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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 1,741 - 1,760건 출력
  • 1741
    Book Info
    To the worthy and independent freemen, of the city of Rochester.
    Allen, John Ward
  • 1742
    Book Info
    To the worthy and independent freemen, of the city of Rochester.
    Best, George
  • 1743
    Book Info
    To the worthy citizens of Rochester, gentlemen, now is the time to assert your rights and privileges, which have long laid dormant, ...
    Citizen of Rochester | an enemy to arbitrary power
  • 1744
    Book Info
    To the worthy electors of the city of Rochester, gentlemen, I should be much wanting in gratitude, if I left the city without making my warmest acknowledgements for the ... support you have given me ... as a candidate to represent you in Parliament, ...
    Bickerton, Richard
  • 1745
    Book Info
    To the worthy freemen of the city of Oxford. Gentlemen, supported and encouraged, as I have been upon my canvas, by a numerous and most respectable body of electors, ...
    Annesley, Arthur
  • 1746
    Book Info
    To the worthy freemen of the city of Rochester, gentlemen, I return you my most sincere thanks for the honor done me this day in electing me one of your representatives in the ensuing Parliament. ...
    Bickerton, Richard
  • 1747
    Book Info
    To the worthy freemen of the city of Rochester, gentlemen, you are earnestly requested not to engage your votes or interests for the ensuing general election, ...
    Etherington, C
  • 1748
    Book Info
    To the worthy freemen, of Rochester
    Bristow, Robert
  • 1749
    Book Info
    Tom Bowling
    Dibdin, Charles
  • 1750
    Book Info
    Tour of the Isle of Wight. The drawings taken and engraved by J. Hassell. ... In two volumes. ...
    Hassell, J
  • 1751
    Book Info
    Trés-humbles supplications des paroissiens de la Trinité, extraites des registres des délibérations de la paroisse de la Trinité, Isle Martinique. A nosseigneurs nosseigneurs [sic] le Général & Intendant des Isles du vent de l'Amérique
    Trinit{acute}e (Martinique)
  • 1752
    Book Info
    Tracts, philological, critical, and miscellaneous. By the late Rev. John Jortin, ... In two volumes. ...
    Jortin, John
  • 1753
    Book Info
    Traethiadau o waith yr enwog Mr. John Bunyan: yn cynnwys, I. Cadwedigaeth trwy Ras: neu, Draethawd am Ras Duw. Yn dangos, 1. Beth yw bod yn gadwedig. 2. Beth yw bod yn gadwedig trwy Ras. 3. Pwy ydynt hwy a gedwir trwy Ras. 4. Pa fodd yr ymddengys mai trwy Ras y maent yn gadwedig. 5. Beth allai fod y Rheswm i Dduw ddewis cadw Pechaduriaid trwy Ras, yn hytrach na thrwy un modd arall. II. Y Porth Cyf
    Bunyan, John
  • 1754
    Book Info
    Tragywyddol orphwysfa 'r saint. Neu draethaw ar ddedwydd gyflwr y saint yn eu mwynhad o Dduw yn y nefoedd. A sgrifennwyd gan Y Parchedig, Dysgedig, A Duwiol Mr. Richard Baxter. A Gymreigiwyd gan Thomas Jones, Curad Creaton, YN Sir Northampton
    Baxter, Richard
  • 1755
    Book Info
    Traité sur la prononciation angloise, par M. Sheridam [sic]; suivi des principes les plus clairs, ... avec la manière d'en rendre les idiômes et de traduire les gallicismes, d'après les meilleurs auteurs françois et anglos; par M. Canguoin Chaussier
    Sheridan, Thomas
  • 1756
    Book Info
    Transactions during the reign of Queen Anne; from the union, to the death of that princess. By Charles Hamilton, Esq;
    Hamilton, Charles
  • 1757
    Book Info
    Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Vol.II
    Royal Society of Edinburgh
  • 1758
    Book Info
    Transactions of the Social Union. Formed for the improvement of civil society
    Social Union
  • 1759
    Book Info
    Translation of a letter from Monsieur de Tracy, Member of the French National Assembly, to Mr. Burke, in answer to his remarks on the French Revolution
    Destutt de Tracy, Antoine Louis Claude
  • 1760
    Book Info
    Travels from the Cape of Good-Hope, into the interior parts of Africa, including many interesting anecdotes. With elegant plates, descriptive of the country and inhabitants: inscribed by permission to his grace the duke of Montagu. Translated from the French of Monsieur Vaillant. In two volumes. ...
    Le Vaillant, Fran{cedil}cois