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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 1,501 - 1,520건 출력
  • 1501
    Book Info
    The tender husband; or, the accomplished fools. A comedy. By Sir Richard Steele. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-books, by permission of the managers
    Steele, Richard
  • 1502
    Book Info
    The testament of the twelve patriarchs, the sons of Jacob. Translated from the Greek by Robert Grosthead, B.D.
  • 1503
    Book Info
    The theatre, by Sir Richard Steele; to which are added, The Anti-Theatre; the character of Sir John Edgar; Steele's case with the Lord Chamberlain; the Crisis of Property, with the Sequel, Two Pasquins, &c. &c. Illustrated with literary and historical anecdotes by John Nichols
    Steele, Richard
  • 1504
    Book Info
    The theatre, by Sir Richard Steele; to which are added, The anti-theatre; the character of Sir John Edgar; Steele's case with the Lord Chamberlain the Crisis of Property, with the Sequel, Two Pasquins, &c. &c. Illustrated with literary and historical anecdotes by John Nichols
    Steele, Richard
  • 1505
    Book Info
    The third annual account of the collation of the Mss. of the Septuagint-Version. To which is prefixed a tract. By Robert Holmes, D. D. Professor of Poetry in the University of Oxford. Prebendary of Salisbury, Rector of Stanton St. John, Oxon. and late fellow of New College
    Holmes, Robert
  • 1506
    Book Info
    The three witnesses in heaven: or the divine inspiration of I. John v. 7. Proved from the scripture itself. By Thomas Reader:
    Reader, Thomas
  • 1507
    Book Info
    The titiad, A Series of Satires
  • 1508
    Book Info
    The toast master, being a genteel collection of sentiments + toasts. ...
  • 1509
    Book Info
    The tour of Valentine.
    Pott, Joseph Holden
  • 1510
    Book Info
    The town and country almanack for 1791. The third after leap year. With new lists, and an improved kalendar; is most respectfully inscribed to the right honourable James Stirling, Esq. Lord Provost of Edinburgh, Preses, and to the other the honourable members of the general convention of royal boroughs of Scotland, by their most obedient humble servants, the publishers. The calculations by Mr. Din
  • 1511
    Book Info
    The traverse of an indictment at Hereford, before Mr. Baron Perryn, on Saturday, July the 31st, 1790, between Mr. Samuel Homfray, of Merthir Tidvil, in the County of Glamorgan, Iron Master; and Mr. Richard Griffiths, of Cardiff, in the County of Glamorgan, Surgeon. Taken in short hand, by William Blanchard, Short-Hand Writer, Clifford's-Inn, London
    Homfray, Samuel
  • 1512
    Book Info
    The treasure of the French and English languages: ... By Lewis Chambaud.
    Chambaud, Lewis
  • 1513
    Book Info
    The trial of George Rose, Esq. Joint Secretary to the Treasury, Clerk of the Parliament, Master of the Plea Office, and Member for the Borough of Christ Church. For employing Mr. Smith, a publican in Westminster, upon a late Westminster election, and not paying him; on which he was, on Thursday the 21st of July, 1791, cast in the Court of King's Bench, by a special jury, In the Sum of One Hundred
    Rose, George
  • 1514
    Book Info
    The trial of George Rose, Esq. Secretary to the Treasury, &c. for employing Mr. Smith, a publican in Westminster, upon a late Westminster election, and not paying him; ... Taken in short hand, by a barrister. ...
    Rose, George
  • 1515
    Book Info
    The trial of Georgina Ann Fawkener, wife of Everard Fawkener, Esq. of Saint James's Street, for adultery with the Right Honourable John Lord Townshend, late member of Parliament for Westminster. Tried in the Bishop of London's Court, Doctor's Commons
    Fawkener, Everard
  • 1516
    Book Info
    The trial of Lord Dungarvan, at the Old Bailey, on Monday the 17th of January 1790, before Mr. Baron Thompson. Taken accurately in short hand by a gentleman of the Middle Temple. Counsel for the prosecution, Mr. Knowles and Mr. Const. For his Lordship, Mr. Shepherd, Mr. Garrow, and Mr. Cullen
    Cork, Edmund Boyle
  • 1517
    Book Info
    The trial of William Burder, for the murder of William Harrington, at Spittlegate, near Grantham, on the 12th. of January, 1791, before the Honourable Sir Nash Grose, at Lincoln, on Wednesday the 9th. of March following. Taken by a short-hand Writer
    Burder, William
  • 1518
    Book Info
    The trial of William Lewin, alias William Henry Clarke, Alias William Brown, Alias William Hutchinson, Alias William Maule, alias William Hope, Before the Honourable Edward Bearcroft, his Majesty's Chief Justice of Chester, and Francis Burton, Esq; his Majesty's Other Justice of and for the Said County. on Monday the 18th of April, 1791, for robbing the boy who carried the mail between Warrington
    Lewin, William
  • 1519
    Book Info
    The trials at large of the capital and other convicts, onthe King's commission of the peace, oyer and terminer, and gaol delivery for the city of London; and also the gaol delivery for the county of Middlesex, Held at Justice Hall in the Old Bailey, On Wednesday, the 7th of December, 1791, and the following Days; Being the First Session in the mayoralty of the Right Honourable John Hopkins, Lord M
    Great Britain
  • 1520
    Book Info
    The trials of the Birmingham rioters, at the court-house, Warwick; before the Hon. Sir Richard Perryn, Knt. One of the Barons of his Majesty's court of exchequer: on Tuesday the 23d of August, 1791, and the following day. Taken in short hand