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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 1,909건 중 981 - 1,000건 출력
  • 981
    Book Info
    The virtues of sage : in lengthening human life. With rules to attain old age in health and cheerfulness. By Dr. Hill.
    Hill, John
  • 982
    Book Info
    The virtuous milk-maid's garland, containing a choice collection of new songs. I. Giving an Account how a 'squire fell in Love with a young Milk-Maid, with an Account of the 'squire and the Milk-Maid's walking in the Field together; shewing the 'squire's Rudeness, and what happen'd after. II. How the Milk-Maid left him for dead in the Fields, by a Wound she gave him with his Sword for his Lewdness
  • 983
    Book Info
    The virtuous orphan; or the life, misfortunes, and adventures, of Indiana. Written by herself. In two volumes
    Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de
  • 984
    Book Info
    The voluntary exile; or, the English poet's sermon in verse, written upon divers important subjects, before he embarked for France, and dedicated a La Coterie, or the Society of English Patriots. Part the first. With variety of notes, Religious, Historical, and Political
    Free, John
  • 985
    Book Info
    The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix'd with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary: Likewise including the history of an Italian captive and the life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Full of various and amazing Turns of Fortune
    Chetwood, W. R
  • 986
    Book Info
    Volume XII. of the author's works. Collected and revised by Deane Swift, Esq. of Goodrich in Herefordshire
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 987
    Book Info
    Votes of the House of Commons, in the third session of the Parliament of Ireland, appointed to meet at Dublin, the nineteenth day of May, 1761, and from thence Continued by several Prorogations, to the Twenty-Second Day of October, in the Fifth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third, by the Grace of God of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Annoqu
  • 988
    Book Info
    A view of human life, in a series of sermons on the following subjects : viz. The duty of parents to their children. The Mortality of Children considered and improved. The Possibility of a Young Man preserving his Virtue. The Young Man must take Heed to his Way. Personal Care without a Principle of Piety insufficient. The Word of God the Young Man's Guide. Creation, or our Obligations to God our M
    Eaton, Samuel
  • 989
    Book Info
    A view of the internal policy of Great Britain. In two parts. Part I. Of the alterations in the constitution, from the reign of Henry the seventh to the End of George the Second; representing the reciprocal Effects, which these and Commerce have had on each other. Part II. Of the various stages of political society, and the Principles upon which they move, drawn from History, and Nature. With an A
    Wallace, Robert
  • 990
    Book Info
    A view of the principal deistical writers that have appeared in England in the last and present century; with observations upon them, and some account of the answers that have been published against them. In several letters to a friend. ... The fourth edition. By John Leland, D.D.
    Leland, John
  • 991
    Book Info
    A vindication of Mr. Holwell's character, from the aspersions thrown out in an anonymous pamphlet, published March 6th, 1764, intitled, Reflections upon the present state of our East-India affairs. By his friends. ...
    Friends of Mr. Holwell
  • 992
    Book Info
    The various use of authority and experience in matters of religion. A sermon preached ... 13 June 1764. By Samuel Stennett, ...
    Stennett, Samuel
  • 993
    Book Info
    The visitor. By several hands. Published by William Dodd, M.A. Chaplain in ordinary to his Majesty. In two volumes. Vol. I.
    Dodd, William
  • 994
    Book Info
    The voice of Britain
  • 995
    Book Info
    The voyages, dangerous adventures, and imminent escapes, of Capt. Richard Falconer. Containing the laws, customs, and manners of the Indians in America; his Shipwrecks; his marrying an Indian Wife; his remarkable Escape from the Island of Dominico. &c. Intermixed with the voyages and adventures of Thomas Randal, of Cork, pilot; with his Shipwreck in the Baltick, being the only Man that escaped; hi
    Chetwood, W. R
  • 996
    Book Info
    Venice preserved; or, a plot discovered. A tragedy. Written by Mr. Thomas Otway.
    Otway, Thomas
  • 997
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    Vie de Michel de l'Hôpital, chancelier de France
    L{acute}evesque de Pouilly, Jean Simon
  • 998
    Book Info
    Voyages from Asia to America, for completing the discoveries of the north west coast of America: to which is prefixed, a summary of the voyages made by the Russians on the frozen sea, in search of a north east passage: serving as an explanation of a map of the Russian discoveries, published by the Academy of Sciences at Petersburgh
    Mueller, Gerard Fridrikh
  • 999
    Book Info
    A view of the gold coin and coinage of England, From Henry the Third To the Present Time. Consider'd with regard to type, legend, sorts, rarity, weight, fineness, value and proportion. With copper-plates
    Snelling, Thomas
  • 1000
    Book Info
    A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index added to the Work
    Spenser, Edmund