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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 1,573건 중 1,161 - 1,180건 출력
  • 1161
    Book Info
    A very long, curious and extraordinary sermon, preached on Wednesday, March 14, 1732, at a noted chapel in Westminster, from these words of St. Luke, C.ii. V.1. And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out, that all the world should be taxed. With some practical observations and uses suited to the present times. By Robert Vyner, D.D. and rector of the said chapel. N.B. This pamphlet co
  • 1162
    Book Info
    A very long, curious and extraordinary sermon, preached on Wednesday, March 14, 1732, at a noted chapel in Westminster, from these words of St. Luke, C.ii. V.1. And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out, that all the world should be taxed. With some practical observations and uses suited to the present times. By Robert Vyner, D.D., and rector of the said chapel
  • 1163
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    A view of the real power of the Pope, and of the power of the priesthood over the laity. With an account how they use it. By T. H. Esq;
  • 1164
    Book Info
    A vindication of Eustace Budgell, Esq; from some aspersions thrown upon him in a late pamphlet, entitled A copy of the will of Dr. Matthew Tindal, with an account of what pass'd concerning the same, between Mrs. Lucy Price, Eustace Budgell, Esq; and Mr. Nicholas Tindal
  • 1165
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    A vindication of the Bishop of London's third pastoral letter. In answer to a late pamphlet, entitled, A dissertation or inquiry concerning the canonical authority of the Gospel according to St. Matthew, &c.
  • 1166
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    The vintner and tobacconist's advocate, being remarks upon, and a full answer to those scandalous papers published in the Daily Courant under the title of The occasional financer, and under the names of Carus and Meanwell
  • 1167
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    Verses address'd to the imitator of the first satire of the second book of Horace. By a lady
  • 1168
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    Verses inscrib'd to the Right Honourable Col. Boyle; on his being chosen speaker to the House of Commons of Ireland
  • 1169
    Book Info
    Vita B. Augusti Hermanni Franckii, S.S. theologiae in Academia Fridericiana nuper professoris eximii; nec non V.D.M apud Glaucham, &c. prope Hallam Magdeburgicam: cui adjecta est, Narratio rerum memorabilium in ecclesiis evangelicis per Germaniam &c. Revisa, et, cura Samuelis Mather, A.M. et ecclesiae secundae apud Bostonum Nov-Anglorum praepositi, cum dedicatione ejus, edita
  • 1170
    Book Info
    A vindication of Robert Barclay's Apology for the principles of the People call'd Quakers against the attempts of William Notcut, in a late pamphlet, entituled, An impartial review of Robert Barclay's pretended Apology. In a letter to a friend at Ipswich. By H. B.
  • 1171
    Book Info
    A vindication of the Gospel of St. Matthew, against a late tract entitled, A dissertation or inquiry concerning the canonical authority of the Gospel according to Matthew. By Leonard Twells, Vicar of St. Mary's in Marlborough
  • 1172
    Book Info
    A vindication of the Quakers: or, an answer to the Bp. of L-'s charge against them, and the late defence of that charge. To which is added, A more full and perfect Account of the Quakers and their Doctrines, occasioned by Dr. Henry More's Opinion of them
  • 1173
    Book Info
    A vindication of the doctrine of baptism, as held by the people call'd Quakers; in answer to Philip Bedingfield's pamphlets, especially that, called, a letter to a Quaker in Norfolk: Wherein, His Arguments for Water-Baptism are Enervated: His Mistaken Notions concerning the Baptism of the Spirit, Detected: And his Exposition of sundry Texts of Scripture, Refuted: Proving, That the Baptism with the
  • 1174
    Book Info
    A voyage to Arabia Folix Through the Eastern Ocean and the Streights of the Red-Sea, being the first made by the French in the years 1708, 1709 and 1710. Together with A Particular Account of a Journey from Mocha to Muab, or Mowahib, the Court of the King of Yaman, in their Second Expedition, in the Years 1711, 1712, and 1713. Also a narrative concerning the tree and fruit of coffee. Collected fro
  • 1175
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    Vanelia: Or, the Amours Of the Great
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  • 1176
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    Vanella in the straw. A poem, inscrib'd to a certain lady in St. James's-Street, lately deliver'd of a fine boy
  • 1177
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    Verres and his scribblers; a satire in three cantos. To which is added an examen of the piece, and a key to the characters and obscure passages
  • 1178
    Book Info
    Verses occasioned by seeing the palace, park, school, and town of Dalkeith, Anno MDCCXXXII. Humbly inscrib'd to His Grace the Duke of Buccleugh
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 1179
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    Volpone: or, the fox. A comedy, first acted in the year 1605. By the King's Majesty's servants. With the allowance of the Master of Revels. The author B. J.
  • 1180
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    Voyages en anglois et en françois d'A. de La Motraye, en diverses provinces et places de la Prusse ducale etrRoyale, de la Russie, de la Pologne &c. ...