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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 101,021 - 101,040건 출력
  • 101021
    Book Info
    Answers for John Yetts trumpeter; to the petition of James Marine and others, trumpeters
    Yetts, John
  • 101022
    Book Info
    Answers for Thomas Lutwidge merchant in Whitehaven, and John Binning his factor; to the petition of Archibald Gray and others, merchants in Glasgow
    Lutwidge, Thomas
  • 101023
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    Antient and modern Italy compared: being the first part of Liberty, a poem. By Mr. Thomson.
    Thomson, James
  • 101024
    Book Info
    Antiquity no certain guide in religion: or, the doctrine of the Eternal Generation of the Second Person in the adorable Trinity, consider'd: and the Absurdity and Inconsistency of believing an eternal, self-existent Person to be Begotten, is plainly demonstrated. By Philalethes, a strict Trinitarian
  • 101025
    Book Info
    Apollo Anglicanus: the English apollo: ... By Richard Saunder. ...
    Saunders, Richard
  • 101026
    Book Info
    Arches-Court law. Being Some late Proceedings therein, Argued and Adjudged. Containing Three remarkable Cases, viz. I. The Case of Mrs. Weld, who Libelled her Husband for Impotency. II. The Case of Mrs. Leeson and Lord Fitz-Maurice, Relating to a Marriage-Contract, these Two confirmed by the Delegates III. The famous Jew-Case, between Mr. Jacob Mendes Da Costa and Mrs. Catherine Da Costa Villa Rea
  • 101027
    Book Info
    Arithmetical institutions. Containing a compleat system of arithmetic natural, logarithmical, and algebraical in all their branches: Whereby The Learner is led after an Easy and Familiar Manner from the very first Principles of this kind of Literature to the State unto which it is brought at present: Together With many curious and useful Improvements never before made publick. By the Rev. Mr. John
    Kirkby, John
  • 101028
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    As you like it. A comedy. By Shakespear
    Shakespeare, William
  • 101029
    Book Info
    Assurance of interest in a living redeemer, the saints support both in life and in death. A sermon occasion'd by the death of Mrs. Mary Bevois, who departed this life March 25, 1735, ... By Samuel Dew
    Dew, Samuel
  • 101030
    Book Info
    At R. Montagu's book-warehouse, The General-Post-Officer, That End of Great Queen-Street, next Drury-Lane, is a Choice Collection of Books, being several libraries Lately Purchased: Consisting of History, Divinity, Antiquities, Mathematicks, Law, Astrology, Atlas's, Sculpture, Heraldry, Poetry, Plays, Novels, Manuscripts, &c. &c. in most Languages, chiefly bound in a beautiful manner, gilt, marble
    Montagu, R
  • 101031
    Book Info
    Aureng-Zebe: a tragedy. Written by Mr. Dryden
    Dryden, John
  • 101032
    Book Info
    Aureng-zebe; a tragedy. Written by Mr. Dryden.
    Dryden, John
  • 101033
    Book Info
    Authentick memoirs of the life and conduct of the Reverend Dr. Codex: from his infancy to the present time: Containing, His Birth, Parentage and Education, his being designed for the Law, but all of a sudden turning Parson, and from a Jacobite to a profess'd Whig. Doctor Codex a noted Author, his Writing a voluminous Work, his Ingratitude to his Bookseller. Taken Notice of by Archbishop - and made
    Presbyter of the Church of England
  • 101034
    Book Info
    Balak's desire frustrated; Or, Balaam would if he could. A sermon Preached on the First of August, in Turners-Hall. By William Bentley. Published at the request of those who heard it
    Bentley, William
  • 101035
    Book Info
    Bartholomew Fair. A comedy. Acted in the year 1614. By the Lady Elizabeth's servants. And then dedicated to King James, of most Blessed Memory. The author, B. J.
    Jonson, Ben
  • 101036
    Book Info
    Beauty: or the art of charming. A poem
    Dodsley, Robert
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 101037
    Book Info
    Benedictus, abbas Petroburgensis, de vita & gestis Henrici II. et Ricardi I. E Codice MS. In Bibliotheca Harleiana descripsit, Et nunc primus edidit Thomas Hearnius. Accesserunt alia. Duobus Tomis
  • 101038
    Book Info
    Bibliotheca curiosa. Or a catalogue of a select parcel of books, in Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, French and English, being the library of Mr. Edward Hunt, deceased. N. B. The Books are in Excellent Condition, many Curiously Bound, and all Gilt on the Back and Letter'd. Among which are the following in Folio. Bayle's Dictionary, 4 vol. compleat Large and small Paper. Pool's Annotations, 2 vol. G
    Payne, Olive
  • 101039
    Book Info
    Bibliotheca splendidissima: or, a catalogue of the valuable libraries of John Owen, Esq; Late Recorder of Windsor; Mr. John Ecton, Late Receiver of the Tenths of the Clergy: and that ingenious architect Capt. Edward Stanton. To which are added, A very fine collection, lately imported from Abroad, chiefly collected by the celebrated Mr. Colbert, first Minister of State to the late King of France: A
    Osborne, Thomas
  • 101040
    Book Info
    Boerhaave's aphorisms: concerning the knowledge and cure of diseases. Translated from the last edition printed in Latin at Leyden, 1728. With useful observations and explanations
    Boerhaave, Herman