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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 101,701 - 101,720건 출력
  • 101701
    Book Info
    The sacrament of the altar: or, the doctrine of a representative sacrifice in the Holy Eucharist vindicated: in answer to a late book intituled, A plain account of the nature and end of the Sacrament of the Lord's supper. Inscribed to every sincere Member of the Church of England
  • 101702
    Book Info
    The sacred books of the Old and New Testament, recited at large: and illustrated with critical and explanatory annotations, Carefully Compiled from the Commentaries and other Writings of Grotius, Lightfoot, Pool, Calmet, Patrick, Le Clerc, Lock, Burkitt, Henry, Pearse, And a Variety of other eminent Authors, Ancient and Modern. And Embellished with proper maps, and other ornamental and useful repr
    Humphreys, Samuel
  • 101703
    Book Info
    The satyrs of Decimus Junius Juvenalis: and of Aulus Persius Flaccus. Translated into English verse by Mr. Dryden, and several other eminent hands. To which is prefix'd a discourse ...
  • 101704
    Book Info
    The scotch figgaries: or, A Knot of Knaves. A comedy
    Tatham, John
  • 101705
    Book Info
    The scripture doctrine of the resurrection as it stood before the law. A sermon preached before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's, Nov. 24. 1734. By Henry Felton D.D. Principal of Edmund Hall, and Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Rutland
    Felton, Henry
  • 101706
    Book Info
    The scripture preservative against Popery: being a paraphrase with notes on the Revelation of St. John. ... With a preface ... an address to the readers; and an alphabetical dictionary ... By Thomas Pyle, ...
    Pyle, Thomas
  • 101707
    Book Info
    The second epistle of Horace imitated. And illustrated with gems and medals. By George Ogle, Esq;
    Ogle, George
  • 101708
    Book Info
    The second part of King Henry VI. With the Death of the Good Duke Humphry. By Shakespear
    Shakespeare, William
  • 101709
    Book Info
    The second part of The Christian oratory: or, the extraordinary devotion of the closet display'd. ... By ... Benjamin Bennet. Publish'd from his own manuscripts, by L. Latham, M.D.
    Bennet, Benjamin
  • 101710
    Book Info
    The second satire of the second book of Horace praprhased [sic]: By the author of the first.
    Pope, Alexander
  • 101711
    Book Info
    The secret history of the late directors of the South-Sea-Company. Containing a particular account of their conduct, ... By D. Templeman, ...
    Templeman, Daniel
  • 101712
    Book Info
    The secrets of a woman's heart. An epistle from a friend, to Signior F-----lli. Occasion'd by the epistle of Mrs. C--- P-----ps, to the angelick Signior F-----lli
  • 101713
    Book Info
    The secrets of the invisible world disclos'd: or, an universal history of apparitions sacred and profane, under all denominations; whether angelical, diabolical, or human souls departed. With a great Variety of Surprising and Diverting Examples, never Publish'd before. Also Shewing how we may distinguish between the Apparitions of Good and Evil Spirits, and how we ought to behave to them. By Andre
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 101714
    Book Info
    The sense of an Englishman on the pretended coalition of parties, and on the merits of the Whig interest
  • 101715
    Book Info
    The seven champions of Christendom. Being a compendious history of their lives and actions, &c. To the tune of, The Christian warriors
  • 101716
    Book Info
    The shepherd's kalender: or, the citizen's and country man's daily companion: Treating of many Things that are Useful and Profitable to Man kind, with above Two Hundred wonderful Curiosities never before Published. Also, a Discourse of the Eclipses of the Sun and Moon, with Rules to know when they will happen. Infallible Signs of the Weather: To know when Wet or Dry, and when sudden Storms arises,
    J. S
  • 101717
    Book Info
    The siege of Damascus. A tragedy. By John Hughes, Esq.
    Hughes, John
  • 101718
    Book Info
    The soldiers fortune, a comedy. By Mr. Thomas Otway
    Otway, Thomas
  • 101719
    Book Info
    The sources of corrupting both natural and revealed religion, exemplified in the Romish doctrine of penance and pilgrimages. A sermon preached at Salters-Hall, February 27, 1734-5. By Jeremiah Hunt, D.D.
    Hunt, Jeremiah
  • 101720
    Book Info
    The sources of corrupting both natural and revealed religion, exemplified in the Romish doctrine of penance and pilgrimages. A sermon preached at Salters-Hall, February 27, 1734-5. By Jeremiah Hunt, D.D.
    Hunt, Jeremiah