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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 1,573건 중 1,121 - 1,140건 출력
  • 1121
    Book Info
    The vision of the two brothers, Ebenezer and Ralph. To which is subjoin'd a French Prophecy, by Mr. Desmarets, Kinsman to the famous Nostradamus, found among the Duke of Orleans's Mss. and translated into English
  • 1122
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    The vision. A poem on the death of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Caroline. By Stephen Duck:
  • 1123
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    The voice of the Tinclarian Doctor's last trumpet, sounding for the downfall of Babylon, and his last arrow shot at her. It is also the voice of the poors lamentation, in Edinburgh, for want of meat. The voice and sound of the tlumpet [sic] shall be heard from earth to heaven. He hath an ear to hear it, let him hear it, because the like of it was never heard. Written in the 67 year of his age, 173
  • 1124
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    Verses upon the much-lamented death of her Sacred Majesty Queen Caroline. Humbly inscrib'd to her Royal Highness the princess Amelia
  • 1125
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    A view of reason and passion, as in their original and present state. A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable The Lord-Mayor, Aldermen, and Sheriffs of the city of London, at the Cathedral-Church of St. Paul, on Sunday, December 21, 1735. By John Tottie, M. A. Fellow of Worcester-College in Oxford
  • 1126
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    A view of the city of Glasgow: or, an account of its origin, rise and progress, with a more particular description thereof than has hitherto been known. Containing The Foundation of the Episcopal See, with the Succession of the Bishops and Archbishops from the Year 1122, till the late happy Revolution; the Erection of the Town into a Royal Burgh, with the subsequent Grants from the Crown thereto;
  • 1127
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    A vindication of a pamphlet lately published, intituled The tryal of the spirits. Together with some observations relating to the West-India trade, and the Encouragement of our Sugar Colonies abroad, and our useful Manufactures at home. Humbly Inscribed to the Right Honourable Arthur Onslow, Esq; Speaker of the Honourable House of Commons. By Adam Holden, of Greéwich
  • 1128
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    A vindication of the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Winchester, against the malicious aspersions of those who uncharitably ascribe the book, intitled, A plain account of the nature and end of the sacrament of the Lord's-Supper to his lordship
  • 1129
    Book Info
    A vindication of the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Winchester, against the malicious aspersions of those who uncharitably ascribe the book, intituled, A plain account of the nature and end of the sacrament of the Lord's-Supper, to his Lordship. By the author of the Proposal for the revival of Christianity
  • 1130
    Book Info
    A vindication of the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Winchester, against the malicious aspersions of those who uncharitably ascribe the book, intituled, A plain account of the nature and end of the sacrament of the Lord's-Supper, to his Lordship. By the author of the Proposal for the revival of Christianity. Dublin Printed,
  • 1131
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    A vindication of the Test-Act; or the right of Protestant dissenters to be admitted into all civil offices; fully and impartially consider'd. By a Member of the House of Commons
  • 1132
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    A vindication of the history of the Septuagint from the misrepresentations of the learned Scaliger, Dupin, Dr. Hody, Dr. Prideaux, and other modern criticks
  • 1133
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    The veneration of saints and images, as taught and practis'd in the Church of Rome, examined. A sermon preached at Salters-Hall, February 20, 1734-5. By O. Hughes, D.D.
  • 1134
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    The voyages, travels and adventures, of William Owen Gwin Vaughan, Esq; With the history of his brother Jonathan Vaughan, six years a slave in Tunis. Intermix'd with the histories of Clerimont, Maria, Eleanora, and others. Full of Various Turns of Fortune. ...
  • 1135
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    Vanella's progress. In eight scenes
  • 1136
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    Vanella. A tragedy
  • 1137
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    Venus and Adonis: a masque. And Myrtillo: a pastoral interlude. Performed at the Theatre Royal. Written by Colley Cibber, Esq; Set to musick by Dr. Pepusch
  • 1138
    Book Info
    Venus and Adonis: a masque. And Myrtillo: a pastoral interlude. Performed at the Theatre-Royal. Written by Colley Cibber, Esq; Set to musick by Dr. Pepusch
  • 1139
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    Verses to the memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Frankland
  • 1140
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    A Vindication of the reverend Commission of the Synod: in answer to some observations on their proceedings against the Reverend Mr. Hemphill. [Eleven lines of Scripture texts]