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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 1,601 - 1,620건 출력
  • 1601
    Book Info
    A treatise on the management of female breasts during childbed; and several new observations on cancerous diseases. With prescriptions. To which are added remarks on pretenders to the cure of the cancer. By William Rowley, M.D. Member of the University of Oxford, the Royal College of Physicians in London, &c.
    Rowley, William
  • 1602
    Book Info
    A treatise on the prevention of diseases incidental to horses, from bad management in regard to stables, food, water, air, and exercise. To which are subjoined observations on some of the surgical and medical branches of farriery. By J. Clark, Farrier to his Majesty for Scotland, Honorary and Corresponding Member of the Society of Agriculture, &c. at Odiam in Hampshire
    Clark, James
  • 1603
    Book Info
    A treatise on the solar creation and universal deluge of the earth; by which is illustrated many of the most curious points in natural philosophy. By a native of Manchester
    Lowe, John
  • 1604
    Book Info
    A treatise on the teeth: wherein an accurate idea of their structure is given, the cause of their decay pointed out, and their various diseases enumerated. To which is added, the most effectual method of treating the disorders of the teeth and gums, Established by a long and successful Practice. By the Chevalier Ruspini, Surgeon-Dentist
    Ruspini, Bartholomew
  • 1605
    Book Info
    A treatise on the theory and practice of midwifery, to which is now added, a set of anatomical plates, exhibiting the various cases that occur in practice, accurately engraved, with explanations. By W. Smellie, M.D. in three parts. part I
    Smellie, William
  • 1606
    Book Info
    A treatise on theatres. By George Saunders
    Saunders, George
  • 1607
    Book Info
    A treatise on watering meadows: wherein are shewn some of the many advantages arising from that mode of practice, Particularly ON Coarse, Boggy, or Barren Lands; And The Method of performing the Work. Also remarks on a late pamphlet upon that subject. With six copper-plates
    Boswell, George
  • 1608
    Book Info
    A tribute of honour to the great and good men in France; particularly the Marquis de la Fayette, Mr. Neckar, and the most worthy of all mayors- the Mayor of Paris; with the President of the National Assembly. By John Ryland, A.M.
    Ryland, John
  • 1609
    Book Info
    A trip to Bath, and a tour through the West; being the private history of Captain Smith; containing An account of the parents of Captain Smith-His being sent from London to a relation's in Buckinghamshire, on the account of his many love Intrigues, where he privately continued the same course, and debauched his relation's wife, servants, &c. His receiving a captain's commission and return to Londo
  • 1610
    Book Info
    A trip to Weymouth. A novel. In two volumes. ...
  • 1611
    Book Info
    A true and faithful account of the island of Veritas; together with the forms of their liturgy; and a full relation of the religious opinions of the Veritasians, AS Delivered In Several Sermons Just Published In Veritas
    Richardson, Jasper
  • 1612
    Book Info
    A true and genuine discovery of animal electricity and magnetism: calculated to detect and overthrow all counterfeit descriptions of the same: published with a view of making the science universally beneficial to all Ranks of People; and to prevent Persons from giving large Sums of Money for the Knowledge of the Art. The Manner of Treating; the Diseases most likely to be relieved thereby, and and
  • 1613
    Book Info
    A true and plain statement of facts, relative to the removal of Mr. Taylor from the Madras Council, and his supercession at the Board of Revenue: for the perusal of the Hon. Court of Directors of the East India Company
  • 1614
    Book Info
    A true copy of the last will and testament of James Leverett, Esq, Late of Witney, in the County of Oxford, Deceased
    Leverett, James
  • 1615
    Book Info
    Tabby to Pindar
  • 1616
    Book Info
    Tair o gerddi newyddion. Yn gyntaf. Cerdd neu gwynfan dau fachgen am ei tad a'i mam ag ymddiddan, ar fesur elwir William Crismond. ...
    Prichard, Hugh
  • 1617
    Book Info
    Tancred and Sigismunda. A tragedy. Written by James Thomson, Esq taken from the manager's book, at the Theatre Royal, Drury-Lane
    Thomson, James
  • 1618
    Book Info
    Taplin improved : or, a compendium of farriery. Wherein is fully explained the nature and structure of that useful creature, a horse; with the diseases and accidents he is liable to; and the methods of cure. Exemplified by ten Elegant Cuts, Each the Full figure of a Horse. Describing all the various Parts of that Noble Animal. Likewise rules for Breeding and Training of Colts: Practical Receipt...
    Experienced Farrier
  • 1619
    Book Info
    Tea, coffee and chocolate, At T. Boot's Warehouse, No. 212, in Piccadilly, the Corner of Eagle-Street; Where the Nobility, Gentry, and others, may be supplied with some fine fresh Teas, Coffee and Chocolate, on the most reasonable Terms, for Ready Money only. He further begs Leave to inform them, although the undermentioned Prices may appear considerably cheaper than the usual Charges of like Comm
    Boot, T
  • 1620
    Book Info
    Teague's ramble to London