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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 101,041 - 101,060건 출력
  • 101041
    Book Info
    Books in quires and bound, Sold by J. Osborn, at the Golden-Ball Pater-Noster Row
    Osborn, John
  • 101042
    Book Info
    Books printed and sold at the Bible in George-Yard, Lombard-street
    Assigns of J. Sowle
  • 101043
    Book Info
    Books printed for E. Curll, at Pope's-Head, in Rose-Street, Covent-Garden
    Curll, Edmund
  • 101044
    Book Info
    Books printed for J. Walthoe, over-against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill
    Walthoe, John
  • 101045
    Book Info
    Brief directions to a young scholar designing the ministry, for the study of divinity. By the Reverend and learned Samuel Willard, M.A. Late Pastor of the South-Church in Boston, and vice president of Harvard-College in Cambridge in New England. [Six lines of Scripture texts]
    Willard, Samuel
  • 101046
    Book Info
    Britannia: or, a chorographical description of Great-Britain and Ireland, together with the adjacent islands. Written in Latin by William Cambden, ... Now faithfully translated into English by W. O. Esq. ...
    Camden, William
  • 101047
    Book Info
    Brutus the Trojan
    Jacob, Hildebrand
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 101048
    Book Info
    Busiris, King of Egypt. A tragedy. By E. Young, LL.B.
    Young, Edward
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 101049
    Book Info
    By an act made in the ninth year of the reign of His Majesty King George the second, intitled, An act for indemnifying persons who have been guilty of offences against the laws made for securing the revenues of the customs and excise, and for enforcing those Laws for the future
    Great Britain
  • 101050
    Book Info
    C----- and country. A play of seven acts. In which will be reviv'd, the entertaining scene of the blundering brothers. To which is added, the comical humours of Punch. The whole concluding with the grand masque, call'd, The downfall of Sejanus. Written by a masquerader; an dedicated to those who were present at the last ball, on Thursday, January 16
  • 101051
    Book Info
    C----- and country. A play of seven acts. In which will be reviv'd, the entertaining scene of the blundering brothers. To which is added, the comical humours of Punch. The whole concluding with the grand masque, call'd, The downfall of Sejanus. Written by a masquerader; and Dedicated to those who were present at the last Ball, on Thursday, January 16
  • 101052
    Book Info
    C. Sallustii Crispi opera omnia, quæ extant, interpretatione et notis illustravit Daniel Crispinus, in usum serenissimi Delphini. In hac editione innumera prioris errata, diligentissimè animadversa, corriguntur.
  • 101053
    Book Info
    Calendarium astrologicum: or, an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1735. ... By Thomas Trigge, ...
    Trigge, Thomas
  • 101054
    Book Info
    Calendarium pastorale : sive {aelig}glog{aelig} duodecim, totidem anni mensibus accommodat{aelig}; anglice olim script{aelig} ab Edmundo Spenser, ... nunc autem eleganti Latino carmine donat{aelig} a Theodoro Bathurst ... Johanne Ball, editore.
    Spenser, Edmund
  • 101055
    Book Info
    Calumny and defamation displayed: or, a brief essay on a new theological question, viz. whether charity be a damning heresy? In a letter to the Reverend Mr. Du-Gard ... By Anthony Bliss, ...
    Bliss, Anthony
  • 101056
    Book Info
    Cargoes of the Grafton and Harrison from China, and Drake from Bengal: arrived on account of the United Company of Merchants of England, Trading to the East-Indies:
    East India Company
  • 101057
    Book Info
    Carmen seculare, for the year 1735. To the King, on his going to Hanover
    Parratt, William
  • 101058
    Book Info
    Carta libertatum Angliæ; sive Magna Carta regis Johannis: ex autographo Cottoniano
  • 101059
    Book Info
    Cases argued and decreed in the High Court of Chancery.
    England | Wales
  • 101060
    Book Info
    Catalogue alphabetique des livres François, Qui se trouvent & se vendent chez Paul Vaillant, Libraire, vis-a-vis Southampton-Street dans le Strand: Avec un Ample catalogue de romans
    Vaillant, Paul