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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 1,881 - 1,900건 출력
  • 1881
    Book Info
    To the writer of a paper, signed, A framework-knitter
  • 1882
    Book Info
    Tracts ethical, theological and political: by Thomas Cooper, Esq. Vol.1
    Cooper, Thomas
  • 1883
    Book Info
    Tracts in controversy with Dr. Priestley upon the historical question of the belief of the first ages in our Lord's divinity. Originally published in the years, 1783,1784, and 1786. Now revised and augmented with A Large Addition of Notes, and Supplemental Disquisitions, by the Author, Samuel, Lord Bishop of St. David's
    Horsley, Samuel
  • 1884
    Book Info
    Tracts, by Warburton, and a Warburtonian; not admitted into the collections of their respective works
    Warburton, William
  • 1885
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    Traduction des éclogues de Pope, et de son ode sur la musique, en vers francois et latins; Et de quelques pieces fugitives du meme auteur traduites en vers francois. Dediee a son altesse serenissime Madame la Duchesse D'Orleans. Par M. de R. de B.
    Pope, Alexander
  • 1886
    Book Info
    Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Held at Philadelphia, for Promoting Useful Knowledge. Volume I
    American Philosophical Society
  • 1887
    Book Info
    Travels in Sicily and Malta: translated from the French of M. De Non, gentlemen in ordinary to the king of France, and member of the Royal academy of painting and sculpture
    Denon, Vivant
  • 1888
    Book Info
    Travels in Spain: containing a new, accurate, and comprehensive view of the present state of that country. By the Chevalier de Bourgoanne. To which are added, copious extracts from the essays on Spain of M. Peyron. In three volumes. Translated from the French. Illustrated with four copper-plates. ...
    Bourgoing, Jean-Fran{cedil}cois
  • 1889
    Book Info
    Travels in Switzerland. In a series of letters to William Melmoth, Esq. from William Coxe, ... In three volumes. ...
    Coxe, William
  • 1890
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    Travels through Italy, in a series of letters; written in the year 1785, by the Abbé Dupaty. Translated from the French by an English gentleman.
    Dupaty, Charles-Marguerite-Jean-Baptiste Mercier
  • 1891
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    Travels through the interior parts of America: in a series of letters
    Anburey, Thomas
  • 1892
    Book Info
    Trial for adultery, in Westminster Hall, on Wednesday, December 9, 1789, before Lord Kenyon, John Parslow, Esq. plaintiff, and Francis William Sykes, Esq. defendant, for criminal conversation with the plaintiff's wife. Taken in short hand, ...
    Parslow, John
  • 1893
    Book Info
    Trial for adultery, in Westminster Hall, on Wednesday, December 9, 1789, before Lord Kenyon, John Parslow, Esq. plaintiff, and Francis William Sykes, Esq. defendant, for criminal conversation with the plaintiff's wife. Taken in short hand, And Revised BY A Student Of Eminence
    Parslow, John
  • 1894
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    Truth vindicated; in a letter to a friend. By R. M'Gregor. Recommended by George Townsend
    MacGregor, Robert
  • 1895
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    Twelve sermons, preached on particular occasions, by the Rev. Edward Barry, A. M. & M. D. Chaplain to the Right Reverend Lord Bishop of Kildare
    Barry, Edward
  • 1896
    Book Info
    Twenty-six letters, upon interesting subjects, respecting the revolution of America. Written in Holland in the year M,DCC,LXXX. By His Excellency John Adams, while he was sole minister plenipotentiary from the United States of America, for negociating a peace, and a treaty of commerce, with Great Britain. Never before published
    Adams, John
  • 1897
    Book Info
    Two discourses. I. On wisdom attainable by meditation of the vanity of human life ... II. Men more influenced by example than precept; ... Preached ... March 8, 1789, by the Reverend Samuel Hopkinson, ...
    Hopkinson, Samuel
  • 1898
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    Two essays. I. On suicide. II. On the mortality of the soul. By David Hume, Esq. Now first printed
    Hume, David
  • 1899
    Book Info
    Two reports (one presented the 16th of October, the other on the 12th of November, 1788) from the committee of the Honourable House of Assembly of Jamaica, appointed to examine into, and report to the House, the Allegations and Charges contained in the several Petitions which have been presented to the British House of Commons, on the Subject of the slave-trade, and the Treatment of the Negroes, &
  • 1900
    Book Info
    Two treatises by Henry Ainsworth. The first, Of the communion of saints. The second, entitled, An arrow against idolatry, etc. To this edition is prefixed, Some account of the life and writings of the author
    Ainsworth, Henry