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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 1,573건 중 1,101 - 1,120건 출력
  • 1101
    Book Info
    Verses on the death of Doctor Swift. Written by himself: Nov. 1731
  • 1102
    Book Info
    Verses on the death of Dr. S----, D.S.P.D. Occasioned by reading a maxim in Rochefoulcault. Written by himself, November 1731
  • 1103
    Book Info
    Virtue and vice the great causes of the publick happiness and misery of nations. A sermon preached at the assizes held at Northampton, August 1, 1739 ... By Thomas Holme, ...
  • 1104
    Book Info
    Vitulus aureus: the golden calf. Or, a supplement to Apuleius's Golden ass. An enquiry physico-critico-patheologico-moral into the nature and efficacy of gold: The prodigious Changes it causes in the Minds of Men; so as sometimes to make a Fool become a Man of Parts, and a Man of Parts a Fool. With the wonders of the psychoptic looking-glass, lately invented by the author, Joakim Philander, M.A.
  • 1105
    Book Info
    A view of reason and passion, as in their original and present state. A sermon preached before the ... Lord-Mayor, aldermen, and sheriffs of the City of London, ... on ... December 21, 1735. By John Tottie, ...
  • 1106
    Book Info
    A vindication of a certain reverend gentleman, the supposed author of a late scurrilous pamphlet, entitled, A full and true account of the proceedings relating to some treasonable papers found publish'd in Leicester, on the first day of February last past, &c. To which i added, ... a compleat answer to the said pamphlet, ...
  • 1107
    Book Info
    A vindication of the author of The divine legation of Moses, &c. from the aspersions of the country clergyman's letter in the Weekly miscellany of February 24, 1737. By William Warburton, A.M.
  • 1108
    Book Info
    A vindication of the synod of Lothian and Tweddale. In a letter from a gentleman at Edinburgh to his friend in the country
  • 1109
    Book Info
    A vision of heaven. Which is introduc'd with essays upon happiness, a description of the Court, the characters of the quality: Politicks, Manners, Satyr, Wit, Humour, Pastoral, Sublimity, Extasy, Love, Fire, Fancy and Taste Universal. written by Mr. Samuel Johnson
  • 1110
    Book Info
    A voyage up the Thames
  • 1111
    Book Info
    The vocal miscellany. A collection of above four hundred celebrated songs; many of which were never before printed. With The Names of the Tunes prefixed to each Song
  • 1112
    Book Info
    The vocal miscellany. A collection of above four hundred celebrated songs; many of which were never before printed. With The Names of the Tunes prefixed to each Song. ...
  • 1113
    Book Info
    The vocal miscellany. A collection of above four hundred celebrated songs; many of which were never before printed. With the names of the tunes prefixed to each song. Volume the second and last
  • 1114
    Book Info
    Verses on the death of Her late Most Excellent Majesty Queen Caroline, of blessed memory; who departed this life, Novemb. 20. MDCCXXXVII
  • 1115
    Book Info
    Volume VI. of the Author's works. Containing The Publick Spirit of the Whigs; and other Pieces of Political Writings, &c. With polite conversation, &c.
  • 1116
    Book Info
    Volume VI: of the author's works. Containing The publick spirit of the whigs, and other pieces of political writings; with Polite conversation, &c.
  • 1117
    Book Info
    A view of popery, taken from the creed of Pope Pius the Iv: containing an answer to the most material things in the profession of Catholic faith, &c. now in use for the reception of Converts into the Church of Rome. By Joseph Burroughs
  • 1118
    Book Info
    A vindication of a book, intituled, A brief account of many of the prosecutions of the people call'd Quakers, &c. lately presented to the Members of both Houses of Parliament; shewing the fallacy and injustice of the calculations and remarks in a late book call'd An examination, &c; The Evasions and Disingenuity of the Clergy of the Diocese of London in their Answers and Reflections; And the Falsh
  • 1119
    Book Info
    A vindication of the managers of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, From the Aspersions cast upon their Conduct in a late Pamphlet
  • 1120
    Book Info
    A voyage to Guinea, Brasil, and the West-Indies; in His Majesty's Ships the Swallow and Weymouth. Giving a Genuine Account of the several Islands and Settlements of Madeira, the Canaries, Cape de Vard. Sierraleon, Sesthos, Cape Apollonia, Cabo Corso, and others on the Guinea Shore; Likewise Barbardoes, Jamaica, &c. in the West-Indies. Describing the Colour, Diet, Languages Habits, Manners, Customs