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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 100,781 - 100,800건 출력
  • 100781
    Book Info
    A discourse concerning transubstantiation: in which the words of the institution of the Lord's Supper are particularly considered. Preached at Salters-Hall, February 13, 1734-5. By W. Harris, D.D.
    Harris, William
  • 100782
    Book Info
    A discourse concerning transubstantiation: in which the words of the institution of the Lord's Supper are particularly considered. Preached at Salters-Hall, February 13, 1734-5. By W. Harris, D.D.
    Harris, William
  • 100783
    Book Info
    A discourse concerning transubstantiation: in which the words of the institution of the Lord's supper are particularly considered. Preached at Salters-Hall, February 13, 1734-5. By W. Harris, D. D.
    Harris, William
  • 100784
    Book Info
    A discourse of fundamentals being the substance of two charges delivered to the Middlesex-Clergy, at the Easter-Visitations of 1734 and 1735. By Daniel Waterland, D. D. Archdeacon of Middlesex. And Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty
    Waterland, Daniel
  • 100785
    Book Info
    A discourse of voluntary servitude. Wrote in French by Stephen de la Boetie. ...
    La Bo{uml}etie, Etienne de
  • 100786
    Book Info
    A discourse upon walking with God: in a letter to a friend. Together with Some Hints upon Joseph's Blessing, Deut. 33. 13, &c. As also a brief Account how the Author was brought into Gospel-Liberty. By A.D.
    Dutton, Anne
  • 100787
    Book Info
    A dissertation concerning the origin of printing in England. Shewing, that it was first introduced and practised by our countryman William Caxton, at Westminster: And not, as is commonly believed, by a Foreign Printer at Oxford. By Conyers Middleton, D. D. Principal Librarian of the University of Cambridge
    Middleton, Conyers
  • 100788
    Book Info
    A dissertation on 2 Thess. II. 1, -----12. In which 'tis shewn that the Bishop of Rome is the man of sin. That the whole Prophesy, in that Chapter, is applicable to him and his Adherents, and to them alone. Nor can we, at this Day, describe the Apostasy of the Church of Rome, in a more concise and lively Manner, than the Apostle has done in that short and remarkable Prophesy. By the author of a Pa
    Benson, George
  • 100789
    Book Info
    A dissertation on matter and spirit: With Some Remarks on a Book, Entitled, An Enquiry into the Nature of the humane Soul. By John Jackson, Rector of Rossington in the County of York, and Master of Wigston's Hospital in Leicester
    Jackson, John
  • 100790
    Book Info
    A dissertation on the true Cythisus of the ancients : Proving that the Medicago, or Cythisus Maranthoe, (not the Bastard Sena, as asserted by a late Author) Is the Plant that was held in so great Esteem among the Romans. Also that it may be successfully made Use of for the Improvement of the most dry, barren, hilly Land, as Lucerne has been for that which is moister and nearer a Level; and in e...
    Switzer, Stephen
  • 100791
    Book Info
    A dissertation upon parties; in several letters to Caleb D'Anvers, Esq; dedicated to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole.
    Bolingbroke, Henry St John
  • 100792
    Book Info
    A dissertation upon parties; in several letters to Caleb D'Anvers, Esq; dedicated to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole.
    Bolingbroke, Henry St John
  • 100793
    Book Info
    A dissuasive from Sabbath-Breaking; Deliver'd in a sermon on April the 22d, 1733
  • 100794
    Book Info
    A famous and worthy book, anent the present time, penned by one of God's saints, who has converse in vision with him, namely, St. William Hog, ...
    Hog, William
  • 100795
    Book Info
    A famous sea-fight between Captain Ward, and the Rainbow. To the tune of, Captain Ward, &c.
  • 100796
    Book Info
    A farther defence of the Plain account of the nature and end of the sacrament of the Lord's supper. In answer To the Remarker's Second Letter to the Author of That Book
    Gough, Strickland
  • 100797
    Book Info
    A friendly proposal, to all gentlemen, farmers, gardiners Etc. for preparing seed, instead of manuring land
  • 100798
    Book Info
    A full and genuine account of the murder of Mrs. Robinson, by Elton Lewis, On Monday Night, April 21, 1735
    Philo Patriae
  • 100799
    Book Info
    A genealogical history of the noble and illustrious family of Courtenay. In three parts. The First giveth an Account, Of the Counts of Edessa, Of that Family. The Second, Of that Branch that is in France. The Third, Of that Branch that is in England. By E. Cleaveland, B. D. Sometime Fellow of Exeter-College in Oxford, and Rector of Honiton in Devon
    Cleaveland, Ezra
  • 100800
    Book Info
    A general index of all the matters contained in the seven volumes of the Philosophical transactions abridged; from the beginning to the year 1733. By Mr Lowthorp, F. R. S. Mr Jones, Mr Eames, F. R. S. and J. Martyn, F. R. S.
    Royal Society (Great Britain)