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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 101,861 - 101,880건 출력
  • 101861
    Book Info
    A course of experimental philosophy. By J. T. Desaguliers, LL. D. F. R. S. Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Chandos. ... Adorn'd with Thirty-Two Copper-Plates
    Desaguliers, J. T
  • 101862
    Book Info
    A critical dissertation upon the manner of the preparation of mercurial medicines, and their operation on human bodies; particularly those most in fashion: Also, A Demonstration that all the Methods hitherto invented, in order to convey Quick-Silver internally into the Blood, retaining its metalline Texture and Properties, have proved abortive. As also, A certain Method of introducing the same Met
    Knight, Thomas
  • 101863
    Book Info
    A critical review of the publick buildings, statues and ornaments In, and about London and Westminster. To which is prefix'd. The Dimensions of St. Peter's Church at Rome, and St. Paul's Cathedral at London
    Ralph, James
  • 101864
    Book Info
    A defence of An account of the receipts and disbursements of the warden of the Free-Grammar School of Queen Elizabeth, of the parish of St. Olave in Southwark, from Christmas 1732, to Christmas 1733: in answer to A vindication of the governors, &c.
    Leigh, William
  • 101865
    Book Info
    A defence of English history, against the misrepresentations of M. de Rapin Thoyras, in his History of England, now publishing weekly
  • 101866
    Book Info
    A defence of The enquiry about the lawfulness of eating blood. In Answer to The Remarks of the Apostolical Decree at Jerusalem prov'd to be still in Force. By a Prebendary of York. With some Remarks on the Defence of Revelation examin'd with Candour
    Sharp, Thomas
  • 101867
    Book Info
    A defence of the antient historians: with a particular application of it to the history of Ireland and Great-Britain, and other Northern Nations. In a Dialogue between a Protestant and a Papist, an Englishman and an Irishman. By Francis Lord Bishop of Down and Connor. To which are added, two sermons, the first preached on occasion of the union, and the other at a publick commencement at Cambridge
    Hutchinson, Francis
  • 101868
    Book Info
    A defence of the essay for a review of the Book of Common Prayer, so far as relates to the Athanasian creed. In answer to a letter in the Weekly Miscellany of Octob. 19th last. Wherein Every Argument made use of by the Letter-Writer, is fairly Considered, and clearly Refuted. And that the Nicene Creed is sufficient to secure the Christian Faith from all Heresies, especially the Arian, is fully dem
    Author of the essay
  • 101869
    Book Info
    A defence of the majority of the infirmary at Westminster, against a small minority of it. A letter from a subscriber to the Westminster infirmary, residing in Westminster, to a subscriber living in the country
  • 101870
    Book Info
    A description of Bath. A poem. Humbly Inscribed to her Royal Highness the Princess Amelia
    Chandler, Mary
  • 101871
    Book Info
    A description of a new instrument for taking the latitude or other altitudes at sea. With directions for its use
    Hadley, George
  • 101872
    Book Info
    A description of three hundred animals : viz. beasts, birds, fishes, serpents, and insects. With a particular account of the manner of their catching of whales in Greenland. Extracted from the best authors, and adapted to the Use of all Capacities. Illustrated with copper plates, whereon is curiously engraven every Beast, Bird, Fish, Serpent, and Insect, describ'd in the whole Book.
    Boreman, Thomas
  • 101873
    Book Info
    A discourse against bribery, especially in the election of a members [sic] of parliament. Being a sermon preached at Boston in the county of Lincoln
    Kelsall, Edward
  • 101874
    Book Info
    A discourse on antient and modern learning: By the late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq; Published from an original manuscript of Mr. Addison's, prepared and corrected by himself.
    Addison, Joseph
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 101875
    Book Info
    A discourse on singing of psalms as a part of divine worship, from I. Corinthians xiv. 15. Preached the 25th of December, 1733. To a society of young men, who carry on an exercise of prayer on Lord's-Day mornings, at a Meeting-House on Horsly-Down, Southwark. Published at their Request. By John Gill
    Gill, John
  • 101876
    Book Info
    A discovery of the true cause of the wonderful multiplication of corn; with some general remarks upon the nature of trees and plants. By Dr. Wolfius, Member of the Royal Societies of London and Berlin, and Professor of Mathematicks at the University of Marbourg
    Wolff, Christian
  • 101877
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    A dissertation concerning God's command to Abraham, to offer up Isaac his son for a sacrifice. By William Whiston, M.A.
    Whiston, William
  • 101878
    Book Info
    A dissertation in vindication of the antiquity of Stone Henge, in answer to the treatises of Mr. Inigo Jones, Dr. Charleton, and all that have written upon that Subject. By a clergyman living in the neighbourhood of that famous monument of antiquity
    Wallis, Stamford
  • 101879
    Book Info
    A dissertation on the state of physicians among the old Romans, in which it is proved to have been servile and ignoble: against the assertions of the celebrated Dr. James Spon, and Dr. Richard Mead. Translated from the Latin of Dr. Conyers Middleton, Chief Librarian to the University of Cambridge
    Middleton, Conyers
  • 101880
    Book Info
    A dissertation upon the usefulness of translations of classick authors, both literal and free, for the easy expeditious attainment of the Latin tongue, being an extract from the Essay upon Education, and other books, published by Mr. Clarke, late School-Master of Hull, now living in Gloucester; but very much enlarged with further Thoughts upon the Subject, humbly offered to the Consideration of th
    Clarke, John