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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 100,941 - 100,960건 출력
  • 100941
    Book Info
    Advice to protestants of ordinary capacities, How to behave themselves when They are tampered with to change their religion
  • 100942
    Book Info
    Albion and Albanius: an opera. By Mr. Dryden
    Dryden, John
  • 100943
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    All the histories and novels written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn, intire in two volumes. Published by Mr. Charles Gildon
    Behn, Aphra
  • 100944
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    All's well, that Ends Well; a comedy. By Shakespear
    Shakespeare, William
  • 100945
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    Almanzor and Almahide: or, the conquest of Granada by the Spaniards. A tragedy. By Mr. Dryden. In two parts
    Dryden, John
  • 100946
    Book Info
    Amboyna: or, the cruelties of the Dutch to the English merchants. A tragedy. By Mr. Dryden
    Dryden, John
  • 100947
    Book Info
    Amphitryon: or, the two Socia's. A comedy. By Mr. Dryden
    Dryden, John
  • 100948
    Book Info
    An abstract of the Essay of human understanding. By the late Lord Chief Baron Gilbert
    Locke, John
  • 100949
    Book Info
    An abstract of the Union-Tragedy, in the death of Caledon and Cardenia. Edinburgh, 22d July, anno 1706. Written, in part blank verse, part rhyme, and part prose. By Gabriel Nisbet
    Nisbet, Gabriel
  • 100950
    Book Info
    An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament, With References to other Parts of the Scripture, but especially to the New Testament, which are placed at length in an opposite Column. To which are added, Observations of the Bishop of Sodor and Man thereupon. Also a map of the Travels of the Children of Israel through the Red-Sea, and the Wilderness, into the Holy Land, wherein the Distanc
    Harley, Edward
  • 100951
    Book Info
    An account of the beginning and erection of the Duchy and County Palatine of Lancaster, and of the additions made thereunto: and of the honours, royalties, priviledges, and exemptions, which have been granted, and confirmed, unto John Duke of Lancaster. (called John of Gaunt) And also unto all the Officers, Tenants, and Residents therein, and throughout all the Duchy Possessions. And also of the H
  • 100952
    Book Info
    An account of the conference held in Nicholas-Lane, February 13th. 1734-5. Between Two Romish Priests, and some Protestant Divines. With some remarks On a Pamphlet, entitled, The Two Conferences, &c. truly stated. By Samuel Chandler
    Chandler, Samuel
  • 100953
    Book Info
    An account of the proceedings of the Charitable Society for relieving the Sick and Needy, at the Publick Infirmary in James-Street Westminster, from its first institution in the year 1719, to Lady-day, 1735
    Westminster Hospital
  • 100954
    Book Info
    An account of the proceedings of the governours of the hospital near Hyde-Park-Corner from their first institution, October 19, 1733, to the first of January, 1734; together with a List of the Governours and Contributors, and an Abstract of some of their By-Laws. Publish'd by Order of the General Board, Friday, February the 7th, 1734
    St George's Hospital (London, England)
  • 100955
    Book Info
    An act for stating and determining the accounts and demands depending between the Corporation of the Governor and Company of Undertakers for raising the Thames Water in York Buildings, and their creditors and debtors respectively
    Great Britain
  • 100956
    Book Info
    An address of thanks from the Society of Rakes, to the pious author of An essay upon improving and adding to the strength of Great Britain and Ireland by fornication. To which is added, an epistle to the said author, by another hand
    Ramsay, Allan
  • 100957
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    An address to conforming Arians, both among the clergy and laity
  • 100958
    Book Info
    An address to the right worshipful the batchelors of Great-Britain. Containing an examination of the several articles of impeachment, lately exhibited against them, by the ladies. Together with some reflections on the modern education of the fair sex. To which is added, pretty Miss's catechism. And A Poem on the Pleasures of a Single Life; or, the Miseries of Matrimony. By an old batchelor, Æt.72
    Nab, Ralph
  • 100959
    Book Info
    An alphabetical draught of the polls of Sir Edward Ward, Bart. Miles Branthwayt, Esq; and of Horatio Walpole, Waller Bacon, Esqs; For Members of Parliament for the city of Norwich: Taken May the 15th, 1734. And of Miles Branthwayt, Esq; and Thomas Vere, Esq; Taken February the 19th, 1734. Incorporated in one list
    Norwich (England)
  • 100960
    Book Info
    An alphabetical draught of the polls of Tho. Vere, Esq; and M. Branthwayt, Esq; for a member to serve in Parliament for the city of Norwich. Taken the 19th of Feb. 1734-5. Wherein, Every Ward and Parish is distinguish'd by itself. To which is added, an exact list of the present House of Commons of Great-Britain. And also, th present Court of aldermen and Common-Counsel of the City of Norwich
    Norwich (England)