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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 1,573건 중 1,221 - 1,240건 출력
  • 1221
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    A view of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy. By Dr. Pemberton
  • 1222
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    A vindication of providence: or, a true estimate of human life. In which the passions are consider'd in a new light. Preach'd in St. George's church near Hanover-Square, soon after the late King's Death. By E. Young, LL. D. Fellow of All Souls College in Oxford. Discourse 1
  • 1223
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    A vindication of providence: or, a true estimate of human life. In which the passions are consider'd in a new light. Preach'd in St. George's church near Hanover-Square, soon after the late King's death. The third edition corrected. By E. Young, LL. D. Fellow of All Souls College in Oxford
  • 1224
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    A vindication of the Christian religion. In two parts. I. A Discourse of the Nature and Use of Miracles. II. An Answer to a late Book entitled, A Discourse of the Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion. By Samuel Chandler
  • 1225
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    A vindication of the Church of England, and of the lawful ministry thereof: that is to say, of the succession, Election, Confirmation and consecration of bishops; as also Of the Ordination of Priests and Deacons, In Five Books. Wherein the Church of England is defended against the Calumnies and Reproaches of Bellarmine, Saunders, Bristow, Harding, Allen, Stapleton, Parsons, Kellison, Eudaemon, Bec
  • 1226
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    A vindication of the Defence of Christianity from the prophecies of the Old Testament. In answer to The scheme of literal prophecy considered. By the Right Reverend Father in God Edward, Ld. Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. In Two Volumes. With a letter from the Reverend Mr. Masson, concerning the Religion of Macrobius and his Testimony touching the Slaughter of the Infants at Bethlebem, with a P
  • 1227
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    A vindication of the antiquity and authority of Daniel's prophecies, and their application to Jesus Christ: In Answer to the Objections of the Author of the Scheme of Literal Prophecy consider'd. By Samuel Chandler
  • 1228
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    A vindication of the civil establishment of religion: wherein some positions of Mr. Chandler, the author of Literal scheme, &c. and an anonymous letter on that Subject are occasionally consider'd. With an appendix containing a letter from the Reverend Dr. Marshal, and an answer to the same. By J. Rogers, D. D. Canon of Wells, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty
  • 1229
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    A voyage round the world. Being an account of a remarkable enterprize, begun in the year 1719, chiefly to cruise on the Spaniards in the great south ocean. Relating the True historical Facts of that whole Affair: Testifyd by many imployd therein; and confirmd by Authorities from the Owners. By William Betagh, Captain of Marines in that Expedition
  • 1230
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    The velvet coffee-woman: or, the life, gallantries and amours of the late famous Mrs. Anne Rochford. Particularly, I. The history of her going by that name. II.The adventures of her noted Irish-Lover Mac Dermot. III. An Account of that unparalelled Impostor Count Brandenburgh. IV. A funeral oration to her memory, and all Ladies of Industry, as well among the Grecians and Romans, as those of our ow
  • 1231
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    The villas of the ancients illustrated. By Robert Castell
  • 1232
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    The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix'd with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English Lady with whom he made his surprizing Escape from Barbary; The History of an Italian Captive; and the Life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Full of various and amazing Turns of Fortune. To which is added, The voyage, shipwreck, and miraculous preservation of Richard Cas
  • 1233
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    Votum Dris Gualteri Pope latinè redditum
  • 1234
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    Vows made unto God in trouble to be religiously paid unto him. A sermon preach'd on a special occasion: but seasonable for all that have made solemn vows to God in any day of trouble. By John Webb, M.A. pastor of a church in Boston
  • 1235
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    A view of a book, entitled, Reliquiæ Baxterianæ. In a letter to a friend
  • 1236
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    A view of the ancient and present state of the churches of Door, Home-Lacy, and Hempsted; endow'd by the Right Honourable John, Lord Viscount Scudamore. With some memoirs of that ancient family; and an Appendix of records and letters relating to the same subject. By Matthew Gibson, M.A. Rector of Door
  • 1237
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    A vindication of David's Psalms, from Mr. J. Watts's erroneous notions and hard speeches of them
  • 1238
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    A voyage to Cacklogallinia : With a Description of the Religion, Policy, Customs and Manners, of that Country. By Captain Samuel Brunt
  • 1239
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    The victim. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Written by Mr. Johnson
  • 1240
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    Variety: a poem, in two cantos. Humbly offer'd to the god of change To which is annex'd, an answer to an Ovid's epistle. By Lovisa