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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 101,421 - 101,440건 출력
  • 101421
    Book Info
    The bishop of London's three pastoral letters to the people of his diocese; particularly to those of the two great cities of London and Westminster. In defence of the gospel-revelation, and by way of preservative against the late writings in favour of infidelity
    Church of England
  • 101422
    Book Info
    The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, ... together with the Psalter ...
    Church of England
  • 101423
    Book Info
    The bricklayer's miscellany. The second part. Containing poems on several subjects. Written by Robert Tatersal, of Kingston upon Thames, Bricklayer
    Tatersal, Robert
  • 101424
    Book Info
    The builder's vade-mecum: or, a complete key to the five orders of columns in architecture. Where, by Way of Dialogue in Nine Lectures, the Etymology, Characters, Proportions, Profiles, Ornaments, Measures and Dispositions of the Members of their several Columns and Entablatures are distinctly consider'd and explain'd, with respect to the Practice of Palladio. Together with the manner of drawing t
    Langley, Batty
  • 101425
    Book Info
    The candidates guide: or, the electors rights decided. Shewing the determination of the rights of elections, by the Honble the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament, in all contraverted elections for the Counties and Boroughs in South Britain, from the Year 1624 to 1730. The second edition, corrected and improved. To which is added, The like Determinations in Contraverted Elections for North Brit
    Cowley, J
  • 101426
    Book Info
    The care of the soul urged as the one thing needful. A sermon preached at Maidwell in Northamptonshire, June 22. 1735. By P. Doddridge. Published at the Request of many that heard it
    Doddridge, Philip
  • 101427
    Book Info
    The case of Abraham, commanded to offer up his son Isaac in sacrifice, fairly reasoned
    Middleton, Patrick
  • 101428
    Book Info
    The case of Anthony Henley, Esq; against John Conduit, Esq; on the election and double return for the town and county of the town of Southampton
    Henley, Anthony
  • 101429
    Book Info
    The case of Benjamin Johnson, Josias Miller, Theophilus Cibber, John Harper, Benjamin Gliffin, William Mills, William Milward and Elizabeth Butler, lessees of the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane
  • 101430
    Book Info
    The case of Bristol election. With Mr. Coster's case, as it was presented to the members some small time before there was a hearing
  • 101431
    Book Info
    The case of Charles Lee Esq; Master, and Lestrange Symes Esq; Controller of his Majesty's revels,
    Lee, Charles
  • 101432
    Book Info
    The case of Edward Lisle and Francis Seymour, Esqs; Sitting Members for the Borough of Marlborough, in the County of Wilts
    Lisle, Edward
  • 101433
    Book Info
    The case of John Mills, Benjamin Johnson, James Quin, Josias Miller, Theophilus Cibber, John Harper, Benjamin Griffin, William Mills, William Milward, Charles Shepard, Thomas Walker, Lacy Ryan, John Hippisley, Dennis Delane, Thomas Chapman, Samuel Stephens, Mary Heron, Elizabeth Butler, Christiana Horton, Anne Hallam, Jane Bullock, and Elizabeth Buchanan, in Behalf of Themselves and the Rest of th
    Mills, John
  • 101434
    Book Info
    The case of William Jackson, Richard Fowler, and Charles Portales, three of the assistants of the York-Buildings Company
    York-Buildings Company
  • 101435
    Book Info
    The case of the bank contract. In answer to the Infamous Scurrilities of several Libels Lately Printed in the Craftsman
  • 101436
    Book Info
    The case of the sinking fund, and the right of the publick creditors to it considered at large; with some Farther Observations on the National Debts, the Civil List, the Bank Contract, Votes of Credit, and other extraordinary Grants of Money. Being a defence of an enquiry into the conduct of our domestick affairs, and, a full reply to a late Pamphlet, intitled, Some considerations concerning the p
    Pulteney, William
  • 101437
    Book Info
    The catechism of the author of The minute philosopher fully answer'd. By J. Walton.
    Walton, Jacob
  • 101438
    Book Info
    The catechism of the author of The minute philosopher fully answer'd: By J. Walton.
    Walton, Jacob
  • 101439
    Book Info
    The catechism of the church, with proofs from the New Testament, and some additional questions and answers. Divided into XII Sections, for the Use of a Parish in London. By Z. Isham, D.D. Imprimatur, Oct. 29, 1694. Carolus Alston, S. P. D. Hon. Episc. Lond. a Sacris
    Isham, Z
  • 101440
    Book Info
    The cause of God and truth: being an examination of the principal passages of scripture, made use of by the Arminians, in favour of their scheme; ... By John Gill
    Gill, John