people, on its policy with France. And a glimpse through the gloom; in a candid review of the prospects before us
  • 1015
    Book Info
    The token
    Dibdin, Charles
  • 1016
    Book Info
    The translator of Pliny's Letters vindicated from the objections of Jacob Bryant, Esq. to his remarks respecting Trajan's persecution of the Christians in Bithynia. By William Melmoth, Esq.
    Melmoth, William
  • 1017
    Book Info
    The traveller's companion through the city of Edinburgh and suburbs: comprehending a concise history of the city, From The Earliest Accounts To The Present Period; with a description of the public buildings, illustrated with engravings. To which are added several views taken in the environs of the city
  • 1018
    Book Info
    The traveller's pocket-book; or, Ogilby and Morgan's book of the roads, improved and amended, in a method never before attempted. Containing, I. A new whole sheet map of the roads in England and Wales, as also those in Scotiand, fitted to bind with the Book. II. The Distances in measured Miles from London to all the Cities, Towns, and remarkable Villages, in England and Wales, according to the new
    Ogilby, John
  • 1019
    Book Info
    The travellers in Switzerland. A comic opera, in three acts: as performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. By Mr. Bate Dudley.
    Dudley, H. Bate
  • 1020
    Book Info
    The travellers in Switzerland: A comic opera, in three acts: as performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. By Mr. Bate Dudley.
    Dudley, H. Bate