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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 101,001 - 101,020건 출력
  • 101001
    Book Info
    An exposition of the doctrine of the Catholic Church in matters of controversie by the Right Reverend James Benigne Bossuet ... ; done into English from the fifth edition in French.
    Bossuet, Jacques B{acute}enigne
  • 101002
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    An historical account of the proceedings of the last House of Commons. Relating to the trade, rights, and liberties of their country. Extracted from their votes; with proper remarks. Addressed to the new elected members
  • 101003
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    An historical and philosophical account of the barometer, or weather-glass. Wherein the reason and use of that instrument, the theory of the atmosphere, and the causes of its different gravitation, are assign'd and explain'd. And A Modest Attempt from thence made towards a rational Account and probable Judgment of the Weather. By Edward Saul, A.M. Late Fellow of Magdalen-College, Oxford, and Recto
    Saul, Edward
  • 101004
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    An historical essay on the jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery; And Incidently of the other courts
  • 101005
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    An historical list of all horse-matches run, and of all plates and prizes run for in England (of the Value of Ten. Pounds or upwards) in 1735. Containing The Names of the Owners of the Horses that have Run as above, and the Names and Colours of the Horses also. With The Winner distinguished of every Match, Plate, Prize, or Stakes: The Conditions of Running, as to Weight, Age, Size, &c. and the Pla
    Cheny, John
  • 101006
    Book Info
    An history of Ireland, from the year 1599, to 1603. With a short narration of the state of the kingdom from the year 1169. To which is added, A description of Ireland. By Fynes Moryson, ... In two volumes. ...
    Moryson, Fynes
  • 101007
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    An humble address to the knights, citizens and burgesses, Elected to represent the Commons of Great Britain In the ensuing Parliament. By a Freeholder
    Pulteney, William
  • 101008
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    An impartial enquiry into the existence and nature of God: Being a Modest Essay towards a more Intelligible Account of the Divine Perfections. With remarks on several authors both Ancient and Modern; and particularly on some passages in Dr. Clarke's Demonstration of the being and attributes of God. In Two Books. With an appendix concerning the nature of space and duration. The third edition. With
    Colliber, Samuel
  • 101009
    Book Info
    An impartial enquiry into the transactions of the late directors of the South-Sea Company. More especially During the Time that Sir John Eyles was Sub-Governor. Shewing the Necessity of a Parliamentary Inspection. To which is added, The Secret history of the South-Sea Directors
  • 101010
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    An inquiry into the shape, the beauty, and stature of the person of Christ, and of the Virgin Mary. Offered to the consideration of the late converts to popery. By Thomas Lewis, M.A.
    Lewis, Thomas
  • 101011
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    An ode to His Grace the Duke of Richmond: occasion'd by some fine Italian paintings at Goodwood, designed to perpetuate the memory and actions of several eminent persons in the three last reigns
    Newcomb, Thomas
  • 101012
    Book Info
    An old man taught wisdom: or, the virgin unmask'd. A farce. As it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal, by His Majesty's servants. By Henry Fielding, Esq; With the musick prefix'd to each song.
    Fielding, Henry
  • 101013
    Book Info
    An old man taught wisdom; or, the virgin unmask'd. A farce. As it is perform'd by His Majesty's Company of comedians at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. With the musick prefix'd to each song
    Fielding, Henry
  • 101014
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    An universal etymological English dictionary: ... The seventh edition, with considerable improvements. By N. Bailey, ...
    Bailey, N
  • 101015
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    Ancient and modern presbytery consider'd, being a true and candid representation of the principles and practices of the Presbyterian clergy in Scotland, With Relation to their Settlement of Churches by popular Elections. To which is added, a brief answer to the most material objections in their late plea against patronages
  • 101016
    Book Info
    Andrea Palladio's Architecture, in four books containing a dissertation on the five orders & ye most necessary observations relating to all kinds of building. ... The whole containing 226 folio copper plates carefully revis'd and redelineated by Edwd. Hoppus ...
    Palladio, Andrea
  • 101017
    Book Info
    Animadversions on a late pompous book, Intituled Osteographia: or, The Anatomy of the Bones. By William Cheselden Esq; Surgeon to Her Majesty. F. R. S. Surgeon to St. Thomas's Hospital; And Member of the Royal Academy of Surgery at Paris. By John Douglas Surgeon, F. R. S.
    Douglas, John
  • 101018
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    Animadversions upon a late pamphlet, entituled, Christian liberty asserted; and the scripture doctrine of the trinity vindicated. By a clergyman in the country
    Horbery, Matthew
  • 101019
    Book Info
    Annals of the Reformation and establishment of religion, and other various occurences in the Church and State of England, from the Accession of Queen Elizabeth to the Crown, Anno 1558. to the Commencement of the Reign of King James I. Wherein Account is given of the Restoring of Religion from its Corruptions introduced under Queen Mary; of filling the Sees with Protestant Bishops; their Government
    Strype, John
  • 101020
    Book Info
    Anno regni Annæ Reginæ Magn. Britann. Franciae, & Hiberniae, duodecimo. At the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster, the Twenty fifth Day of November, Anno Dom. 1710. in the Ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Anne, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c. being the First Session of this present Parliament. And from thence contin
    Great Britain