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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 1,121 - 1,140건 출력
  • 1121
    Book Info
    A treatise on the extraction of the cataract. By D. Augustus Gottlieb Richter, M. & Ch. D. Aulic Counsellor And Physician To His Britannic Majesty, Professor Of The Practice Of Physic And Surgery In The University Of Gottingen, President Of The College Of Surgeons, And Member Of The Royal Academies Of Gottingen Stockholm, And Copenhagen, &C. Translated from the German. With a plate ; and notes by
    Bischoff, Frederick
  • 1122
    Book Info
    A treatise on the horizontal sun and moon, wherein is shewn, according to the principles of refraction, how it happens, that those bodies seem bigger in the horizon than in the zenith; And also how Mankind do not form their Judgment concerning the Magnitude of Objects by the Angles, which they Subtend at the Eye, either when they are seen in Refracted or Unrefracted Light; And Likewise how the Sup
    Atkins, James
  • 1123
    Book Info
    A treatise on the law of corporations. By Stewart Kyd, Barrister at Law, of the Middle Temple. Vol. I
    Kyd, Stewart
  • 1124
    Book Info
    A treatise on the management of pregnant and lying in women, and the means of curing, but more especially of preventing the principal disorders to which they are liable. Together with some new directions concerning the delivery of the child and placenta in natural births Illustrated with cases. by Charles White, Esq. F.R.S. Man midwife to the lying in hospital, in Manchester, in England, &c. &c.
    White, Charles
  • 1125
    Book Info
    A treatise on the plenary inspiration of the New Testament. By the Reverend J. L. Moore, Author of `a View of the External Evidence of the Christian Religion,' and Master of the Grammar School in Hertford, Herts
    Moore, James Lovell
  • 1126
    Book Info
    A treatise on the structure : economy, and diseases of the liver; together with an enquiry into the properties and component parts of the bile and biliary concretions: being the substance of the gulstonian lectures read at the College of Physicians in the year 1792. By William Saunders, M.D. fellow of the College of Physicians, of the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh, and senior Physicia...
    Saunders, William
  • 1127
    Book Info
    A treatise on the structure : economy, and diseases of the liver; together with an enquiry into the properties and component parts of the bile and biliary concretions: being the substance of the gulstonian lectures read at the college of physicians in the year 1792. By William Saunders, M.D. fellow of the college of physicians, of the royal societies of London and edinburgh, and senior physicia...
    Saunders, William
  • 1128
    Book Info
    A treatise on the theory and practice of seamanship : containing general rules for man{oelig}uvring vessels, with a moveable figure of a ship, so planned that the sails, rudder, and hull may be made to perform the man{oelig}uvres according to the rule laid down . To the above is added a Miscellaneous Chapter on the various Contrivances against Accidents, and a Copper Plate of the Diagrams and F...
    Gower, R. H
  • 1129
    Book Info
    A treatise upon gravel and upon gout, in which their sources and connection are ascertained; with an examination of Dr. Austin's theory of stone, and other critical remarks. A dissertation on the bile, and its concretions, and an enquiry into the operation of solvents. B Murray Forbes, member of the Surgeons' Company
    Forbes, Murray
  • 1130
    Book Info
    A treatise upon the authenticity of the Scriptures, and the truth of the Christian religion
    Bryant, Jacob
  • 1131
    Book Info
    A treatise upon the law and proceedings in cases of high treason, &c. By a barrister at law
    Barrister at Law
  • 1132
    Book Info
    A treatise upon the life of faith, by W. Romaine, M. A. Rector of St. Andrew, Wardrobe, and St. Ann's Black-Friars, And Lecturer of St. Dunstan's in the West, London
    Romaine, William
  • 1133
    Book Info
    A tribute to liberty. Or, new collection of patriotic songs; entirely original, to which are added the most select songs which have lately appeared in public; and Other Miscellaneous Pieces; together with A Collection of Toasts and Sentiments, Sacred to the Rights of Man
    Thompson, R
  • 1134
    Book Info
    A tribute to liberty: or, a new collection of patriotic songs; entirely original. To which are added the most select songs which have lately appeared in public; and other miscellaneous pieces; together with A Collection of Toasts and Sentiments. Sacred to the rights of man
    Thompson, R
  • 1135
    Book Info
    A trip to Holy-Head in a mail coach with a churchman and a dissenter, in the year MDCCXCIII
    Stennett, Samuel
  • 1136
    Book Info
    A trip to Paris, in July and August, 1792. By Mr. Twiss
    Twiss, Richard
  • 1137
    Book Info
    A true and particular account of the trial of Thomas Paine, ... December 18, 1792, ...
    Paine, Thomas
  • 1138
    Book Info
    A true interpretation of the witch of Endor, spoken of in 1 Sam. XXVIII. begin. at the 11th verse. Shewing, 1. How She and all other Witches do beget or produce that Familiar Spirit they deal with, and what a Familiar Spirit is, and how those Voices are procured, and Shapes appear unto them, whereby the Ignorant and Unbelieving People are deceived by them. 2. It is clearly made appear in this Trea
    Muggleton, Lodowick
  • 1139
    Book Info
    An teagask creestye, agus paidreagha na mainne agus an tranona.
    O'Reilly, Michael
  • 1140
    Book Info
    Tabulæ linguarum. Being a set of tables, exhibiting at sight the declensions of nouns and conjugations of verbs; with other grammatical requisites essential to the reading and speaking of the following languages, viz. Latin Spanish Portuguese Italian French Norman Gothic German Dutch Danish Swedish English Celtic or Erse Armoric Basque Biseayen Cornish Waldense Irish Scotch Welsh Manks Noise Sclav
    Clarke, Henry