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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 1,909건 중 1,041 - 1,060건 출력
  • 1041
    Book Info
    A vindication of the Right Honourable Lord George Sackville. Humbly inscribed to his Grace the Duke of Dorset
  • 1042
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    A voyage to Senegal, the isle of Goree, and the river Gambia. By M. Adanson, ... Translated from the French. With notes by an English gentleman, who resided some time in that country
    Adanson, Michel
  • 1043
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    A voyage to the coast of Africa, in 1758. containing a succinct account of the expedition to, and the taking of the island of Goree, by a squadron commanded by the Honourable Augustus Keppel. Illustrated with copper-plates. By the Reverend Mr. John Lindsay, Chaplain of his Majesty's Ship Fougueux, in that Expedition
    Lindsay, John
  • 1044
    Book Info
    The variance between real and nominal Christians considered; and the cause of it explained. A sermon on Matthew x. 35, 36. By H. Venn, A. M. Late Fellow of Queen's-College, Cambridge
    Venn, H
  • 1045
    Book Info
    The vegetable system. Or, a series of experiments, and observations tending to explain the internal structure, and the life of plants; their Growth, and Propagation; The number, proportion, and disposition of their constituent parts; with the true course of their Juices; The formation of the embryo, the construction of the Seed, and the encrease from that State to perfection. Including a new anato
    Hill, John
  • 1046
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    The virtues of honey, in preventing many of the worst disorders; and in the certain cure of several others; particularly The Gravel, Asthmas, Coughs, Hoarseness, and a tough Morning Phlegm: with A particular Direction of the Manner of taking it for the Cure of Consumptions. To which is prefixed An Account of the Origin and Nature of Honey; its various Kinds, English and Foreign, and the Marks whic
    Hill, John
  • 1047
    Book Info
    The visitations of the almighty. A poem. Inscribed to Her Grace the Dutchess of Queensberry and Dover. Part the First
  • 1048
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    The vocal companion: or, Songster's Delight. Being a choice collection of all the celebrated new songs, sung at the public gardens and theatres. The whole calculated for the entertainment of all who are friends to harmony, love, wit, humour, mirth, and jollity
  • 1049
    Book Info
    The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix'd with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his suprising escape from Barbary: likewise including the history of an Italian captive and the Life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Full of various and amazing Turns of Fortune
    Chetwood, W. R
  • 1050
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    Ver-Vert: or, the nunnery parrot. An heroic poem in four cantos. Inscribed to the Abbess of D*****. Translated from the French of Monsieur Gresset
  • 1051
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    Verses on the death of Mr. Thomas Walsh, who died April 8, 1759, in Ireland
  • 1052
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    Victory and plenty great subjects of thanksgiving. A sermon preached in the parish-church of Bexley in Kent. On Thursday the 29th of November, 1759. Being Appointed by His Majesty for a public Thanksgiving ``for Success to His Majesty's Arms over ``his Enemies,'' and ``for an uncommonly plen-``tiful Harvest.'' By Henry Piers, M. A. Vicar of the Parish; some Time Student of Trinity-College, Dublin;
    Piers, Henry
  • 1053
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    Virtue, an ethic epistle
  • 1054
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    Vologeso. Dramma per musica, da rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S.M.B.
    Zeno, Apostolo
  • 1055
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    Votes of the House of Commons, in the seventeenth session of the present Parliament of Ireland, appointed to meet at Dublin the twenty eighth day of November, 1727; and from thence Continued, by several Prorogations, to the Sixteenth Day of October, in the Thirty-Third Year of the Reign of King George the Second, Annoque Domini, 1759
  • 1056
    Book Info
    A Vindication of an association from the charge of countenancing heresy in doctrine, and of partiality in conduct: shewing that the proposition, which only they affirmed, viz. That the work of redemption, properly and strictly so called, as to price, purchase, ransom, wa finished by the death of Christ, is neither heretical nor false; and that their conduct has been in all things just, in most thi
    Parker, Benjamin
  • 1057
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    A view of the articles of the protestant and popish faith. To which is added, an address to the laity.
  • 1058
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    A view of the manners of this Christian country (as 'tis call'd) set forth. In a sermon, preach'd on February the 17th last past, the general fast-day, in the county of Norfolk. By a Norfolk rector
    Norfolk Rector
  • 1059
    Book Info
    A view of the misrepresentations in the reply to the examiner. The argumentative part of the dispute about the resolutions of the delegacy, their expediency, usefulness, and consistency with Mr. Viner's will, shall have no share in the present paper
  • 1060
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    A vindication of commerce and the arts; proving that they are the source of the greatness, power, riches and populousness of a state. Being an examination of Mr. Bell's Dissertation upon populousness, read in the Schools, and honoured with the Lord Viscount Townshend's Prize, by the University of Cambridge. Wherein Mr. Bell's Calumnies on Trade are answered, his Arguments refuted, his System explo
    Temple, William