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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 1,573건 중 1,141 - 1,160건 출력
  • 1141
    Book Info
    A view of popery, taken from the creed of Pope Pius the Iv: containing an answer to the most material things in the profession of the Catholic faith, &c. now in use for the reception of converts into the church of Rome. By Joseph Burroughs
  • 1142
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    A view of the town: in an epistle to a friend in the country. A satire
  • 1143
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    A vindication of pious Christians, from the scandalous aspersions cast upon them by one who calls himself a clergy-man in the country: in a pamphlet, entitutled, The case of Dr. Rundle's promotion to the see of Glocester impartially consider'd, &c. Containing A proper Vindication of the Conduct of the L- C-, and also of the Rt. Rd. B-s who opposed Dr. Rundle's Promotion. By a layman
  • 1144
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    A vindication of the plain nature and end of the Holy Sacrament, from some late remarks and misreprentations. By Thomas Phillips, A. M. Vicar of Thorp, in Surrey
  • 1145
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    A voyage to Abyssinia. By Father Jerome Lobo, a Portuguese Jesuit. Containing, A Narrative of the Dangers he underwent in his first Attempt to pass from the Indies into Abyssinia; with a Description of the Coasts of the Red-Sea. An Account of the History, Laws, Customs, Religion, Habits, and Buildings of the Abyssins; with the Rivers, Air, Soil, Birds, Beasts, Fruits and other natural Productions
  • 1146
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    A voyage to Barbary, for the redemption of captives performed (in 1720). Now first Englished from the French original. With lists of more than 400 Slaves ransomed (by the Royal Bounty of their late and present Majesties) from Mequeniz
  • 1147
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    A voyage to Guinea, Brasil, and the West-Indies; in His Majesty's Ships, the Swallow and Weymouth. Describing the several Islands and Settlements, Viz-Madeira, the Canaries, Cape de Verd, Sierraleon, Sesthos, Cape Apollonia, Cabo Corso, and others on the Guinea Coast; Barbadoes, Jamaica, &c. in the West-Indies. The Colour, Diet, Languages, Habits, Manners, Customs, and Religions of the respective
    Atkins, John
  • 1148
    Book Info
    The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix'd with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English Lady with whom he made his surprizing Escape from Barbary: The History of an Italian Captive; and the Life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Full of various and amazing Turns of Fortune. To which is added, the voyage, shipwreck, and miraculous preservation of Richard Cas
  • 1149
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    Venice preserv'd: or, a plot discover'd. A tragedy. As it was acted at the Duke's Theatre. Written by Thomas Otway
  • 1150
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    Voyage to Algiers and Tunis, for the redemption of captives; performed (in 1720) by the Mathurin-Trinitarian Fathers, Fran. Comelin, Philemon de la Motte, and Jos. Bernard. Now first Englished from the French original. With lists of more than 400 Slaves ransomed (by the Royal Bounty of their late and present Majesties) from Miquenez: Also very exact Draughts of that Place, Alcasar, Oran, and its N
  • 1151
    Book Info
    A vindication of liberty of conscience; of the toleration of Protestant Dissenters; and of the present happy establishment : in remarks on Dr. Middleton's sermon preached before the Lord-Mayor and Aldermen Of London, at St. Paul's, on May the 29th, 1730
  • 1152
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    A vindication of providence: or, a true estimate of human life. In which the passions are consider'd in a new light. Preach'd in St. George's Church near Hanover-Square, soon after the late King's death. The fourth edition corrected. By E. Young, LL. D. Fellow of All Souls College in Oxford
  • 1153
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    A vindication of the Protestant Dissenters, from the aspersions cast upon them, in a late pamphlet, intitled, The Presbyterians plea of merit, in order to take off the test, impartially examined. To which are added, some remarks upon a paper, called, The Correspondent. Containing: A pretended Narrative of the Attempts the Dissenters in Ireland, have made for procuring the Repeal of the Test
  • 1154
    Book Info
    A vindication of the Reverend D-- B--y, from the scandalous imputation of being author of a late book, intitled, Alciphron, or the minute philosopher. To which is subjoined, the predictions of the late Earl of Shaftsbury concerning that book. Together with an appendix an an advertisement
  • 1155
    Book Info
    A vindication of the conduct of the ministry, in the Scheme of the Excise on wine and tobacco, proposed Last Sessions of Parliament: with A General Examination of the reasons which determined the said Ministry to it; the Consequences and Events it would have had. Also The motives which engaged the Ministry to lay it Aside; with the Objections of those Political Writers who oppose the Government: A
  • 1156
    Book Info
    A vindication of the governors of the Free-Grammar-School of Queen Elizabeth, of the parishioners of the parish of St. Olave in Southwark in the county of Surry. Occasioned by the publication of a pamphlet, intituled, An account of the receipts and disbursements of the warden, &c. From Christmas 1732, to Christmas 1733
  • 1157
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    A vindication of the royal family of the Stuarts, from the aspersions cast on them by Monsieur Rapin, Mr. Oldmixon, and others. In which the life Of the Glorious and Ever-Memorable Martyr, King Charles the First, Will in a more particular Manner be consider'd
  • 1158
    Book Info
    A vocabulary English and Latin, containing the most usual words of the Latin tongue, digested into such a natural Order, as will at once help the Memory, and inform the Judgment. Together with the language of the school translated into Latin: Collected (for the most Part) from the Classic Authors, and proposed as the best Method, to prevent Boys speaking bad Latin, and the easiest Way to teach the
  • 1159
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    Verses presented to His Highness the Prince of Orange. On his visiting Oxford
  • 1160
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    Vocal parts of an entertainment, called Apollo and Daphne: or, the burgo-master trick'd. As perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden