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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 100,541 - 100,560건 출력
  • 100541
    Book Info
    The life of William Bedell, D.D. Bishop of Kilmore in Ireland. By Dr. Gilbert Burnet, ...
    Burnet, Gilbert
  • 100542
    Book Info
    The life of the late Right Honourable George Lord Carpenter
  • 100543
    Book Info
    The life, and strange surprizing adventures of Robinson Crusoe; of York, mariner: who lived eight and twenty years all alone in an uninhabited island on the coast of America, near the mouth of the great river Oroonoque; ... Written by himself. The eighth edition, adorn'd with cuts. In two volumes
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 100544
    Book Info
    The london and country brewer : Containing an Account, I. Of the Nature of the Barley-Corn, and of the proper Soils and Manures for the Improvement thereof. II. Of making good Malts. III. To know good from bad Malts. IV. Of the Use of the Pale, Amber, and Brown Malts. V. Of the Nature of several Waters, and their Use in Brewing. VI. Of Grinding Malts. VII. Of Brewing in general. VIII. Of the Lo...
    Ellis, William
  • 100545
    Book Info
    The lords protest in the last session of Parliament, on the bill for indemnifying persons who have been guilty of unlawful importing goods and merchandize into this Kingdom, upon the Terms therein mentioned, and for inforcing the Laws against such Importation for the future. To which is added, the state of the national debt, with an Estimate of the Navy Debt, as it stood December 1735
    Great Britain
  • 100546
    Book Info
    The lover his own rival. A ballad opera. As it is perform'd at the New Theatre in Goodman's-Fields. By Mr. Langford
  • 100547
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    The lying lover: or, the ladies friendship. A comedy. Written by Sir Richard Steele.
    Steele, Richard
  • 100548
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    The manual of Epictetus, the philosopher. Translated from the original Greek, by a person of quality. Publish'd by the Ingenious William Bond, Esq; deceased: by whom is added, the characters of good and bad ministers of state. With a character of Epictetus and his works, by the late Jeremy Collier, M.A.
  • 100549
    Book Info
    The memoirs and history of Prince Titi. Done from the French, by a person of quality
    Saint-Hyacinthe, Th{acute}emiseul de
  • 100550
    Book Info
    The method of fluxions and infinite series : with its application to the geometry of curve-lines. By the Inventor Sir Isaac Newton, Kt. Late President of the Royal Society. Translated from the author's Latin original not yet made publick. To which is subjoin'd, a perpetual comment upon the whole work, Consisting of Annotations, Illustrations, and Supplements, In order to make this Treatise A co...
    Newton, Isaac
  • 100551
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    The method of using the catoptric microscope and telescope. Made and sold only by Joseph Jackson, mathematical instrument-maker, in Angel-Court in the Strand, London
    Jackson, Joseph
  • 100552
    Book Info
    The military history of His serene Highness Prince Eugene of Savoy, now generalissimo of the imperial army. As also of His Grace the late Duke of Marlborough, Prince of the Roman Empire, And of His Serene Highness the Prince of Nassau-Friezland, Father to his most Serene Highness the Prince of Orange. Containing A particular Description of all the principal Transactions of the Last War, and of all
    Dumont, Jean
  • 100553
    Book Info
    The mischief and danger of repealing the Corporation and Test Acts. Plainly demonstrating, that the dissenters would desire, and endeavour, the subversion of the present establishment of the Church of England, if they had sufficient Power to effect it: and That the Repealing the Corporation and Test Acts will undeniably invest them with such Power. By the author of A vindication of the Test-Act, &
    Croft, Archer
  • 100554
    Book Info
    The miserable and distracted state of religion in England upon the downfal of church-establishment
    Grey, Richard
  • 100555
    Book Info
    The mistake. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in the Hay-Market
    Vanbrugh, John
  • 100556
    Book Info
    The modern cook : containing instructions for preparing and ordering publick entertainments for the tables of princes, Ambassadors, Noblemen, and Magistrates. As also the least Expensive Methods of providing for private Families, in a very elegant Manner. New Receipts for Dressing of Meat, Fowl, and Fish; and making Ragouts, Fricassees, and Pastry of all Sorts, in a Method, never before publish...
    La Chapelle, Vincent
  • 100557
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    The modern poet. A rapsody
  • 100558
    Book Info
    The mottoes of the Spectators, Tatlers and Guardians. Translated into English.
  • 100559
    Book Info
    The national merchant: or, Discourses on Commerce and Colonies, being an Essay for Regulating and Improving the Trade and Plantations of Great Britain, By Uniting the National and Mercatorial Interests. To which are added, Some Considerations on providing for, and employing our useless and burdensome People. In several Letters to a Friend
    Bennet, John
  • 100560
    Book Info
    The nature and design of the Lord's Supper, Deduced and Evinced from the most early Institutions of Religion, and the Main Purport of the Levitical Law: With the proper Manner of Celebrating that Eucharistical Feast. A discourse Deliver'd in the Author's Parish Church on Good Friday, 1736. By John Mawer, D. D.
    Mawer, John