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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 101,901 - 101,920건 출력
  • 101901
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    A letter from a weaver at Norwich, to a Member of Parliament concerning the present state of our woollen manufactures
    Weaver at Norwich
  • 101902
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    A letter from one of the Leeward Islands, tending to shew the immediate necessity of a further inspection into the state of the British sugar colonies and trade. Nevis, October 17, 1734
  • 101903
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    A letter to G--------- W------- Esq; concernrng [sic] the present condition of the College of Dublin, and the late disturbances that have been therein
  • 101904
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    A letter to Mr. Chandler, in vindication of a passage in the ... Bishop of London's second pastoral letter. By Tho. Johnson, ...
    Johnson, Thomas
  • 101905
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    A letter to Mr. John Willison, on a passage in his synodical sermon, concerning illiterate ministers
    Glas, John
  • 101906
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    A letter to Samuel Holden, Esq; from a Dissenter in the country
    Dissenter in the country
  • 101907
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    A letter to Sir John de Graham, Kt. Upon the Subject of Instructions or Recommendations to Members of Parliament. Humbly submitted To the Electors of such Members within that Part of Britain called Scotland
    Scot, Nathaniel
  • 101908
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    A letter to a deist; or, a discourse upon The Nature of Man, his State in this Life, his Death, and what he is immediately after Death: in which, The Defference between the Righteous and the Wicked, is Examined and Stated; and the Great Question evidently determined; viz. Whether Man, by Obedience to God's Word, gradually rises up into the sublime and happy State of Angelical Existence; or, by Dis
  • 101909
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    A letter to the Protestant dissenting congregation, meeting in Broad Street, Wappin, London: occasioned by their late procedings against the author, on his profession of Unitarianism. By John Rhudd, Minister Of The Gospel
    Rhudd, John
  • 101910
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    A letter to the Revd. Dr. Holmes, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford, and Visitor of Hart-Hall, ... By R. Newton, ...
    Newton, Richard
  • 101911
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    A letter to the Revd. Dr. Holmes, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford, and Visitor of Hart-Hall, within the said University. By R. Newton, D. D. Principal of Hart-Hall
    Newton, Richard
  • 101912
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    A letter to the Reverend Dr. Codex, on the subject of his modest instruction to the Crown, inserted in the Daily Journal of Feb. 27th 1733. ...
    Arnall, William
  • 101913
    Book Info
    A letter to the Reverend Dr. Codex, on the subject of his modest instruction to the Crown, inserted in the Daily Journal of Feb. 27th 1733. From the second volume of Burnet's History
    Arnall, William
  • 101914
    Book Info
    A letter to the Reverend Dr. Codex, on the subject of his modest instruction to the Crown, inserted in the Daily Journal of Feb. 27th 1733. From the second volume of Burnet's History.
    Arnall, William
  • 101915
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    A letter to the Reverend Dr. Waterland, concerning the nature and value of sincerity: with some remarks on his treatment of it, in a late treatise, entitled, The importance of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity asserted
    Glover, Phillips
  • 101916
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    A letter to the Reverend Dr. Waterland, occasioned by some passages in his late treatise. Entitled, The importance of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity asserted
    M. T
  • 101917
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    A letter to the Reverend Mr. James Adams at Kinnaird; Occasion'd by his Survey of Professor Campbel's Oration
    Lyon, Robert
  • 101918
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    A letter to the author of The interest of Scotland considered; containing some hints about the linnen manufactures
    A. B
  • 101919
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    A letter to the author of a pamphlet, intitled, a letter to a Friend in the Country, on the present Posture of Affairs in Europe, and on the Conduct of our Ministry at Home, &c. To which is added, a Postscript relating to the case of the late Marquis of Tullibardine, as Stated in the London Evening-Post of the 10th of October last. With Mr. Forman's Letter to a Friend in Paris, and some necessary
  • 101920
    Book Info
    A letter to the author of a pamphlet, intituled, An enquiry into some things that concern Scotland; containing some remarks upon a certain book, lately published by a certain author, who, certainly, is not a true friend to his country
    Linnendraper, J