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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 100,341 - 100,360건 출력
  • 100341
    Book Info
    Several methods of reading the Holy Scriptures in private; seriously recommended to consideration and use. By Samuel Blackwell, ...
    Blackwell, Samuel
  • 100342
    Book Info
    Several voyages to Barbary. Containing an historical and geographical account of the country. ... With a journal of the late siege and surrender of Oran. To which are added. The maps of Barbary, ... by Captain Henry Boyde. ...
    La Motte, Phil{acute}emon de
  • 100343
    Book Info
    Several voyages to Barbary. Containing an historical and geographical account of the country. With the Hardships, Sufferings, and manner of Redeeming Christian Slaves. Together with a curious Description of Mequinez, Oran, and Alcazar. With a journal of the late siege and surrender of Oran. To which are added, the maps of Barbary, and the Sea-Coasts; the Prospects of Mequinez and Alcazar; an exact
    La Motte, Phil{acute}emon de
  • 100344
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    Sir Thomas Browne's Religio medici: or, the Christian religion, as professed by a physician; freed from priest-craft and the jargon of schools
    Browne, Thomas
  • 100345
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    Sixteen Irish sermons, in an easy and familiar stile, on useful and necessary subjects. In English characters; as being the more familiar to the generality of our Irish clergy. By J. G. D.D.
    Gallagher, James
  • 100346
    Book Info
    Smegmatalogia, Or the Art of Making potashes and soap, and Bleaching of linen. By which The industrious farmer is taught to Bleach and Wash his Cloath with the Produce of our Own country. By James Dunbar
    Dunbar, James
  • 100347
    Book Info
    Solomon de mundi vanitate. Poema Matthaei Prior arm. Latine redditum, per Guil. Dobson, Nov. Coll. Oxon. Soc.
    Prior, Matthew
  • 100348
    Book Info
    Some discourses, wherein the being of God, and of his watchful providence over all his creatures; as the first Principles of All Religion, whether Revealed or Natural, are asserted and maintained. To which is added, a discourse shewing the danger of infidelity and Libertinism, to the Christian Religion in particular. By Rice Adams, M. A. Rector of Donhead St. Mary, Wilts; and Prebendary of Sarum
    Adams, Rice
  • 100349
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    Some doctrines in the superlapsarian scheme impartially examined by the word of God
  • 100350
    Book Info
    Some observations on The case of the protestant dissenters, with reference to the Corporation and Test acts. As it was delivered to the Members at the Door of the House of Commons. Wherein the reasons, alledged in that case, for the Repeal or Explanation of these Acts, are recited at large
    Croft, Archer
  • 100351
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    Some observations on the present plan of peace. Occasion'd by two papers, published in the Gazetteer; intitled, An impartial review of the present state of affairs in Europe. In a letter to a gentleman in the country
  • 100352
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    Some plain reasons humbly offer'd against the bill, now depending in Parliament, to restrain the disposition of lands, by which the same become unalienable
  • 100353
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    Some proposals for the revival of Christianity
    Skelton, Philip
  • 100354
    Book Info
    Some proposals for the revival of Christianity.
    Skelton, Philip
  • 100355
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    Some reasons humbly offered for establishing a yarn-market in the city of Dublin; and a view of certain advantages that would arise to the publick from erecting such a market near the Linnen-Hall
  • 100356
    Book Info
    Some remarks on a new way of preaching, propos'd in an ordination sermon preach'd at Taunton, Octob. the 7th, 1730. And likewise On some Queries relating to the same Subject, a Way of preaching which the Author acknowledgeth was never used by Christ nor his Apostles. Together with some previous animadversions on a book, entitl'd, Some thoughts concerning the proofs of a future state from reason. B
    Ball, John
  • 100357
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    Some remarks on the tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark, Written by Mr. William Shakespeare
  • 100358
    Book Info
    Some rules for the conduct of human life, chiefly done from the Latin of J. A. Comenius: shewing the way of living I. Wisely. II. Harmoniously. III. Peaceably and quietly. IV. In business. V. In much business. VI. In the intervals of business. VII. In travel. By the Most Reverend Dr. Edward Synge, Lord Archbishop of Tuam in Ireland
    Synge, Edward
  • 100359
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    Some seasonable considerations on the state of the nation; in a letter from a Gentleman at Salisbury, to His Friend at London
    Gentleman at Salisbury
  • 100360
    Book Info
    Some thoughts concerning religion, natural and revealed, and the manner of understanding revelation: tending to shew that Christianity is, indeed very near, as old as the creation.
    Forbes, Duncan