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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 1,573건 중 1,241 - 1,260건 출력
  • 1241
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    Venus la populaire, ou apologie des maisons de joye. Traduite de l'anglois
  • 1242
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    Verses in honour of Their present Majesties. By T. Scott
  • 1243
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    Verses to the Right Honourable the Earl of Scarborough. Upon the death of the late glorious King, and his present Majesty's most happy accession. By Moses Browne
  • 1244
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    Virtue betray'd; or, Anna Bullen: a tragedy acted at his Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre. By John Banks, Author of The Earl of Essex, or the Unhappy Favourite
  • 1245
    Book Info
    A vindication of God's moral character, as to the cause and origin of evil, both natural and moral. Wherein the case of liberty and necessity is considered, with regard to human actions. In a letter to a friend. By Tho. Chubb
  • 1246
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    A vindication of a sermon preach'd before the Honourable House of Commons of Ireland. On Saturday the 23rd of October, 1725. In which the Question concerning toleration, particularly of popery under certain Conditions and Limitations is farther consider'd, and the Mistakes and Weak Reasonings about it are laid open. In answer to the Revd. Mr. Radcliffe's letter. By Edward Synge, M. A. Prebendary o
  • 1247
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    A vindication of the worship of the Lord Jesus Christ as the Supreme God, In all the Dispensations, Patriarchal, Mosaick and Christian. Demonstrating, That Christ was so known and worship'd in all Ages, from Adam to this Day. By G. de Gols, Rector of St. Peters at Sandwich
  • 1248
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    A volume of posthumous discourses of the late Reverend and learned Dr. George Hickes, Dean of Worcester. Left in the hands of, and now published, by N. Spinckes, M.A.
  • 1249
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    A voyage round the world by the way of the great South Sea, perform'd in the years 1719, 20, 21, 22, in the Speedwell of London, of 24, Guns and 100 Men, (under His Majesty's Commission to cruize on the Spaniards in the late War with the Spanish Crown) till she was cast away on the Island of Juan Fernandes, in May 1720; and afterwards continu'd in the Racevery, the Jesus Maria and Sacra Familia, &
  • 1250
    Book Info
    A voyage to Arabia the happy, by the way of the Eastern ocean, and the streights of the Red-Sea: perform'd by the French for the first time, A.D. 1708, 1709, 1710. Together With a particular Relation of a Journey from the Port of Moka to the Court of the King of Yemen, in the second Expedition, A. D. 1711, 1712, 1713. Also, an account of the coffee-tree, and its Fruit. Collected from the Observati
  • 1251
    Book Info
    The value of church and college leases consider'd: and the advantage of the lessees made very apparent
  • 1252
    Book Info
    The viper shaken off without hurt into the fire: being a short answer to a pamphlet lately published, intituled, Marrow chicaning display'd, &c. In a letter to the Reverend Mr. A. A-----n minister of the gospel at ---------
  • 1253
    Book Info
    The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix'd with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady with whom he made his surprizing escape from Barbary; the history of an Italian captive; and the life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Full of various and amazing Turns of Fortune. To which is added, the voyage, shipwreck, and miraculous preservation, of Richard Ca
  • 1254
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    Verses occasioned by the judgment passed on John Ward of Hackney, In Westminster-Hall, and in both Houses of Parliament
  • 1255
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    Verses on the King; occasion'd by his late danger and distress, at sea
  • 1256
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    Vida's Art of poetry, translated into English verse, by the Reverend Mr. Christopher Pitt, A. M. Late Fellow of New-College in Oxford, Rector of Pimpern in Dorsetshire, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable Philip, Earl Stanhope, &c
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  • 1257
    Book Info
    Vivitur ingenio: being a collection of elegant, moral, satirical, and comical thoughts, on various subjects: AS, Love and Gallantry, Poetry and Politicks, Religion and History, &c. Written originally in characters of chalk, on the boards of the Mall in St. James's Park; for the Edification of the Nobility, Quality, and Gentry. By a wild man, who stiles himself secretary to the wilderness there; an
  • 1258
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    Vocal parts of an entertainment, called Apollo and Daphne: or, the burgo-master trick'd. As perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields
  • 1259
    Book Info
    Vocal parts of an entertainment, called Apollo and Daphne: or, the burgo-master trick'd. As performed at the Theatre Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields
  • 1260
    Book Info
    A view of London and Westminster: or, The town spy. Containing I. Merry characters of the trades people, Half-Pay Officers, and the Guards at St. Margaret's in Westminster; and of the Quality, and the Secret Practices of their Servants at St. James's. II. The Customs, Manners, &c. of the Inhabitants in St. Anne's Soho, St. Martin's, and St. Giles's in the Fields: Together with a true Description o