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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 101,061 - 101,080건 출력
  • 101061
    Book Info
    Catalogus librorum domi forisque impressorum quibus bibliopolium suum adauxêre Gul. Innys & Ric. Manby illustrissimæ Regiæ Societatis typographi
    William Innys | Richard Manby (Booksellers)
  • 101062
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    Cato's moral distichs Englished in couplets
    Cato, Marcus Porcius
  • 101063
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    Cato. A tragedy. By Mr. Addison.
    Addison, Joseph
  • 101064
    Book Info
    Cato. A tragedy. By Mr. Addison.
    Addison, Joseph
  • 101065
    Book Info
    Charta, sive literæ patentes, a serenissimo rege Carolo primo collegio sanctæ & individuæ Trinitatis juxta Dublin, concessa. Una cum statutis ejusdem collegii
    Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland)
  • 101066
    Book Info
    Christ the light of the world; or, the principal improvements made in religion by Christianity. Represented in a sermon preached at the young men's lecture at Exon, Thursday, September 11, 1735. By Thomas Amory. Published at the Request of the Young Gentlemen, and of a great Number of Ministers present
    Amory, Thomas
  • 101067
    Book Info
    Christianity, in its nature and design, offers no Violence to the Reason or Consciences of Men. A sermon Preach'd in the Chapel at Tunbridge-Wells, on Sunday, the 31st of August, 1735. By T. Curteis, Rector of Wrotham in Kent. And now publish'd (with the Addition of what was for Brevity omitted) at the Request of many who heard it
    Curteis, Thomas
  • 101068
    Book Info
    Clavis eloquentiæ Ciceronianæ: sive rhetorica ex operibus Ciceronis excerpta, suamque ipsius artem oratoriam exhibens. In usum studiosæ juventutis
    Cicero, Marcus Tullius
  • 101069
    Book Info
    Cocker's arithmetick : being a plain and familiar method, suitable to the meanest Capacity for the full understanding of that incomparable art, as it is now taught by the ablest School-Masters in City and Country. Composed by Edward Cocker, late Practitioner in the Arts of Writing, Arithmetick, and Engraving. Being that so long since promised to the World. Perused and published. By John Hawkins...
    Cocker, Edward
  • 101070
    Book Info
    Columbarium: or, the pigeon-house. Being an introduction to a natural history of tame pigeons. Giving an Account of the several Species known in England, with the Method of breeding them, their Distempers and Cures. By John Moore
    Moore, John
  • 101071
    Book Info
    Comparative theology; or, the true and solid grounds of pure and peaceable theology. ... now translated from the printed Latin copy, with some few enlargements by the author.
    Garden, James
  • 101072
    Book Info
    Compendium historiæ universalis, ab initio mundi ad tempora Caroli Magni Imp. Conscriptum à Joanne Clerico
    Le Clerc, Jean
  • 101073
    Book Info
    Compleat tables of measuring, for the easy and ready finding the content of any piece of work. Being Exceeding Useful and Handy to all Workmen (and Others) especially the following Trades, Masons, Bricklayers, Carpenters, Joiners, Sawyers, Glaziers, Plaisterers, Painters, and Paviours, &c. The Dimensions being taken to any Extent, the Content will be readily found answerable thereto
    Woodcock, John
  • 101074
    Book Info
    Considerations on patronages. Addressed to the gentlemen of Scotland
    Hutcheson, Francis
  • 101075
    Book Info
    Considerations upon the mischiefs that may arise from granting too much indulgence to foreigners. Occasioned by the late Election of Broadstreet Ward. With Mr. Addison's Opinion of the French, and their innate Hatred to the English. And an extract of Sir John Knight's speech in Parliament against Foreigners. Address'd to the Citizens of London, As a proper Monitor for the next Elections of S- S- D
  • 101076
    Book Info
    Copy of the Honourable George Thomas, and George Lucas, Esquires, protests against the proceedings of the Council of Antigua, in reducing the secretary's fees
    Thomas, George
  • 101077
    Book Info
    Cornelii Nepotis excellentium imperatorum vit?
    Nepos, Cornelius
  • 101078
    Book Info
    Counsels of prudence for the use of young people. A discourse on the wisdom of the serpent and the innocence of the dove: In which are recommended general Rules of Prudence; with particular Directions relating to Business, Conversation, Friendship, and Usefulness. By Nathaniel Lardner. Published at the desire of some friends
    Lardner, Nathaniel
  • 101079
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    Critical remarks on Capt. Gulliver's travels. By Doctor Bantley. Published from the author's original MSS
  • 101080
    Book Info
    Critical remarks on the Epistles, as they were published from several authentic copies, by John Bebelius, at Basil, in 1531. N. B. The Common Reading stands first, To which is subjoin'd Bebelius's Text; together with such Authorities as favour it: Which Authorities, consisting of Manuscripts, Fathers, and Printed Copies, near Forty in Number, are taken from Dr. Mill, and Others
    Dawney, Benjamin