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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 1,573건 중 621 - 640건 출력
  • 621
    Book Info
    The voyages and adventures of Capt. William Dampier. Wherein are described the inhabitants, manners, customs, Trade, Harbours, Soil, Animals, Vegetables, &c. of the principal Countries, Islands, &c. of Asia, Africa, and America. ...
  • 622
    Book Info
    The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermixed with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprizing escape from Barbary: Likewise including the history of an Italian captive, and the Life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Full of various and amazing Turns of Fortune
  • 623
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    Valentine's Day, a musical drama, in two acts, as it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane
  • 624
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    Variety of Capitals, freezes, and corniches, and how to increase or decrease them, still retaining the same proportion as the original: likewise 12 designs for chimney pieces, drawn an inch and a half to a foot, the whole consisting of 12 plates, published according to act of parliament in the year 1776 by P. Columbani
  • 625
    Book Info
    Variety. A tale, for married people
  • 626
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    Viaggiana: or, detached remarks on the buildings, pictures, statues, inscriptions, &c. of ancient and modern Rome
  • 627
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    Villare Cantianum; or, Kent surveyed and illustrated. Being an exact description of all the parishes, boroughs, villages, and other respective manors in the county of Kent; and, The Original and Intermedial Possessors of them, down to the Author's time. Drawn out of Charters, escheat-rolls, fines, And other Public evidences; But especially out of Gentlemen's private deeds and muniments. By Thomas
  • 628
    Book Info
    A view of all religions in the world. With the several church governments from the creation to the present times: also, a Discovery of all Known Heresies in all Ages and Places. And Choice Observations and Reflections Throughout the Whole. Written in the year 1640 by Alexander Ross, Chaplain in Ordinary to King Charles the First; and now brought down to the present times by a clergyman
  • 629
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    A view of the Lancashire dialect; by way of dialogue; between Tunmus O'willioms, o'f Margit O'Roafs, an Meary O'Dicks, O'Tummy O'peggy's. Containing the adventures and misfortunes of a Lancashire clown. Embellished with seven copper plates; one of which is a strong likeness of the author Tim Bobbin
  • 630
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    A view of the controversy between Great-Britain and her colonies: including a mode of determining their present disputes, finally and effectually; and of preventing all future contentions. In a letter to the author of A full vindication of the measures of the Congress, from the columnies of their enemies. By A. W. farmer, author of Free thoughts, &c.
  • 631
    Book Info
    A view of this and the other world; with the state of saints and sinners in both, contrasted. Particularly Describing The solemn Entrance which the Soul makes into the other World at Death. In several practical discourses. By the late Reverend and Learned Mr Thomas Boston, Author of the Fourfold State, &c. &c. Never before printed. Entered in Stationer's Hall
  • 632
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    A vindication of the Apamean medal: and of the inscription Noe. Together with an illustration of another coin, struck at the same place, in honour of the Emperour Severus. By the author of the analysis of ancient mythology
  • 633
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    A vindication of the Rev. Mr. Wesley's last minutes: occasioned by a circular, printed letter, inviting such principal persons, both clergy and laity, as well of the Dissenters as of the established Church, who disapprove of those minutes, to oppose them in a body, as a dreadful Heresy: and designed To remove Prejudice, check Rashness, defend the Character of an eminent Minister of Christ, prevent
  • 634
    Book Info
    A vindication of the freedom of pastoral advice: or, A Review of the indispensible Obligations which the Ministers of the Gospel are under, plainly to declare the Truth to their Hearers. A sermon preached in the parish-church of Nantwich, on Sunday, September 10th, 1775. By John Smith, A. B. Rector of the said Parish
  • 635
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    A vindication of the worship of the Son and the Holy Ghost against the exceptions of Mr. Theophilus Lindsey from scripture and antiquity, being a supplement to a treatise formerly published and entitled A vindication of the doctrine of the Trinity. By Thomas Randolph, D. D. President of C. C. C. and Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity in the University of Oxford
  • 636
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    A voyage to the Island of Mauritius, (or, Isle of France) the Isle of Bourbon, the Cape of Good-Hope, &c. With Observations and Reflections upon Nature and Mankind. By a French Officer. Translated from the French by John Parish
  • 637
    Book Info
    A voyage to the Island of Mauritius, (or, Isle of France) the Isle of Bourbon, the Cape of Good-Hope, &c. With observations and reflections upon nature, and mankind. By a French officer. Translated from the French by John Parish
  • 638
    Book Info
    The Vauxhall concert, part I. Being a [c]ollection of songs, sung this and the last season, at Ranelagh House, Vauxhall and Marybone Gardens, Sadler's Wells, at both the theatres, &c. ...
  • 639
    Book Info
    The very best round coals. At Walker's New Coal Repository, Bell-Wharf, near Joiners-Hall, Dowgate, Upper Thames-Street. A Real Advantage of 3 Shillings per Chaldron, is saved by the Purchasers of coals, (for Ready Money) as above With a Certainty of being faithfully Supply'd with Round Coal, of the very best quality, Measured under the Inspection of the Lord Mayor's Sworn Meters. Orders by the Pe
  • 640
    Book Info
    The views which Revelation exhibiteth of the general history of man, considered. A discourse, preached before his Grace, Charles Lord Cathcart, His Majesty's High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, June 4. 1775. By Thomas Hardy, Minister of Balingry