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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 102,001 - 102,020건 출력
  • 102001
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    A short view of the evidences upon which the Christian religion, and the divine authority of the holy scriptures is established. In two parts. ...
    Middleton, Patrick
  • 102002
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    A speech deliver'd to the worshipful and ancient society of free and accepted masons. At a Grand Lodge, held at Merchant's-Hall, in the City of York, on St. John's Day, December 27. 1726. The Right Worshipful Charles Bathurst, Esq; Grand-Master. The second edition. By the Junior Grand-Warden
    Drake, Francis
  • 102003
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    A tale of a tub: written for the universal improvement of mankind. To which is added, An account of a battel between the antient and modern books in St. James's library. A new edition, with the author's apology, and explanatory notes, by W. Wotton ...
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 102004
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    A testimony to the doctrine, worship, government and discipline of the Church of Scotland: or, reasons by Mr. Ebenezer Erskine Minister at Stirling, Mr. William Wilson Minister at Perth, Mr. Alexander Moncrieff Minister at Abernethy, and Mr. James Fisher Minister at Kinclaven, for their protestation entred before the commission of the General Assembly, November 1733, upon the Intimation of a Sente
    Erskine, Ebenezer
  • 102005
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    A treatise concerning the origin and progress of fees; or, the constitution and transmission of heritable rights: being a supplement to Spotiswood's Introduction to the knowledge of the stile of writs
    Mackenzie, James
  • 102006
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    A treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge. Wherein the chief causes of error and difficulty in the sciences, with the grounds of scepticism, atheism, and irreligion, are inquired into. First printed in the year 1710. To which are added three dialogues between Hylas and Philonous, in opposition to scepticks and atheists. First printed in the year 1713. Both written by George Berkeley,
    Berkeley, George
  • 102007
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    A treatise of military discipline; in which is laid down and explained the duty of the officer and soldier, Thro' the several Branches of the Service. By Humphrey Bland, Esq; Lieutenant-Colonel of His Majesty's Own Regiment of Horse
    Bland, Humphrey
  • 102008
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    A treatise of the animal oeconomy. The second edition, with additions. By Bryan Robinson, M.D.
    Robinson, Bryan
  • 102009
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    A treatise of the education and learning proper for the different capacities of youth; founded on the principles of natural philosophy: Whereby all Parents, Tutors, and Governors of Youth, may be informed what Sort of Learning best suits with each Genius: By the due Observation whereof, they may be enabled to adapt the Studies of their Children and Pupils to their respective Capacities, and thereb
    Huarte, Juan
  • 102010
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    A treatise on the force and energy of crude mercury. Proving The Usefulness and Innocency of its Internal Application, by a great Variety of Experiments and Histories of Cases, Acute and Chronick. By Thomas Harris, Surgeon
    Harris, Thomas
  • 102011
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    A true state of the case between Michael Powers of London, gent. and his Excellency Joseph Coja, Ambassador from Tunis; ...
    Powers, Michael
  • 102012
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    A tryal of skill between a Court Lord, and a Twickenham' Squire Inscrib'd to Mr. Pope
  • 102013
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    A vindication of liberty of conscience; of the toleration of Protestant Dissenters; and of the present happy establishment : in remarks on Dr. Middleton's sermon preached before the Lord-Mayor and Aldermen Of London, at St. Paul's, on May the 29th, 1730
  • 102014
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    A vindication of providence: or, a true estimate of human life. In which the passions are consider'd in a new light. Preach'd in St. George's Church near Hanover-Square, soon after the late King's death. The fourth edition corrected. By E. Young, LL. D. Fellow of All Souls College in Oxford
    Young, Edward
  • 102015
    Book Info
    A vindication of the Protestant Dissenters, from the aspersions cast upon them, in a late pamphlet, intitled, The Presbyterians plea of merit, in order to take off the test, impartially examined. To which are added, some remarks upon a paper, called, The Correspondent. Containing: A pretended Narrative of the Attempts the Dissenters in Ireland, have made for procuring the Repeal of the Test
  • 102016
    Book Info
    A vindication of the Reverend D-- B--y, from the scandalous imputation of being author of a late book, intitled, Alciphron, or the minute philosopher. To which is subjoined, the predictions of the late Earl of Shaftsbury concerning that book. Together with an appendix an an advertisement
  • 102017
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    A vindication of the conduct of the ministry, in the Scheme of the Excise on wine and tobacco, proposed Last Sessions of Parliament: with A General Examination of the reasons which determined the said Ministry to it; the Consequences and Events it would have had. Also The motives which engaged the Ministry to lay it Aside; with the Objections of those Political Writers who oppose the Government: A
  • 102018
    Book Info
    A vindication of the governors of the Free-Grammar-School of Queen Elizabeth, of the parishioners of the parish of St. Olave in Southwark in the county of Surry. Occasioned by the publication of a pamphlet, intituled, An account of the receipts and disbursements of the warden, &c. From Christmas 1732, to Christmas 1733
    Willis, John
  • 102019
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    A vindication of the royal family of the Stuarts, from the aspersions cast on them by Monsieur Rapin, Mr. Oldmixon, and others. In which the life Of the Glorious and Ever-Memorable Martyr, King Charles the First, Will in a more particular Manner be consider'd
    Rapin de Thoyras
  • 102020
    Book Info
    A vocabulary English and Latin, containing the most usual words of the Latin tongue, digested into such a natural Order, as will at once help the Memory, and inform the Judgment. Together with the language of the school translated into Latin: Collected (for the most Part) from the Classic Authors, and proposed as the best Method, to prevent Boys speaking bad Latin, and the easiest Way to teach the
    Watt, Thomas