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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 101,941 - 101,960건 출력
  • 101941
    Book Info
    A new account of some parts of Guinea, and the slave-trade, containing I. The history of the late conquest of the Kingdom of Whidaw by the King of Dahomè The Author's Journey to the Conqueror's Camp; where he saw several Captives sacrificed, &c. II. The manner how the negroes become slaves. The Numbers of them yearly exported from Guinea to America. The Lawfulness of that Trade. The Mutinies among
    Snelgrave, William
  • 101942
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    A new history of England, by question and answer. Extracted from the most celebrated English historians; particularly M. de Rapin Thoyras. Written principally for the instruction of youth
    Lockman, John
  • 101943
    Book Info
    A new miscellany for the year 1734. Part I. Containing I. An epistle to a Lady, who desired the Author to make Verses on her in the Heroick Stile. II. On reading Dr. Young's Satires called, The Universal Passion. III. On Poetry: A Rapsody. IV. On the Words, Brother-Protestants, and Fellow-Christians
  • 101944
    Book Info
    A new pandect of Roman civil law, as anciently established in that empire; and now received and practised in most European nations: with Many useful Observations thereon; shewing, Wherein that Law differs from the Municipal Laws of Great-Britain, from the Canon Law in general, and from that Part of it now in Use here with us in England. Whereunto is prefix'd, By Way of Introduction, A Preliminary
    Ayliffe, John
  • 101945
    Book Info
    A particular description of the city of Dantzick: its fortifications, Extent, Trade, Granaries, Streets, Publick and Private Buildings, River, Harbour, Government, Punishments, Forces, religion and churches. With many other remarkable curiosities. By an English merchant, lately resident there
    English merchant
  • 101946
    Book Info
    A poem on the marriage of His serene Highness the Prince of Orange, with Ann, Princess-Royal of Great-Britain. By Stephen Duck. To which are added, verses to the author, by a divine. With the author's answer, and his poem on truth and falshood
    Duck, Stephen
  • 101947
    Book Info
    A poem on the marriage of His serene Highness the Prince of Orange: with Ann Princess-Royal of Great Britain. By Stephen Duck. To which are added, Verses to the author, by a divine. With the author's answer.
    Duck, Stephen
  • 101948
    Book Info
    A poll, Taken by Henry Montague Esq; (sheriff of the County of Sussex) at the City of Chichester, on Thursday and Friday the Ninth and Tenth Days of May 1734. For the Election of Two knights to serve for the said County in this present Parliament. Each parish alphabetically digested. Candidates. The Rt. Hon. Henry Pelham Esq; James Butler Esq; Sir Cecill Bisshopp Bart. John Fuller Esq;
    Sussex (England)
  • 101949
    Book Info
    A practical grammar of the English tongue: or, a rational and easy introduction to speaking and writing English correctly and properly ; Peculiarly adapted to the Nature and Genius of the Language, and free from the hard and unnecessary Terms of the Latin Rudiments. The whole treated of in expressive Terms and familiar Style, and in the most natural and instructive Method, viz. That of Question an
    Loughton, William
  • 101950
    Book Info
    A practical grammar of the Greek tongue. Wherein all the rules are express'd in English; those, necessary to be got by heart, made the Text; others immediately subjoin'd in the form of Notes. The whole establish'd upon Rational Principles, supported by Classical Authorities, and consider'd, as to Method and Length, with all convenience to the Learner. With a Vocabulary of such Particulars, as coul
    Milner, John
  • 101951
    Book Info
    A practical paraphrase of the seven catholick epistles: after the manner of the late Reverend Dr. Clarke's Paraphrase on the four evangelists. Useful for families
    Collet, Samuel
  • 101952
    Book Info
    A practical treatise concerning evil thoughts: wherein Their Nature, Origin, and Effects, are distinctly considered and explained: With many useful Rules for restraining and suppressing such Thoughts; suited to the various Conditions of Life, and the several Tempers of Mankind, more especially of Melancholy Persons. By William Chilcot, M.A.
    Chilcot, William
  • 101953
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    A practical treatise upon Christian perfection. By William Law, ...
    Law, William
  • 101954
    Book Info
    A preservative from the sins and follies of childhood and youth, written by way of question and answer: to which is added, a large catalogue of remarkable scripture-names collected for the use of children, ...By I. Watts, D.D.
    Watts, Isaac
  • 101955
    Book Info
    A profession of Catholick faith, extracted out of the Council of Trent by Pope Pius IV. And now in use for the reception of converts into the church. With the chief grounds of the controverted articles. By way of question and answer
    Challoner, Richard
  • 101956
    Book Info
    A prologue, and an epilogue. And songs, spoken and sung to the antient and Rt. Worshipful Society of Free-Masons, at the Theatre-Royal, on Thursday November the 29th, 1733, being Mr. Griffiths benefit
  • 101957
    Book Info
    A proper reply to the author of A letter to Dr. Codex, upon the subject of his modest instruction to the Crown. Wherein the reverend doctor is vindicated from the vile aspersions laid upon him in that pamphlet, and the whole answer'd, paragraph by paragraph. In a letter to a reverend lawyer
  • 101958
    Book Info
    A proposal for the relief of Ireland, by a coinage of Monies, of Gold and Silver; And establishing a National Bank
  • 101959
    Book Info
    A prospect of poetry: address'd to the Right Honourable John, Earl of Orrery. To which is added, a poem to Mr. Thomson on his Seasons. By James Dalacourt, A.B.
    De-La-Cour, James
  • 101960
    Book Info
    A rap at the rapsody