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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 101,321 - 101,340건 출력
  • 101321
    Book Info
    Ridicule, so far as it affects Religion, Consider'd and Censur'd. A sermon preached before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's, on Sunday, Decemb. 8. 1734. By John Tottie, M. A. Fellow of Worcester College, Archdeacon of Worcester, and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. Publish'd at the Request of Mr. Vice-Chancellor and the Heads of Houses
    Tottie, John
  • 101322
    Book Info
    Ridicule, so far as it affects religion, consider'd and censur'd. A sermon preached before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's, on Sunday, Dec.8. 1734. By John Tottie M. A. Fellow of Worcester College in Oxford. Publish'd at the Request of Mr. Vice-Chancellor and the Heads of Houses
    Tottie, John
  • 101323
    Book Info
    Rohault's system of natural philosophy, illustrated with Dr. Samuel Clarke's notes taken mostly out of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy. Illustrated with Dr. Samuel Clarke's Notes Taken mostly out of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy. ... . Done into English by John Clarke, D. D. Dean of Sarum
    Rohault, Jacques
  • 101324
    Book Info
    Romeo and Juliet. A tragedy. By Shakespear
    Shakespeare, William
  • 101325
    Book Info
    Rule a wife, and have a wife. A comedy. As it is acted at the theatres of London and Dublin. Written by Beaumont and Fletcher.
    Beaumont, Francis
  • 101326
    Book Info
    S. Pufendorfii De officio hominis & civis juxta legem naturalem libri duo. Notis locupletavit & illustravit, indicemque rerum subjunxit Tho. Johnson, A. M. Coll. Magd. Cantab. Soc
    Pufendorf, Samuel
  • 101327
    Book Info
    Sagacious remarks on the more than sagacious and ever memorable speech of Solomon of the North, vindicating him from sundry malicious aspersions; ... By a citizen of York
    Citizen of York
  • 101328
    Book Info
    Sagacious remarks on the more than sagacious and ever memorable speech of Solomon of the North, vindicating him from sundry malicious aspersions; in a Letter to the Rd. Mr. - , Keeper of the Bodleian Library. To which is added, A Certain Northern Petition, Now first publish'd From the Bodleian Manuscript, And humbly inscrib'd to Ed T---n, Esq; By a citizen of York
    Citizen of York
  • 101329
    Book Info
    Saith o bregethau, sef.I. Ynghylch y pechod anfaddeuol yn erbyn yr Ysprd Glan: Neu'r, Pechod Farwolaeth. II. Dyledswydd ae Ymarscriad y Sainct: yn Ddwy Rann, ses, Annogaeth i Weddio a Hyssorddiad pa fodd i hynny. III. Yr Amser Cymmeradwy a Dydd yr Jechydwriaeth. IV. Diwedd Amser a Dechreuad Tragywyddoldeb. V. Ymroad Josua i wasanacthu'r Argiwydd. VI, Y Ffordd i'r Nef wedi ei hamlygu Vii. Cyflwr dy
    Russel, Robert
  • 101330
    Book Info
    Satyræ quatuor. Auctore D. G.
    Major, William
  • 101331
    Book Info
    Scripture and tradition considered: in a sermon on Ephes. ii. 20. Preached at Salters-Hall, February 6, 1734-5. With enlargements. By Samuel Wright, D.D.
    Wright, S
  • 101332
    Book Info
    Scripture and tradition considered: in a sermon on Ephes. ii. 20. preached at Salters-Hall, February 6, 1734-5. With enlargements. By Samuel Wright, D.D.
    Wright, S
  • 101333
    Book Info
    Scripture and tradition considered: in a sermon on Ephes. ii. 20. preached at Salters-Hall, February 6, 1734-5. With enlargements. By Samuel Wright, D.D.
    Wright, S
  • 101334
    Book Info
    Scripture politics: being a view of the original constitution, and subsequent revolutions, in the government religious and civil, Of that People, out of whom the Saviour of the World was to arise: As it is contained in the Bible. By Samuel Croxall, D. D. Arch-Deacon of Salop in the Diocese of Hereford
    Croxall, Samuel
  • 101335
    Book Info
    Seasonable remarks on some proceedings of the last Parliament
  • 101336
    Book Info
    Seasonable reproof, a satire, in the manner of Horace. To be continued occasionally as a poetical pillory, ...
    Miller, James
  • 101337
    Book Info
    Seasonable reproof, a satire, in the manner of Horace. To be continued occasionally as a poetical pillory, to execute Justice upon such Vices and Follies, as are either above the Reach, or without the Verge of the Laws
    Miller, James
  • 101338
    Book Info
    Sectionum conicarum libri V. Auctore Roberto Simson, In Academia Glasguensi Matheseos Professore
    Simson, Robert
  • 101339
    Book Info
    Selectiores Æsopi Phrygis fabulæ, et Luciani Samosatensis dialogi. Isocratis orationes duæ, ad Demonicum & Nicoclem. Cebetis Thebani tabula. Græce & Latine. In usum juventutis Scoticae Græcarum literarum studiosæ
  • 101340
    Book Info
    Seneca's morals by way of abstract : To which is added, a discourse under the title of An after-thought. By Sir Roger L'Estrange, Knt. The twelfth edition, carefully revised and corrected by Nathanael James, M.A.
    Seneca, Lucius Annaeus