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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 100,181 - 100,200건 출력
  • 100181
    Book Info
    Logick: or, the right use of reason in the enquiry after truth. ... By Isaac Watts, D.D.
    Watts, Isaac
  • 100182
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    Love for love. A comedy. By the late Mr. Congreve.
    Congreve, William
  • 100183
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    Love in a riddle. A pastoral. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal, by His Majesty's servants. Written by Mr. Cibber.
    Cibber, Colley
  • 100184
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    Lucius Junius Brutus, father of his country. A tragedy. By Nathanael Lee, gent.
    Lee, Nathaniel
  • 100185
    Book Info
    Luxury, Pride and Vanity, The Bane of the British Nation. Wherein is shewn The Prodigality and Profuseness of all Ranks, and Conditions. The Transposition of the City to the Court, with the Tradesmen's expensive manner of Living. The Encrease of the Wine-Trade, the Decay of the Wealth, and Industry of the People. Town and Country over-run with false Splendor. Most of our modern Equipage compar'd t
    Jones, Erasmus
  • 100186
    Book Info
    Luxury, pride and vanity, the bane of the British nation ...
    Jones, Erasmus
  • 100187
    Book Info
    Luxury, pride and vanity, the bane of the British nation Shewing The Prodigality and Profuseness of all Ranks, and Conditions. The Transposition of the City to the Court, with the Tradesmen's expensive manner of Living. The Encrease of the Wine-Trade, the Decay of the Wealth, and Industry of the People. Town and Country over-run with false Splendor. Most of our modern Equipage compar'd to the Life
    Jones, Erasmus
  • 100188
    Book Info
    Luxury, pride and vanity, the bane of the British nation. Wherein is shewn the prodigality and profuseness of all ranks, and conditions. ...
    Jones, Erasmus
  • 100189
    Book Info
    M. Tullii Ciceronis Academica. Recensuit, variorum notis suas immiscuit, et Hadr. Turnebi Petrique Fabri commentarios adjunxit Joannes Davisius ...
    Cicero, Marcus Tullius
  • 100190
    Book Info
    Magnæ Britanniæ notitia: or, the present state of Great Britain; With diverse remarks upon The Ancient State thereof. By John Chamberlayne, Esq; To which is added, A Compleat List of the Queen's Houshold; as also those of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Duke of Cumberland; their Highnesses the Princess Emelia, the Princess Carolina, the Princess Mary, and Princess Loui
    Chamberlayne, John
  • 100191
    Book Info
    Maxims, observations and reflections. Divine, moral and political. By Mr. Addison
    Addison, Joseph
  • 100192
    Book Info
    Measuring made easy : or, the description and use of Coggeshall's sliding-rule. Containing Instructions for Measuring all Manner of Timber, both by the Common Way, and the True Way: With Directions for taking the Dimensions of Trees, and the Allowance for Bark, &c. perform'd both by the Rule, and by Arithmetick; by which may be measured all Manner of Superficies; as, Board, Glass, Plaistering, ...
    Good, John
  • 100193
    Book Info
    Memoires de M. le Marquis de Feuquiere, Lieutenant General des arme'es du roi; contenans ses maximes sur la guerre; & l'application des exemples aux maximes. Revue, & corrigee sur L'Original; augmentee de plusieurs additions considerables; ensemble d'une Vie de L'Auteur donnee par M. le Comte de Feuquiere son frere, & enrichie de Plans & de Cartes
    Feuqui{grave}eres, Antoine de Pas
  • 100194
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz, containing all the great events during the minority of Lewis XIV. and administration of Cardinal Mazarin. Done out of French
    Retz, Jean Fran{cedil}cois Paul de Gondi de
  • 100195
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the ancestors of Her Royal Highness Augusta, Princess of Wales, and of Saxe-Gotha. Particularly Frederick the Wise, John the Good and the Constant, and John Frederick the Magnanimous, Protectors of the Great Luther. In a letter to a friend. By the authors of The abstract, with improvements, of The history of popery; and of the Supplement; to which the Reader is referr'd for a full and t
    Authors of The abstract, with improvements, of The history of popery
  • 100196
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the ancestors of Her Royal Highness Augusta, Princess of Wales, and of Saxe-Gotha. Particularly Frederick the Wise, John the Good, and the Constant, and John Frederick the Magnanimous, Protectors of the Great Luther. In a letter to a friend. By the authors of The abstract, with improvements, of The History of popery; and of the Supplement; to which the Reader is referr'd for a full and
    Authors of The abstract, with improvements, of The history of popery
  • 100197
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the famous Bashaw Bonneval. Containing, an account of the late war in Italy. Likewise The secret Intrigues of France, Spain, Savoy, &c. Intermix'd with a great Variety of genuine Adventures in Love and Gallantry of the principal Persons concern'd. Also Many curious Incidents relating to most Parts of Europe, Never before Printed. Translated from the original French manuscript of Count B
    Ahmet Pa{cedil}sa, Kumbarac{inodot}ba{inodot}s
  • 100198
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the life and writings of Dr. Waterland. Being a Summary View of the Trinitarian Controversy For Twenty Years, between the Doctor and a Clergyman in the Country; wherein, (in Defence of a Book, entitled, Christian Liberty asserted, &c. in Answer to some Animad-Versions upon it, and to a Defence of Dr. Waterland) is shewn the Pravity of the Doctor's Book, call'd, The Importance, &c. and t
    Jackson, John
  • 100199
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the life, travels and transactions, of the Reverend Mr. George Kelly, from his birth, to escape, from his imprisonment, out of the Tower of London, October 26, 1736
  • 100200
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the most material transactions in England, for the last hundred years, preceding the Revolution in 1688. By James Welwood, M. D. Fellow of the College of Physicians, London
    Welwood, James