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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 1,573건 중 1,281 - 1,300건 출력
  • 1281
    Book Info
    Vox stellarum: being a loyal almanack for the year of humane redemption 1724. ... By Francis Moore, ...
  • 1282
    Book Info
    A vindication of Elizabeth More, from the imputation of being a concubine; and her children, from the tache of bastardy: Confuting the Critical Observations of some late Writers. By Richard Hay of Drumboote, C. R. In the body of this book and the appendix subjoin'd, there are several ancient and valuable charters, which serve to illustrate the Origine and Descent of the most considerable families
  • 1283
    Book Info
    A vindication of the Holy Bible, wherein the arguments for, and objections against, the divine original, purity and integrity of the scripture, are proposed and considered. By Samuel Mather, A.M.
  • 1284
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    The vocal parts of an entertainment, called the Necromancer or Harlequin Doctor Faustus. As perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. To which is prefix'd, a short account of Doctor Faustus; and how he came to be reputed a magician
  • 1285
    Book Info
    Vertot's miscellanies; consisting of I. ... IV. ... By M. the abbot Vertot, of the Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres. V. ... By the R.F. Mabillon. VI. ... By M. Vaillant. ... Done from the original French, in the Memoirs of Literature of that Academy, printe at Paris, by John Henley, M.A.
  • 1286
    Book Info
    A view of the Dutch trade in all the states, empires, and kingdoms in the world. Shewing its first rise and amazing progress: After what Manner the Dutch manage and carry on their Commerce; their vast Dominions and Government in the Indies, and by what Means they have made themselves Masters of all the Trade of Europe. AS Also What Goods and Merchandize are proper for Maritime Traffick, whence the
  • 1287
    Book Info
    A view of the Greenland trade and whale-fishery. With the national and private advantages thereof
  • 1288
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    A view of the trade of South-Carolina, with proposals humbly offer'd for improving the same
  • 1289
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    A vindication of the Reverend Dr. Snape and Dr. Sherlock; against Mr. Meadowcourt's attempts, to calumniate and defame those gentlemen in a sermon preach'd at Oxford, Entitled, The sinful Causes, and fatal Effects of the Practice of Calumny and Defamation in Religious Controversy; Exemplify'd and Described. By a member of the antient Society of Free-Masons. With a postscript relating to Dr. Sherlo
  • 1290
    Book Info
    A vindication of the university of Cambridge. In answer to a scurrilous pamphlet, intituled, Animadversions upon the university's proceedings against the most Learned Richard Bentley, D. D. in which The Gross Falshoods, Inconsistences, and Blunders of the Author of that Pamphlet are Consider'd, and fully Exposed. By a lover of truth
  • 1291
    Book Info
    The virgin muse. Being a collection of poems from our most celebrated English poets. Designed for the use of young gentlemen and ladies. At schools. To which are added Some Copies of Verses never before Printed: With Notes, and a Large Index, explaining the difficult Places, and all the hard Words. By James Greenwood, Author of the Essay towards a Practical English Grammar, and Sur-Master of St. P
  • 1292
    Book Info
    The vvorks of the learned Isaac Barrow, D. D. Late Master of Trinity-College in Cambridge. Published by his Grace Dr. John Tillotson, Late Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. The third volume, containing forty five sermons, upon several occasions. Compleating his English works
  • 1293
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    Verses to the Lord Carteret, occasioned by the present conspiracy. By a gentleman of Cambridge
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  • 1294
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    Verses to the Right Honourable the Earl Cadogan, occasion'd by the late funeral of the Duke of Marlborough. By Thomas Newcomb, A.M. Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Richmond
  • 1295
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    Vitruvius Britannicus, or the British architect, containing the plans, elevations, and sections of the regular buildings, both publick and private, in Great Britain, with variety of new designs; in 200 large folio plates. Engraven by the best hands; and drawn either from the buildings themselves or the original designs of the architects; in II volumes ... by Colen Campbell Esqr. = Vitruvius Britan
  • 1296
    Book Info
    Vox stellarum; being a loyal almanack for the year of humane redemption 1722. ... By Francis Moore, ...
  • 1297
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    A very short and plain account of the principles and duties of the Christian religion. A sermon on Acts 16. 31. By Abr. Jeacock
  • 1298
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    A view of the advantages arising to the copartners, or Company of the Mineral Manufactures at Neath, by making and manufacturing copper, brass, lead, and iron, in their work-houses there. Presented to the new partners. By Thomas Williams, Secretary; and John Hopkins, Accomptant
  • 1299
    Book Info
    A view of the danger and folly of being publick-spirited, and sincerely loving one's country; in the deplorable case of the Londonderry and Innishkilling regiments: Being a True and Faithfull Account of their Unparalleled Service and Sufferings, at and since the revolution. To which is added, the particular case of William Hamill, gent. their agent
  • 1300
    Book Info
    A view of the state of religion in the diocese of St. David's, about the beginning of the 18th century. With some account of the causes of its decay, together with considerations of the reasonableness of augmenting the revenues of impropriate churches. By E. S. D.D.