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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 101,141 - 101,160건 출력
  • 101141
    Book Info
    Human nature in its four-fold state of primitive integrity, entire deprivation, Begun Recovery, and Consummate Happiness or Misery, subsisting in the parents of mankind in paradise, the irregenerate, The Regenerate, All Mankind in the future State. In several practical discourses: by the eminently Pious and Learned Mr. Thomas Boston late Minister of the Gospel at Ettrick
    Boston, Thomas
  • 101142
    Book Info
    Impartial reflections on the minute which the author received, from the ministers of the Calvinistical Baptist board, by the hands of Mess. Gill and Brine, as an answer to his late proposal for an accommodation. In a letter to that reverend body. By Sayer Rudd, M.D.
    Rudd, Sayer
  • 101143
    Book Info
    In Parliament. Between James Knight, doctor of divinity, lessor of John Duell; and, Daniel Niccoll. On a writ of error in Parliament, on a judgment in ejectment recovered in the Court of Common-Pleas, and affirmed in the King's-Bench, before this writ of error brought in Parliament. The case of doctor Knight, the defendant in error
    Knight, James
  • 101144
    Book Info
    Infidelity without excuse; or No Natural Impossibility in Believing. A sermon preached at the visitation at Epsom May 21st. 1735. By Robert Eyre A. M. Rector of Buckland in Surrey, Late Fellow of All-Souls College in Oxford. Publish'd at the Request of the Clergy
    Eyre, Robert
  • 101145
    Book Info
    Information for George Moncrief of Reidie, Esquire; against Mr. Patrick Maxton, pretended minister at Auchtermuchty
    Moncrief, George
  • 101146
    Book Info
    Information for Mr. Patrick Maxton, minister of the parish of Auchtermuchty, against Captain George Moncrief of Reidie
    Maxton, Patrick
  • 101147
    Book Info
    Ingenious and diverting letters of a lady's travels into Spain; describing the devotions, nunneries, humour, Customs, Laws, Militia, Trade, Diet, and Recreations of that people. Intermix'd with great variety of modern adventures and surprizing accidents; being the truest and best Remarks extant on that Court and Country. The tenth edition. With the addition of a letter of the state o Spain, as it
  • 101148
    Book Info
    Instructions for collectors of excise, in prosecutions before Justices of the Peace, for forfietures incurred, or offences committed against the laws relating to the Duties of Excise, and other Duties under the Management of the Commissioners of Excise. With some Observations on several Clauses in the Excise-Acts, and to Proceedings upon Appeals, at the Quarter-Sessions, in those Cases. And some P
    Ellis, John
  • 101149
    Book Info
    Instructions given by the Commissioners of his Majesty's customs to [blank] waiter and searcher, or preventive officer, at [blank]
    Great Britain
  • 101150
    Book Info
    Issipile. Drama per musica composto da Pietro Sandoni da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro dell' Hay-Market
    Metastasio, Pietro
  • 101151
    Book Info
    Italian book-keeping : reduced into an art: being an entire new and compleat system of accompts in general. Demonstrated in a Chain of Consequences from Clear and Self-Evident Principles. To which is added, the greatest variety of merchants accounts, with an Explanation of all the Terms of Art, which have commonly been made use of. Together, with proper Reflections on the whole. By Hustcraft St...
    Stephens, Hustcraft
  • 101152
    Book Info
    Jesus Christ most precious to every true believer. And the wrong that sinners do their own souls that sin against him. Set forth in seven sermons. By William Notcutt
    Notcutt, William
  • 101153
    Book Info
    Johnny Armstrong's last good-night. Declaring how Johnny Armstrong, and his eightscore men, fought a bloody battle with the Scotch King at Edinburgh. To a pretty Northern tune
  • 101154
    Book Info
    Julius Cæsar. A tragedy. By Mr. William Shakespear.
    Shakespeare, William
  • 101155
    Book Info
    Junius Brutus, a tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. By Mr. William Duncombe
    Duncombe, William
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 101156
    Book Info
    Justini Histori? Philippic?. Cum versione anglica. Ad verbum, quantum fieri potuit, facta. = Or, the history of Justin. With an English translation, as literal as possible. By John Clarke, Author of the Essays upon Education and Study
    Justinus, Marcus Junianus
  • 101157
    Book Info
    King John and the Abbot of Canterbury. To the tune of, The King and Lord Abbot
  • 101158
    Book Info
    L'ecumoire, histoire Japonoise. Par Mr. de Crébillon le fils. ...
    Cr{acute}ebillon, Claude Prosper Jolyot de
  • 101159
    Book Info
    L'embaras des richesses. Comedie. The plague of riches. A comedy, in French and English. The English translation by Mr. Ozell
    Allainval, L{acute}eonor Jean Christine Soulas d'
  • 101160
    Book Info
    L. Annæi Flori libri IV. Cum textu (ut speratur) purissimo et selectis quibusdam variis lectionibus. Accedit Jo. Isaci Pontani oratio isagogica sive introductio ad Florum Romanamque historiam. Nec non Lucius Ampelius ex bibliotheca Cl. Salmasii
    Florus, Lucius Annaeus