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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 101,301 - 101,320건 출력
  • 101301
    Book Info
    Reason an insufficient guide to conduct mankind in religion. Set forth in the following particulars, viz. I. Why reason is not, and revelation is, a sufficient guide, to conduct Mankind in Religion. II. The Terms Religion, Revelation, and the Light Of Nature explained. III. That there is no such Religion as the Religion of Nature, no such Light as the Light of Nature in Religion, to be allowed by
    Place, Conyers
  • 101302
    Book Info
    Reasons by Mr. Ebenezer Erskine Minister at Stirling, Mr. William Wilson Minister at Perth, Mr. Alexander Moncrieff Minister at Abernethy, and Mr. James Fisher Minister at Kinclaven, why they have not acceded to the judicatories of the establish'd church. Published by the foresaid ministers
    Erskine, Ebenezer
  • 101303
    Book Info
    Reasons for applying to Parliament, the ensuing sessions, for the repeal of so much of the Corporation and Test-Acts, as affects the Protestant dissenters; with an address to the gentlemen of the committee.
  • 101304
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    Reasons for not replying to Mr. Walton's full answer in a letter to P.T.P. By the author of The minute philosopher:
    Berkeley, George
  • 101305
    Book Info
    Reasons humbly offer'd to the consideration of the publick; shewing how the works ... to recover and preserve the navigation of the River Dee, will destroy the navigation; and occasion the drowning of all the low lands adjacent ...
    Badeslade, Thomas
  • 101306
    Book Info
    Reasons humbly offer'd to the consideration of the publick; shewing how the works now executing by Virtue of an Act of Parliament to recover and preserve the navigation of the River Dee, will destroy the navigation; and occasion the Drowning of all the Low Lands adjacent to the said river. From observations made on the spot; and from instances of the ruinous effects like works have had at the port
    Badeslade, Thomas
  • 101307
    Book Info
    Reflections on Mohammedanism, and the conduct of Mohammed. Occasioned by a late learned translation and exposition of the Koran or Al Koran
  • 101308
    Book Info
    Reflections upon a late schedule, entituled, A short defence of genuine Christianity; and on some of the late writers of the enemies of revealed religion, in a letter to a friend. To which is annex'd a short and easy method with the Deists. Wherein The Truth of the Christian Religion is demonstrated by such Rules as stand upon the Conviction of our outward Senses, and which are incompatible with t
  • 101309
    Book Info
    Religious courtship: being historical discourses, on the necessity of marrying religious husbands and wives only. As also of husbands and wives being of the same opinions in religion with one another. With an appendix ...
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 101310
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    Remarks on Mr. Lediard's late Appeal to the publick. Proper to be annexed to his Naval-History, and that only
  • 101311
    Book Info
    Remarks on a book lately published, entituled, A plain account of the nature and end of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. In a letter to the author
    Biscoe, Richard
  • 101312
    Book Info
    Remarks on a book lately published, entituled, A plain account of the nature and end of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. In a letter to the author.
    Biscoe, Richard
  • 101313
    Book Info
    Remarks on a catechism, publish'd under the title of The Assembly's shorter catechism revised, and render'd fitter for general use. The Assembly's own catechism is likewise added, as an appendix to these Remarks
    Guyse, John
  • 101314
    Book Info
    Remarks on a late book, entitled, A plain account of the nature and end of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper: in a letter to a lord
    Biscoe, Richard
  • 101315
    Book Info
    Remarks on a treatise entituled, A plain account of the nature, end and use of the sacrament of the Lord's-Supper: in which all the texts in the New Testament which relate to it, are produc'd and explain'd, and the whole doctrine about it is drawn from them alone. By Conyers Place
    Place, Conyers
  • 101316
    Book Info
    Remarks on the laws relating to the poor. With proposals for their better relief and employment. By a Member of Parliament
    Hay, William
  • 101317
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    Remarks upon a pamphlet, intituled, Some Considerations concerning the Public Funds, &c. So far As it relates to the Application of the Sinking Fund, the Easing the Civil List of the annual Pensions, the Remission of the Two Millions, the Bank Contract, and the late Votes of Credit and Confidence. In a letter to a Member of Parliament
  • 101318
    Book Info
    Remarks upon some passages in books publish'd by Mr. Archibald Campbell S.T.P. Professor of Divinity and Ecclesiastical History in the University of St. Andrews, with his explications on them
    Church of Scotland
  • 101319
    Book Info
    Representation from the Commissioners for trade and plantations, to the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and temporal, in Parliament assembled, in pursuance of their Lordships addresses to His Majesty of the 1st and 5th of April, 1734. relating to the state of the British islands in America, with regard to their trade, their strength, and fortifications, and to what may be further necessary fo
    Great Britain
  • 101320
    Book Info
    Revelation examined with candour. Or, a fair enquiry into the sense and use of the several revelations expresly declared, or sufficiently implied, To be given to Mankind from the Creation, as they are found in the Bible. By a profess'd friend to an honest freedom of thought in religious enquiries. ... . Containing Dissertations on the following Subjects; viz. I. Of the Forbidden Fruit. II. Of the
    Delany, Patrick