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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 100,901 - 100,920건 출력
  • 100901
    Book Info
    A short introduction to grammar generally to be used. Compiled and set forth for the bringing up all those that intend to attain to the knowledge of the Latin tongue
    Lily, William
  • 100902
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    A short memorial, and character, of that Most Noble and Illustrious Princess Mary Dutchess of Ormonde
  • 100903
    Book Info
    A short view of English grammar. In a method intirely new. Containing, I. The doctrine of the eight parts of speech, together with their Signs to know them. II. The Declension of Substantives, Regular, Irregular, Defective, and Redundant, with their Articles and Signs. III. A Table of Adjectives in the three Degrees of Comparison; and how they form Abstracts and Adverbs. IV. The Declension of Pron
    Stirling, John
  • 100904
    Book Info
    A sick-bed soliloquy to an empty purse
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 100905
    Book Info
    A solemn warning to the secure world, from the God of terrible majesty. Or, The presumptuous sinner detected, his pleas consider'd, and his doom display'd. Being an essay, in which the strong proneness of mankind to entertain a false confidence is proved; the causes & foundations of this delusion open'd and consider'd in a great variety of particulars; the folly, sinfulness and dangerous consequen
    Tennent, Gilbert
  • 100906
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    A supplement to the sermons lately preached at Salters-Hall against popery. Containing just and useful remarks on another great corruption therein omitted
    Killingworth, Grantham
  • 100907
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    A system of English ecclesiastical law. Extracted from the Codex juris ecclesiastici anglicani of the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London. For the use of young students in the universities who are designed for Holy Orders. By Richard Grey, D. D. Rector of Hinton in Northamptonshire
    Gibson, Edmund
  • 100908
    Book Info
    A table of logarithms, for numbers increasing in their natural order, from an unit to 10000. With a table of artificial sines tangents and secants, the radius 10,000,000
  • 100909
    Book Info
    A tender and compassionate call to profane swearers, and takers of the holy name of God in vain. By Joshua Middleton
    Middleton, Joshua
  • 100910
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    A third letter to the reverend the ministers of the Calvinistical Baptist Board: occasioned by their uncharitable, as well as false insinuations, concerning the author's application to the Quakers, and his Attempts of Conformity to The National Church. In which likewise are to be found, his reasons for making a tour to Paris, and his leaving The Congregation at Devonshire Square after his return.
    Rudd, Sayer
  • 100911
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    A tithing table, shewing (by way of analysis) of what things tithes are or are not due, either by common law, custom, or prescription. By W. Bohun ...
    Bohun, William
  • 100912
    Book Info
    A tour through France, Flanders, and Germany; in a letter to Robert Savil, Esq; containing, first, a description of the principal cities and Fortified Towns; viz. Dunkirk, Bruges, Gaunt, Mecklin, Cologn, Frankfort, Magdeburgh, Brandenburgh, Berlin, and Lanenburgh; with others of lesser Note. Also the Face of the Country, Rivers, &c. Adorn'd with Curious Observations throughout the whole Journey. S
    Frankz, Thomas
  • 100913
    Book Info
    A treatise concerning marriage. Wherein the unlawfulness of mixt marriages, is laid open from the Scriptures of Truth. Shewing, that it is contrary to the will of God, and the Practice of His People, in former Ages, and therefore of Dangerous Consequence, for Persons of Different Judgments, in Matters of Religious Worship, to be joyned together in marriage. Written for the Information and Benefit
    West, Moses
  • 100914
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    A treatise concerning the Lord's Supper; with three dialogues for the more full information of the weak, in the nature and use of this sacrament. By Thomas Doolittle.
    Doolittle, Thomas
  • 100915
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    A treatise of common recoveries, their nature and use. To which is added the case of Page and Hayward more fully Reported than in any other Book extant: and also a case between the late Earl of Derby and the coheirs of his elder brother. With Precedents for Amending Recoveries: And a Complete table to the Whole. By N. Pigott, Esq; late a Barrister of the Inner Temple. Non mihi Soli Laboravi, sed o
    Pigott, Nathaniel
  • 100916
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    A treatise on human reason
    Clifford, M
  • 100917
    Book Info
    A treatise on the improvement of midwifery, chiefly with regard to the operation. To which are added fifty-seven cases, selected from upwards of twenty-seven years practice. The second edition, with large additions and improvements. By Edmund Chapman, Surgeon
    Chapman, Edmund
  • 100918
    Book Info
    A treatise upon the rheumatism, as well acute as chronical: with observations upon the various causes that may produce them; and a method of cure, subjoin'd to every distinct species of that distemper. By John Cheshire, M.B.
    Cheshire, John
  • 100919
    Book Info
    A trip through the town. Containing observations on the customs and manners of the age. ... Together with sundry other curious and diverting particulars
  • 100920
    Book Info
    A trip through the town. Containing observations on the humours and manners of the age. Reflections on London in general. The Art of walking in St. James's Park. Beaus and Blockheads; together with Coffee-House Politicians, exposed. A Dissertation on the Craft of the Town-Beggars, and the monstrous Pride and Insolencies of Women-Servants. The Humours of Newgate and Tyburn on the Day of Execution.