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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 101,281 - 101,300건 출력
  • 101281
    Book Info
    Poems on several occasions. With some select essays in prose. In two volumes. By John Hughes, ...
    Hughes, John
  • 101282
    Book Info
    Poems on several occasions. Written by Dr. Thomas Parnell, ... and publish'd by Mr. Pope.
    Parnell, Thomas
  • 101283
    Book Info
    Poems upon several occasions. By the Reverend Mr. John Pomfret. ... The ninth edition, corrected. With some account of his life and writings. To which are added, his Remains.
    Pomfret, John
  • 101284
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    Polifemo melodrama di Paolo Rolli F.R.S. Composto da Nicolò Porpora per la nobiltà Britannica
    Rolli, Paolo
  • 101285
    Book Info
    Poor Robin. 1735. A new almanack after the new fashion not forgetting the old: ... Written by Poor Robin, ...
    Winstanley, William
  • 101286
    Book Info
    Popery a craft and popish priests the chief crafts-men, a sermon deliver'd on the fifth of November
    Bourn, Samuel
  • 101287
    Book Info
    Popery the great corruption of Christianity. A sermon preached at Salters-Hall, Jan. 9, 1734-5. By John Barker
    Barker, John
  • 101288
    Book Info
    Popery the great corruption of Christianity. A sermon preached at Salters-Hall, Jan. 9, 1734. By John Banker
    Banker, John
  • 101289
    Book Info
    Popery the great corruption of Christianity. A sermon preached at Salters-Hall, Jan. 9, 1734. By John Barker
    Barker, John
  • 101290
    Book Info
    Popery the great corruption of Christianity. A sermon preached at Salters-Hall, January 9, 1734-5. By John Barker
    Barker, John
  • 101291
    Book Info
    Popish objections against Protestants briefly answer'd, in some cursory remarks on a pamphlet; intitled, A Roman Catholick's reasons why he cannot conform to the Protestant religion. Occasion'd By some Popish Proselytes lately made in the Parish and Neighbourhood of Holy - Well. To which is added, A Letter to a Proselyte of the Church of Rome, touching the Danger of living in that Communion; first
    Jones, Griffith
  • 101292
    Book Info
    Princes instructed, and Philosophers Corrected. A learn'd and accurate discourse upon 1 Cor. ii. 6, 7, 8. Apt to please the Taste, and reform the Principles of the present Age. Deliver'd at opening the Provincial Synod of Aberdeen, by that able minister of the New Testament, the Reverend Mr. Alexander Gordon late pastor of Foveran, when moderator of that synod. With a preface by the publishers
    Gordon, Alexander
  • 101293
    Book Info
    Private thoughts upon a Christian life: or, necessary directions for its beginnings and progress upon earth, in order to its final perfection in the beatifick vision. Part II. By the Right Reverend Father in God, William Beveridge, D. D. Late Lord Bishop of St. Asaph
    Beveridge, William
  • 101294
    Book Info
    Private thoughts: in two parts complete. Part I. Upon religion, digested into twelve articles; with practical resolutions form'd thereupon. Part II. Upon a christian life; ... By ... William Beveridge, ...
    Beveridge, William
  • 101295
    Book Info
    Proposals, by Coll. William Parsons, and Tho. Tuttell, hydrographer and mathematical instrument-maker to the King's most excellent Majesty.
    Parsons, William
  • 101296
    Book Info
    Prosodia Alvariana aucta et emendata in quâ syllabarum quantitas plenè breviter et perspicuè docetur, atq; adeò ad rectam vocabulorum Pronunciationem, et versuum Scansionem, facilis via sternitur, Iterum edita Cum Interpretatione Anglicâ in tyronum gratiam concinnatâ. Accedit huc appendix de patronymicis, Possessivis et Gentilibus, Diminutivis, Denominativis et Verbalibus, quantitatem penultimae &
    Alvares, Manuel
  • 101297
    Book Info
    Pteryplegia: or, the art of shooting-flying. A poem. By. Mr. Markland, ...
    Markland, George
  • 101298
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    Purser's instructions
    Great Britain
  • 101299
    Book Info
    Q. Horatii Flacci eclogæ, una cum scholiis perpetuis, tam veteribus quam novis. Adjecit etiam, ubi visum est, & sua; textumque ipsum plurimis locis vel corruptum vel turbatum restituit Willielmus Baxter
  • 101300
    Book Info
    Qu{aelig}stiones philosophic{aelig} in justi systematis ordinem disposit{aelig} : auctoribus adductis, et singulis in proprias hypotheses dispertitis. Editio secunda, ... Oper{circ}a Tho. Johnson, ...
    Johnson, Thomas