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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 100,221 - 100,240건 출력
  • 100221
    Book Info
    Mr. Pope's literary correspondence. Volume the Fourth. With letters, &c. to, and from, Mr. Addison. Bishop Atterbury. Bishop Barlow. Bishop Fleetwood. Bishop Smalridge. Sir Berkeley Lucy. King Henry Viii. to Anne Boleyn
    Pope, Alexander
  • 100222
    Book Info
    My character having been aspersed by Mr. Robert Ogle, ... in an advertisement by him published in the St. James's Evening post of Saturday the 25th of September last, ...
    Wilson, Bernard
  • 100223
    Book Info
    Navigation new modell'd : or, a treatise of geometrical trigonometrical arithmetical instrumental and practical navigation. Teaching, How to keep a Reckoning, both in Latitutde and Longitude, without Tables or Instruments, by a New Method never yet published: Illustrated with Practical Examples of keeping a Journal, and correcting it by an Observation; with a new Way of Finding the Variation, a...
    Wilson, Henry
  • 100224
    Book Info
    Nero, Emperor of Rome. A tragedy, as it is acted at the theatres. By Nathanael Lee, gent.
    Lee, Nathaniel
  • 100225
    Book Info
    New and familiar phrases and dialogues in French and English: Which, For the Variety of natural and figurative Expressions to be found in them, on all Subjects in common Life, will teach the Idiom, be of great Use in Conversation, and the Understanding of all Books, as well to the English who learn French, as to the French who learn English. To which is added, a French ode, intituled, the Triumph
    Arnoux, Claude
  • 100226
    Book Info
    New experiments in husbandry, for the month of April. Containing Several Processes of Plowing various Lands. The Transcendent Uses of the late invented Hertfordshire-Dourle-Plough. The Improvements of Grain, Grasses, Manures, and Trees. The Prevention and Cure of Rotten-Sheep; also of the Red-Water Foot-Rot, &c. Keeping of Hogs, Cows, and Horses, from Diseases. The Bites of Jockeys, exposed. Of Pi
    Ellis, William
  • 100227
    Book Info
    No reason for applying for the repeal or explanation of the Corporation and Test Acts. Being a further confutation of a pamphlet lately published, called The reasonableness of applying, &c. With remarks upon The dispute better adjusted
  • 100228
    Book Info
    Nonnulli è Luciani Dialogis selecti, et in duas partes divisi; Alteram prius editam, alteram nunc additam: omnes scholiis illustrati ab Edwardo Leedes, cui in schola buriensi Græca lingua & minutissimæ ejus partis. Contigerunt esse curæ. Accessit etiam (quod ad hanc rem spectare visum est) quicquid scripserunt Grævius, Gronovius, Jensius, cum nuper tantum edito scholiasta Græco
  • 100229
    Book Info
    Notes on An answer to a late pamphlet entituled, An examination of the scheme of church power, laid down in the Codex juris ecclesiastici Anglicana, &c. In a letter to the author; by a student of the Inner-Temple
    Student of the Inner Temple
  • 100230
    Book Info
    Numerus infaustus. A short view of the unfortunate reigns of William the Second. Henry the Second. Edward the Second. ...
  • 100231
    Book Info
    Nunnery tales: written by a young nobleman, and translated from his French manuscript into English
    Young nobleman
  • 100232
    Book Info
    Observations on the report of the committee, appointed to consider of a proper place for building a mansion-house for the Lord Mayors of London. In a letter from a Common-Council-Man, to a member of that committee, containing exact calculations, of the expence in procuring a proper place to build it on, at Leaden-Hall and Stocks Market, whence it appears that the Latter, will be five Times more Ex
  • 100233
    Book Info
    Obsevations [sic] on a sermon preach'd before the Corporation of Bristol, on Sunday the sixteenth day of August, 1735, being the day before the assizes
    Bedford, Arthur
  • 100234
    Book Info
    Occasional remarks upon the Act for laying a duty upon the retalers of spirituous liquors, &c. and for licensing the retalers thereof
  • 100235
    Book Info
    Of luxury, more particularly with respect to apparel. Being the substance of two discourses, on I Tim. ii.9. By a country clergyman
    Country Clergyman
  • 100236
    Book Info
    Of staying the mind on God, and God's keeping the Peace of such a Mind. A Sermon Preach'd in Southwark on the Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Hughes. By S. Wright, D. D. Publish'd at the Request of several Friends
    Wright, S
  • 100237
    Book Info
    Of the gout; in two parts. First, a letter to Sir Hans Sloan, Bart. about the cure of the gout, by oyls externally applied. Secondly, a treatise of the cause and cure of the gout. By William Stukeley, M. D. Fellow of the College of Physicians, London, S. R. S. and Rector of All-Saints, Stamford
    Stukeley, William
  • 100238
    Book Info
    Ogilby's and Morgan's pocket-book of the roads, with their computed and measured distances, and the distinction of market and post-towns. To which are added, several roads, and above five hundred market-towns: A Table for the ready finding any Road, City, or Market-Town, and it's Distance from London: A Sheet-Map of England, fitted to bind with the Book: And an Exact Account of all the Fairs, both
    Morgan, William
  • 100239
    Book Info
    Olympia domata; or, an almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1736. ... By John Wing, ...
    Wing, John
  • 100240
    Book Info
    One hundred and sixteen sermons preached out of the first lessons at morning and evening prayer, for all Sundays in the year. By William Reading, M. A. Keeper of the Library at Sion-College. In four volumes. ...
    Reading, William