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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 1,573건 중 1,261 - 1,280건 출력
  • 1261
    Book Info
    A view of London and Westminster: or, the town spy. Containing an account of the different customs, tempers, Manners, Policies, &c. of the people in the several most noted Parishes within the Bills of Mortality respectively. Wherein the follies and vices of the English, Welch, Scotch, French, and Irish inhabitants, (and more particularly the last) are justly exposed. By a German gentleman
  • 1262
    Book Info
    A view of London and Westminster: or, the town spy. Containing an account of the different customs, tempers, Manners, Policies, &c. of the people in the several most noted Parishes within the Bills of Mortality respectively. Wherein the follies and vices of the English, Welch, Scotch, French, and Irish inhabitants, (and more particularly the last) are justly exposed. The second edition. By a Germa
  • 1263
    Book Info
    A view of all the publick services, of the money thereto appropriated by Parliament, and of the several supplies granted, from the year 1715, to 1724, inclusive. Shewing, The Totals of each Service, -of each Supply. The Grand Totals of Services Voted, -of Money Raised, -of Money Borrowed on Funds, And the Amount of the Publick Debt, said to be incurred since His Majesty's Accession to the Throne
  • 1264
    Book Info
    A view of death: or, the soul's departure from the world. A philosophical sacred poem, with a copious body of explanatory notes, and Some additional Composures. By J. Reynolds
  • 1265
    Book Info
    A vindication of Stone-Heng restored: in which the orders and rules of architecture observed by the ancient Romans, are discussed. Together with the customs and manners of several nations of the World in matters of building of greatest antiquity. As also an Historical Narration of the most memorable Actions of the danes in England. By John Webb of Butleigh in the County of Somerset, Esq;
  • 1266
    Book Info
    A vindication of the Lord Chancellor Bacon, from the aspersion of injustice, cast upon him by Mr. Wraynham. Containing the said Mr. Wraynham's representation of his own case, and the sentence pronounced against him. Together with the learned speeches of the judges, Hubbert, Coke, and other sages in the law. Archbishop Abbot, and other reverend prelates. The Lord Chamberlain, Earl of Arundel, Sir F
  • 1267
    Book Info
    A vindication of the doctrines of the Church of England, in opposition to those of Rome. As far as The Infallibility of the Church in General, or of the Church of Rome in Particular, the Catholicism of the Roman Church, or the Supremacy of her Popes, and the Allegiance due to His Majesty are concerned: With other incident Matters. In which the objections of N.C. Papist, against Archbishop Tillotso
  • 1268
    Book Info
    A vocabulary, in six languages; viz. English, Latin, Italian, French, Spanish, and Portugues, after a new method, to Shew the Dependance of the four last upon the Latin, and their mutual Analogy to each other. With Proper Rules for their several Pronunciations; and a Dissertation upon their Origin, Change, and Mixture; besides many other Advantages, not to be met with in common Dictionaries and Vo
  • 1269
    Book Info
    The visions of John Bunyan, being his last remains. Giving an account of the glories of heaven, and the terrors of hell, and of the world to come: Recommended by Him as necessary to be had in all Families
  • 1270
    Book Info
    The voyages and travels of that renowned captain Sir Francis Drake. Into the West-Indies, and round about the world. Giving a perfect Relation of his strange Adventures, and many wonderful Discoveries; his Fight with the Spaniard, and many barbarous Nations; his taking St. Jago, St. Domingo, Carthagena, St. Augusta, and many other Places in the Golden Country of America, and other Parts of the Wor
  • 1271
    Book Info
    Vida's Art of poetry, translated into English verse, by the Reverend Mr. Christoph. Pitt, A. M. Late Fellow of New-College in Oxford, Rector of Pimpern in Dorsetshire, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable Philip, Earl Stanhope, &c.
  • 1272
    Book Info
    Virgil's husbandry, or an essay on the Georgics: being the first book. Translated into English verse. To which are added the Latin text, and Mr. Dryden's version. With notes critical, and rustick
  • 1273
    Book Info
    Virtue in it's verdure. A Christian exhibited as a green olivetree, in the House of God; with a character of the virtuous Mrs. Abigail Brown: (the amiable and memorable consort of the Honourable Samuel Brown, Esq;) who expired Feb. 18. 1724,5. [Two lines from Augustine in Latin]
  • 1274
    Book Info
    A vindication of the late Bishop Burnet from the calumnies and aspersions of a libel, entitled, A specimen of some free and impartial remarks, &c. occasioned by Dr. Burnet's History of his own times, by John Cockburn, D.D.
  • 1275
    Book Info
    A vindication of the true art of self-defence. With a proposal to the Honourable Members of Parliament for erecting a Court of Honour in Great-Britain. Recommended to all Gentlemen, but particularly to the Soldiery. To which is annexed, a short, but very useful memorial for sword-men. By Sir William Hope Baronet, late Deputy-Governour of Edinburgh Castle
  • 1276
    Book Info
    The voyages and adventures of Miles Philips, a West-Country sailor. Containing A Relation of his various Fortune both by Sea and Land; the inhuman Usage he met with from the Spaniards at Mexico, and the Salvage Indians of Canada and other barbarous Nations; and the Sufferings he and his Companions underwent by their Confinement and Sentence in the Spanish Inquisition. Together with A Natural Descr
  • 1277
    Book Info
    The voyages, dangerous adventures, and imminent escapes of Capt. Rich. Falconer. Containing, the laws, customs, and manners of the Indians in America; his Shipwrecks; his Marrying an Indian Wife; his narrow Escape from the Island of Dominico, &c. Intermix'd with the voyages and adventures of Thomas Randal, of Cork, pilot; with his Shipwreck in the Baltick, being the only Man that escap'd: His bein
  • 1278
    Book Info
    Verses upon several occasions. By J. Earle, Chaplain to His Grace the Duke of Douglas
  • 1279
    Book Info
    Vicaria Leodiensis: or, the history of the church of Leedes in Yorkshire. Containing an account of the learned men, bishops, and writers, who have been vicars of that populous parish; with the Catalogues of their Works, Printed and Manuscript. To which are added, The Lives of several Archbishops of York, and other eminent Persons, Benefactors to that Church; with many other Things interspers'd, re
  • 1280
    Book Info
    Virgil's husbandry, or an essay on the Georgics: being the second book translated into English verse. To which are added the Latin text, and Mr. Dryden's version. With notes critical, and rustick