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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 101,481 - 101,500건 출력
  • 101481
    Book Info
    The difference computed, in a brief history of arbitrary power, as it hath, at any time, been practised, or attempted by Kings of England from the Conquest to the Revolution. Address'd to the subjects of Great Britain, principally to the eminent and worthy citizens of London
  • 101482
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    The difficulties and discouragements that attend the dissenting ministry, with the most proper methods to remove them; impartially consider'd, in a sermon preach'd to a congregation of Protestant dissenters
  • 101483
    Book Info
    The distrest mother. A tragedy. By Mr. Philips.
    Philips, Ambrose
  • 101484
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    The double-dealer. A comedy. Written by Mr. Congreve.
    Congreve, William
  • 101485
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    The dramatic historiographer: or, the British theatre delineated, &c. Exhibiting the argument, conduct and chief incidents of the most celebrated plays; with an account of such previous circumstances as serve to illustrate each representation
  • 101486
    Book Info
    The dramatick works of John Dryden, Esq; In six volumes
    Dryden, John
  • 101487
    Book Info
    The drop and pill of Mr. Ward, consider'd: as well in respect to their composition, as their operation and effects. Wherein, As there is great Reason to believe, the genuine receipt of both. In an epistle to Dr. James Jurin, Fellow of the College of Physicians, And of the Royal Society: from Daniel Turner, Of the same College of Physicians in London
    Turner, Daniel
  • 101488
    Book Info
    The drop and pill of Mr. Ward, consider'd: with a postscript; In which are some Remarks upon a late Report from Mr. Ward's Competitor; as also On the Affidavits made to the Twelve Cases in the Grub-Street Journal, in an epistle to Dr. James Jurin, Fellow of the College of Physicians, And of the Royal Society: from Daniel Turner, Of the same College of Physicians in London
    Turner, Daniel
  • 101489
    Book Info
    The drummer: or, the haunted-house. or, the haunted-house. A comedy. By Mr. Addison. With a preface by Sir Richard Steele, in an Epistle Dedicatory to Mr. Congreve, occasion'd by Mr. Tickell's preface to the four volumes of Mr. Addison's works
    Addison, Joseph
  • 101490
    Book Info
    The duke of Guise. A tragedy. Written by Mr. Dryden and Mr Lee
    Dryden, John
  • 101491
    Book Info
    The duties of the closet. Being an Earnest Exhortation to Private Devotion. By the most Reverend Father in God, Sir William Dawes, Bart. Late Lord Archbishop of York. The eighth edition. To which is added, I. A supplement, consisting of a choice Collection of Morning and Evening Prayers for every Day in the Week; and on divers Occasions. II. The great duty of communicating explain'd and enforc'd;
    Dawes, William
  • 101492
    Book Info
    The duty of a king and his people: Being Two Orations of Isocrates; the one Containing the Duty of a King; the other containing the Duty of Subjects. To which is prefix'd, The Life of Iscorates, taken from the best Authors. Done into English from the Greek
  • 101493
    Book Info
    The duty of living peaceably with all men explain'd and recommended: in a sermon Preach'd at the assizes at Northampton, July 16, 1735, before The Honourable Mr. Baron Comyns, and Mr. Justice Reeve. By Gilbert Benet, A. M. Publish'd at the Request of the High-Sheriff, and Grand July
    Benet, Gilbert
  • 101494
    Book Info
    The duty of not giving offence. A sermon preach'd August 1. 1735. in the church of Crukerne, at the visitation Of the Reverend George Atwood, B. D. Archdeacon of Taunton, In the Diocese of Bath and Wells. By James Harcourt, D. D. Prebendary of Bristol, and Vicar of South Petherton, in Somersetshire. Publish'd at the unanimous Request of Mr. Archdeacon and the Clergy
    Harcourt, James
  • 101495
    Book Info
    The dying tears of a true lover forsaken. Made on his death-bed, the hour before his death. To the tune of, Come live with me, &c.
  • 101496
    Book Info
    The end of created perfection. A funeral sermon for the late Reverend Mr. Samuel Newman. ... Preached at Salters-Hall, June 8, 1735. By John Barker. To which is added, the speech at the grave by Obadiah Hughes, ...
    Barker, John
  • 101497
    Book Info
    The english malady : or, a treatise of nervous diseases of all kinds; As Spleen, Vapours, Lowness of Spirits, Hypochondriacal, and Hysterical Distempers, &c. In three parts. Part I. Of the Nature and Cause of Nervous Distempers. Part II. Of the Cure of Nervous Distempers. Part III. Variety of Cases that illustrate and confirm the Method of Cure. With the Author's own Case at Large. By George Ch...
    Cheyne, George
  • 101498
    Book Info
    The english nobleman: or, peasant of quality. A true history. Intermix'd with such a variety of uncommon incidents, as few true histories can parallel
  • 101499
    Book Info
    The everlasting love and delights of Jesus Christ with the sons of men. Represented in six sermons on Prov. viii. 30, 31. By William Notcutt
    Notcutt, William
  • 101500
    Book Info
    The evil and mischief of stage-playing: a sermon preached in the Parish-Church of St. Butolph Aldgate, in the City of London, on sunday the thirtieth day of November, In the Year of our lord 1729. Occasioned by the Erecting of a Play-House In the Neighbourhood. Published at the Request of several of the Auditors. By Arthur Bedford, M. A. Chaplain to the Worshipful the Haberdasher's Hospital at Hox
    Bedford, Arthur