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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 1,573건 중 401 - 420건 출력
  • 401
    Book Info
    Vimonda: A tragedy, by A. M'donald; Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Hay-Market
  • 402
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    Vindici? Preistleian?: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by A Letter to Dr. Priestley from a Person calling himself an Undergraduate, but publicly and uncontradictedly ascribed to Dr. Horne, Dean of Canterbury, and President of Magdalen College, Oxford. By Theophilus Lindsey, A.M. Formerly Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge
  • 403
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    Votes of the House of Commons, in the fifth session of the fourth Parliament of Ireland, in the reign of his present Majesty. Appointed to meet at Dublin the 17th of January, 1788, In the Twenty-Eighth Year of our Sovereign Lord, George the Third, By the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Annoque Domini, 1788
  • 404
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    Vox stellarum: or, a loyal almanack for the year of human redemption, MDCCLXXXVIII. ... By Francis Moore, ...
  • 405
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    Voyage sur les côtes de L'Arabie heureuse, sur la mer Rouge et en Egypte; Contenant le récit d'un combat des Anglois avec M. de Suffrein, et leur expédition contre le Cap de Bonne-Espérance en 1781; par M. Henri Rooke, Ecuyer, Major D'Infanterie; traduit de l'anglois, d'apres la seconde édition
  • 406
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    Voyages intéressans dans différentes colonies françaises, espagnoles, anglaises, &c; Contenant des Observations importantes relatives a ces contrees; & un Memoire sur les Maladies les plus communes a Saint-Domingue, leurs remedes, & le moyen de s'en preserver moralement & phisiquement: Avec des anecdotes singulières, qui ... jamais ... publiees. Le tout rédigé & mis au jour, d'après un grand nombr
  • 407
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    Vulcan's rebuke. Submissively addressed to the worshipful Peter Pindar, Esq; by his affectionate cousin, Paul Juvenal, gent. To which is added, a short, (but very pathetic) prayer to the divine reviewers, with an original vision
  • 408
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    A very plain state of the case, or the Royalty Theatre versus the Theatres Royal. Respectfully inscribed To the Right Honourable The Earl of Salisbury, Lord Chamberlain of England
  • 409
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    A view of society and manners in Italy: ... By John Moore, M.D. In two volumes. ...
  • 410
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    A view of the English interests in India; and an account of the military operations in the southern parts of the peninsula, during the campaigns of 1782, 1783, and 1784. In two letters; Addressed to the Right Honourable the Earl of *********, and to Lord Macartney and the Select Committee of Fort St. George. By William Fullarton of Fullarton, M. P. F.R.SS. of London and Edinburgh, and late Command
  • 411
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    A view of the Lancashire dialect; by way of dialogue; between Tummus O'william's, O'margit O'Roaf's, and Meary O'Dick's, O'Tummy O'peggy's. Containing, the adventures & misfortunes of a Lancashire clown
  • 412
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    A view of the earth: being a short but comprehensive system of modern geography. Exhibiting, I. A Description of the Figure, Size, Motion, &c. of the Earth; with the Uses and Height of the Atmosphere, or Air surrounding it. II. Such Geographical Definitions, Schemes, and Descriptions, as form a necessary Introduction to this Branch of Learning. III. The Situation and Extent of the several Kingdoms
  • 413
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    A view of the policy and methods of government established in the United Provinces; particularly in Holland
  • 414
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    A view of the state of school-education in Ireland: wherein the numerous errors and defects of the present system, are fully exposed; and the necessity of adopting a new one, clearly demonstrated. With a sketch of a plan for that purpose. By Thomas Sheridan, A.M.
  • 415
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    A view of the treaty of commerce with France: signed at Versailles, September 20, 1786, by Mr. Eden
  • 416
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    A vindication of the conduct of the English forces, employed in the late war, under the command of Brigadier General Mathews, against the Nabob Tippoo Sultan
  • 417
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    A vindication of the principles and character of the Presbyterians of Ireland. Addressed to the Bishop of Cloyne, in answer to his book, entitled, The present state of Ireland. The third edition. By William Campbell, D. D. Minister of Armagh
  • 418
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    The vicar of Wakefield. A tale supposed to be written by himself
  • 419
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    The virgin unmasked; a musical entertainment, by Henry Fielding, Esq. Taken from the manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal, Drury Lane
  • 420
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    Verses by John Frederick Bryant, Late Tobacco-Pipe maker at Bristol. together with his life, written by himself
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