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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 101,921 - 101,940건 출력
  • 101921
    Book Info
    A letter to the author of the State of the moral world consider'd: wherein some satisfying account is attempted to be given of the nature of virtue and vice, the origine [sic] of moral evil, and the end and duration of future punishment
  • 101922
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    A letter to the people of England in general
  • 101923
    Book Info
    A letter, from a gentleman in the country, to his Friend in the City: as also The Return made thereto. Together with, An exact list of the Members of that Reverend and worthy Assembly met at Glasgow, in the Year 1638
    Gentleman in the country
  • 101924
    Book Info
    A list of the fees of the several officers of the four courts; the sheriffs of the county and county of the city of Dublin; the Town-Clerk of the said City; the Clerk of the Commission of Oyer and Terminer for the said County, and County of the said City; and the Clerk of the Peace of the County of Dublin. Printed by order of the House of Lords
  • 101925
    Book Info
    A list of the free-holders and free-men, Who Voted at the Election for Members of Parliament For The City and County of Bristol, Begun Wednesday May 15, MDCCXXXIV. Before Michael Pope, and Benjamin Glisson, Esqrs. Sheriffs of the said City and County; By Virtue of His Majesty's Writ to Them directed bearing Test at Westminster the Eighteenth Day of April last, and Returnable the Thirteenth Day of
    Bristol (England)
  • 101926
    Book Info
    A list of the governors and contributors to the hospital, near Hyde-Park-Corner, The Third of April, 1734
    St George's Hospital, London, England
  • 101927
    Book Info
    A list of the persons who voted for Sir Miles Stapylton, Bart. at the last election of knights of the shire to serve in parliament for the county of York, whose votes are intended to be objected to, ...
    Yorkshire (England)
  • 101928
    Book Info
    A list of the persons who, by the Poll taken at the last Election of Knights to serve in Parliament for the County of York, appear to have Voted for Sir Rowland Winn, Bart, and are objected to by Sir Miles Stapylton, Bart. The Heads of the Objections being distinguished against the Names of the Voters excepted to. NB. Where the Place of Abode is not expressed, it is the same with the place of the
    Yorkshire (England)
  • 101929
    Book Info
    A memorial of the difficulties, hardships and perplexities, which Mr. Bennet hath, and doth still labour under. Humbly submitted to the consideration of the Honourable Court of Directors of the South-Sea Company. To which is added an appendix, containing, Numb. 1. A petition to His most excellent Majesty from the General Assembly of Barbadoes, passed Nemine contradicente, the 21st of August, 1733.
  • 101930
    Book Info
    A midsummer-Night's dream. By Mr. William Shakespear
    Shakespeare, William
  • 101931
    Book Info
    A military discourse : whether it be better for England to give an invador [sic] present battle, or to temporize and defer the same. With an appendix Shewing Nennias a worthy Briton, the very Patern of a valiant, noble, and faithful Subject, encountering with Juliat Caeser, at his first coming into this Island, was by him Death-Wounded, yet nevertheless he got Cesar's Sword; put him to Fight, f...
    Wilford, Thomas
  • 101932
    Book Info
    A modest reply, to the author of the Letter to Dr. Codex. Containing not only a full (tho' short vindication of the bishop, but of the clergy in general, from the many unreasonable insinuations of the author
  • 101933
    Book Info
    A most proper reply to the nobleman's epistle to a Doctor of Divinity. To which is added, Horace versus Fannius; or, a case in poinct. As Reported by Ben. Johnson. And The Belle-Man of St. James's verses
  • 101934
    Book Info
    A narration of the wonders of grace, in verse. Divided into six parts. I. Of Christ the Mediator, as set up from Everlasting in all the Glory of Headship. II. Of God's Election and Covenant-Transactions concerning a Remnant in his Son. III. Of Christ's Incarnation and Redemption. IV. Of the Work of the Spirit, respecting the Church in general, throughout the New Testament Dispensation, from Christ
    Dutton, Anne
  • 101935
    Book Info
    A narration of the wonders of grace. In verse. Divided into six parts. I. Of Christ the Mediator, as set up from Everlasting in all the Glory of Headship. II. Of God's Election and Covenant Transactions concerning a Remnant in his Son. III. Of Christ's Incarnation and Redemption. IV. Of the Work of the Spirit, respecting the Church in general, throughout the New Testament Dispensation, from Christ
    Dutton, Anne
  • 101936
    Book Info
    A narrative and state of the proceedings of the judicatures of the Church of Scotland, against masters Ebenezer Erskine, William Wilson, Alexander Moncrief, and James Fisher, late Ministers thereof. Wherein the said proceedings are fairly stated and fully vindicated, from the aspersions cast upon them by these men, and their adherents
  • 101937
    Book Info
    A narrative of the proceedings of the Protestant dissenters of the three denominations; relating to the repeals of the Corporation and Test Acts, from the year 1731, to the present time. Addressed to the Dissenters
  • 101938
    Book Info
    A natural history of birds. Illustrated with a hundred and four copper plates, engraved from the life. Published by the author Eleazar Albin, and carefully colour'd by his daughter and himself, from the originals, drawn from the live birds. Vol.II
    Albin, Eleazar
  • 101939
    Book Info
    A new French grammar, wherein the defects of former grammars are supplied, and their errors corrected; for the use of the young nobility and gentry of Scotland. By James Freebairn
    Freebairn, James
  • 101940
    Book Info
    A new academy of complements: or the lover's secretary: being wit and mirth improv'd by the most elegant expressions used in the art of courtship, in divers examples of writing or Inditing Letters, relating either to Love or Business. Also the silent language: Or, A Compleat Rule for discoursing by Motion of the Hand, without being understood by the Company. Together with Instructions for writing