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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 102,101 - 102,120건 출력
  • 102101
    Book Info
    An exposition on the thirty nine articles of the Church of England: founded on the holy scriptures, and the fathers of the three first centuries. In two volumes. By J. Veneer, Rector of S. Andrew's in Chichester. The second edition, with very large additions. To which is now added a Compleat Index. ...
    Church of England
  • 102102
    Book Info
    An extract of the journals of Mr. Commissary von Reck, who conducted the first transport of Saltzburgers to Georgia: and of the Reverend Mr. Bolzius, One of their Ministers. Giving an Account of their Voyage to, and happy Settlement in that Province. Published by the Direction of The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
    Reck, Philipp Georg Friedrich von
  • 102103
    Book Info
    An heroick poem on the weaving trade setting forth 'its antiquity and use, humbly inscribed to, 'its great patron Doctor Swift Dean of St Patrick's, whom God preserve long for the good of the Irish nation. By Miles Aston[.]
    Aston, Miles
  • 102104
    Book Info
    An historical dissertation on idolatrous corruptions in religion from the beginning of the world; and On the Methods taken by Divine Providence in Reforming them. In the Course whereof the Divine Origine of the Law of Moses, is proved, against the Objections of such as have thought that Law deducible from the Rites and Customs of the Egyptians and other Gentiles. And in which divers Cavils of the
    Young, Arthur
  • 102105
    Book Info
    An historical list of all horse-matches run, and of all plates and prizes run for in England and Wales (of the Value of Ten Pounds or upwards) in 1733. Containing The Names of the Owners of the Horses that have Run as above, and the Names and Colours of the said Horses also. With The Winner distinguished of every Match, Plate, Prize, or Stakes: The Conditions of Running, as to Weight, Age, Size, &
    Cheny, John
  • 102106
    Book Info
    An humble address to the knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, Elected to represent the commons of Great Britain in the Ensuing Parliament. By a Freeholders
    Pulteney, William
  • 102107
    Book Info
    An impartial account of the late transactions of the dissenters, In reference to their Committee and Deputations, With proper reflections In answer to the Remarks on the Letter to the Deputies, and the Right of the Committee consider'd
  • 102108
    Book Info
    An index to the sermons, published since the Restoration. Pointing out the texts in the order they lie in the Bible, shewing the occasion on which they were preached, and directing to the volume and page where they occur
    Letsome, Sampson
  • 102109
    Book Info
    An institute of the laws of England; or, the laws of England in their natural order, according to common use. Published for the Direction of Young Beginners, or Students in the Law; and of Others that Desire to Have a General Knowledge in Our Common and Statute Laws. In Four books. By Thomas Wood, L. L. D. and Barrister at Law. The fifth edition with additions. To which is prefixed, Some thoughts
    Wood, Thomas
  • 102110
    Book Info
    An introduction to the law of tenures. By Martin Wright, ...
    Wright, Martin
  • 102111
    Book Info
    An ode on the marriage of His Grace the Duke of Portland and the Right Honourable Lady Margaret Harley
  • 102112
    Book Info
    An ode, To be performed at the castle of Dublin, on the 1st. of March, being the birth-day of Her most Excellent and Sacred Majesty Queen Caroline. By the special command of His Grace the Duke of Dorset, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. By William Dunkin, M. A. Set to musick by Mr. Matthew Dubourg, chief Composer and Master of the Musick, attending His Majesty's State in Ireland
    Dunkin, William
  • 102113
    Book Info
    An oration spoken in the Theatre at Oxford, at the publick act, 1733. By Peter Francis Courayer, D.D. Translated from the Latin, by a gentleman of the University of Oxford
    Le Courayer, Pierre Fran{cedil}cois
  • 102114
    Book Info
    An oration, in which an enquiry is made whether the stage is, or can be made a school for forming the mind to virtue; And proving the Superiority of Theatric Instruction over those of History and Moral Philosophy. With reflections on operas. Spoke March 13, 1733, in the Jesuits College at Paris, in Presence of the Cardinals de Polignac and de Bissy, the Pope's Nuncio, and several other Persons of
    Por{acute}ee, Charles
  • 102115
    Book Info
    An universal system of water and water-works : philosophical and practical. In four books. Faithfully digested, from the most approv'd writers on this subject, by Stephen Switzer. Containing I. An Historical Account of the Chief Water-Works that were and are remarkable in Ancient and Modern Times; more particularly the Roman Aqueducts, &c. and the Honour they have contributed to the respective ...
    Switzer, Stephen
  • 102116
    Book Info
    Anacreon Teius, poeta lyricus, summa cura et diligentia, ad fidem etiam vet. MS. Vatican. emendatus, Pristino Nitori, Numerisque suis restitutus, dimidia fere parte auctus. Aliquot nempe justis Poematiis, et Fragmentis plurimis, ab undiquaque conquisitis Item Anacreontis vita, Tractatus de Lyrica Poesi, &c. Accessere Ornamenti loco Tres eleganter Sculptae Effigies Auctoris, Anacreontis, Effigies P
  • 102117
    Book Info
    Ancient and modern liberty stated and compar'd
    Hervey, John Hervey
  • 102118
    Book Info
    Angelus sideralis: or, an ephemeris of the Celestial Motions, with an almanack For the Year of our Lord God, 1734. It being the 2d. after Bissextile or Leap-Year, and from the Creation of the World 5683 Years; Wherein is contained The daily Motions, Latitudes, and mutual Aspects of the Planets; the Sun's Ingress into the four Cardinal Signs, with Astrological Conjectures deduc'd therefrom; the Ecl
    Hartley, John
  • 102119
    Book Info
    Angelus sideralis: or, an ephemeris of the celestial motions, with an almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1735. ... By John Hartley, ...
    Hartley, John
  • 102120
    Book Info
    Animadversions on a reverend prelate's remarks upon the bill Now depending in Parliament, entitled, A bill to prevent suits for tythes, where none, nor any Composition for the same, have been paid within a certain number of years. By a member of the House of Commons. To which are prefix'd, the reverend prelate's remarks
    Arnall, William