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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 1,781 - 1,800건 출력
  • 1781
    Book Info
    Try again: a farce. In two acts. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, in the Hay-Market
    Holcroft, Thomas
  • 1782
    Book Info
    Twelve designs of chimney pieces, composed of the ornaments manufactured by Jee and Eginton, Birmingham. = Douze desseins, de chiminees, Composés avec les ornements de la manufacture des sieurs Jee et Eginton a Birmingham
    Jee | Eginton (Birmingham, England)
  • 1783
    Book Info
    Twenty discourses on the following important subjects, viz. I. The woman of Samaria. ... XX. The beatific vision; or, beholding Jesus crucified. By John Cennick. Vol. II
    Cennick, John
  • 1784
    Book Info
    Twenty-Eight miscellaneous sermons. By A. Macdonald, late Minister of the English Church at Glasgow
    Macdonald, Andrew
  • 1785
    Book Info
    Twickenham. Twickenham is an exceedingly pleasant village in the hundred of Isleworth, in the county of Middlesex, between ten and eleven miles from London, on the north bank of the Thames. Norden saith, 'it is called Twickenham, either for that, at this place, the Thames is divided into two rivers, by reason of the island there; or else, of the two brooks, which near the town enter into the Thame
    Barrow, Joseph Charles
  • 1786
    Book Info
    Two actions for criminal conversation, with the whole of the evidence; both tried before the Right Hon. Lord Kenyon, In the court of King's-Bench, Westminster-Hall, On Wednesday, June 26, 1790: the first between Henry Cecil, Esq. Member of Parliament, and Presumptive Heir to the Earl of Exeter, plaintiff, and the rev. William Sneyd, defendant, for cohabiting with Mrs. Cecil, In which the Jury gave
    Sneyd, William
  • 1787
    Book Info
    Two letters on the Test Act, Signed Hamden. Printed in the Gazetteer of Jan. 20th, and March 1st. The first occasioned by the University of Cambridge thanking the minister for his opposition to the repeal of the Test Act last year
  • 1788
    Book Info
    Two letters to Dr. William Hunter, ... on the dangerous tendency of medical vanity; occasioned by the death of a noble lady. ...
    Rowley, William
  • 1789
    Book Info
    Two sermons, for the festivals and fasts of the Church of England. By Joseph Holden Pott, M. A. Prebendary of Lincoln, and Archdeacon of St. Albans
    Pott, Joseph Holden
  • 1790
    Book Info
    Two speeches, delivered in the House of Commons, on Tuesday the 2d of March, 1790, by the Right Honourable Charles James Fox, in support of his motion for a repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts
    Fox, Charles James
  • 1791
    Book Info
    Tyranny annihilated: or, the triumph of freedom over despotism. Containing a particular account of the rise, progress, and various incidents which produced the ... revolution in the government of France. ... With an ample ... description of ... the Bastille. ...
  • 1792
    Book Info
    Tyranny displayed, a poem. By a friend to humanity
    Friend to humanity
  • 1793
    Book Info
    Tyrocinium geographicum Londinense; or, the London geography: consisting of Dr. Free's short lectures, compiled for the use of his younger pupils. Published Chiefly for the Information of genteel Young Citizens. Dedicated, by Permission, To the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen; And the Author honoured for the Work with the Freedom of the City. To which is added, by the editor,
    Free, John
  • 1794
    Book Info
    A thanksgiving appointed to be said for the recovery of our most gracious sovereign King George III
  • 1795
    Book Info
    A third letter from Major Scott to Mr. Fox, on the story of Deby Sing; two letters relative to the expences attending the trial of Warren Hastings, Esquire; and a letter to Mr. Burke
  • 1796
    Book Info
    A topographical survey of the counties of Somerset, Gloucester, Worcester, Stafford, Chester, and Lancaster. Containing a new-engraved map of each county, with a complete Description of the Great, Direct, and Cross Roads; the Situation, Bearing, and Distances of the Seats of the Nobility and Gentry upon or near such Roads, together with elegant Engravings of their arms, arranged on a new Plan, by
    Tunnicliff, William
  • 1797
    Book Info
    A tour through Sweden, Swedish-Lapland, Finland and Denmark: In a series of letters, illustrated with engravings. By Matthew Consett, Esq.
    Consett, Matthew
  • 1798
    Book Info
    A tour through part of France, containing a description of Paris, Cherbourg, and Ermenonville; with a rhapsody, composed at the tomb of Rousseau. In a series of letters
    Monckton, G
  • 1799
    Book Info
    A tour to Cheltenham Spa; or, Gloucestershire display'd. Containing on account of Cheltenham, in its improved state; its Mineral Water, Public Walks, Amusements, Environs, &c. The Natural History of the County and City of Gloucester, and the Towns of Cirencester, Tetbury, Tewkesbury, Fairford, &c. A correct itinerary from Cheltenham. And an Account of the Posts from Gloucester and Cheltenham, agre
    Moreau, Simeon
  • 1800
    Book Info
    A tour to the west of England, in 1788. By the Rev. S. Shaw, M. A. Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge
    Shaw, Stebbing