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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 1,909건 중 901 - 920건 출력
  • 901
    Book Info
    The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix'd with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary. Likewise including the history of an Italian captive, and the life of Don Pedro Aquilo, &c. Full of various and amazing turns of fortune.
    Chetwood, W. R
  • 902
    Book Info
    Virgilius evangelisans, sive historia domini & salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi, virgilianis verbis & versibus descripta. Operâ Alexandri Rossæi, Aberdonensis. Nunc emendata & republicata ex prima editione
    Ross, Alexander
  • 903
    Book Info
    Vox populi vox Dei. Lord Weymouth's appeal to a general court of India proprietors considered
    Dalrymple, Alexander
  • 904
    Book Info
    Vox stellarum: or, a loyal almanack for the year of human redemption, 1769. ... By Francis Moore, ...
    Moore, Francis
  • 905
    Book Info
    A very odd thing. By an upright downright very odd fellow. Humbly inscrib'd to everybody
    Upright downright very odd fellow
  • 906
    Book Info
    A view of the customs, manners, drama, &c. of Italy, as they are described in the Frusta letteraria; and in the account of Italy in English, written by Mr. Baretti; compared with the letters from Italy, written by Mr. Sharp. By Samuel Sharp, Esq;
    Sharp, Samuel
  • 907
    Book Info
    A vindication of the Bishop of Landaff's sermon from the gross misrepresentations, and abusive reflections, contained in Mr. William Livingston's letter to His Lordship: with some additional observations on certain passages in Dr. Chauncey's remarks, &c. By a lover of truth and decency. [Three lines of quotations]
    Inglis, Charles
  • 908
    Book Info
    A vindication of the proceedings against the six members of E- Hall, Oxford. By a gentleman of the University
    Browne, William
  • 909
    Book Info
    A voyage round the world, in the years MDCCXL, I, II, III, IV, by George Anson, Esq; Now Lord Anson, Commander in Chief of a Squadron of His Majesty's Ships, sent upon an Expedition to the South Seas. Compiled from his papers and materials, by Richard Walter, M. A. Chaplain of His Majesty's Ship the Centurion, in that Expedition. With charts of the southern part of South America, of Part of the Pa
    Anson, George Anson
  • 910
    Book Info
    A voyage round the world. In His Majesty's ship the Dolphin, commanded by the honourable Commodore Byron. In which is Contained, A faithful Account of the several Places, People, Plants, Animals, &c. seen on the Voyage: And, among other Particulars, A minute and exact Description of the Streights of Magellan, and Of the Gigantic People called Patagonians. Together with An accurate Account of Seven
    Officer on board the said ship
  • 911
    Book Info
    The victim. A poem. Inscribed to John Wilkes, Esq.
  • 912
    Book Info
    The visitor. By several hands. Published by William Dodd, ... In two volumes. ...
    Dodd, William
  • 913
    Book Info
    The voice of God in His promises; or, strong consolation for true Christians; being The Substance and Spirit of the Covenant of Grace. extracted from the writings of Rev. Mr. Joseph Alleine, Late Minister of the Gospel at Taunton, in Somersetshire
    Alleine, Joseph
  • 914
    Book Info
    The voice of liberty: A Liveryman's Speech to his Fellow-Citizens
  • 915
    Book Info
    Venice preserv'd: or, a plot discover'd. A tragedy. By Mr Thomas Otway
    Otway, Thomas
  • 916
    Book Info
    Verses in memory of a lady. Written at Sandgate Castle, MDCCLXVIII
  • 917
    Book Info
    Verses on the present state of Ireland. By Lady L---n
    Lucan, Margaret Bingham
  • 918
    Book Info
    Versuch ueber das Frauenzimmer; aus dem Englishen des Ritters W. uebersetzt
    J. W
  • 919
    Book Info
    Versus ex vocabulis quorum idem initium est, Constantes. Pugna porcorum. Per P. Porcium, Poetam
    Placentius, Jean-Leo
  • 920
    Book Info
    Volume XIX. of the author's works. Containing letters written by the late Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, and several of his friends. From the year 1700 to 1742. Published from the originals; collected and revised by Deane Swift, Esq. ... To which is added, some originals, never before published; and illustrated with historical and explanatory notes, by the publisher
    Swift, Jonathan