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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 102,141 - 102,160건 출력
  • 102141
    Book Info
    Books printed for, and sold by Thomas Astley, at the Rose in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London. By whom country-booksellers, school-masters, &c. may be supplied, at the lowest prices
    Astley, Thomas
  • 102142
    Book Info
    Broad Scotch, addressed to all true Scots men.
  • 102143
    Book Info
    Bullion gold and silver valued at sight to the thousandth part of a penny. Also new and correct tables for reducing of silver and gold Of any Fineness to standard weight, to the thousandth part of a grain, from 100,000 oz. to I grain. They Being the original and only Ones of the Kind hitherto publish'd; And are made plain by Various Examples, Which do also shew that the said Tables are exact, they
    Hayes, Richard
  • 102144
    Book Info
    By an act made in the eighth year of the reign of His Majesty King George II. intituled, An act for granting and continuing the duties upon salt, and upon red and white herrings, for the further term of four years, and for giving further Time for the Payment of Duties omitted to be paid for the Indentures and Contracts of Clerks and Apprentices, It is Enacted (as in the Folio Act, Page 203.)[.]
  • 102145
    Book Info
    C. Crispi Sallustii Bellum Catilinarium et Jugurthinum, cum versione libera. Præmittitur dissertatio, ... Necnon et vita Sallustii auctore ... Joanne Clerico. I.E. The history of the wars of Catiline and Jugartha, by Sallust. With a free translation. To which is prefixed, large dissertation ... As also the life of Sallust by ... Monsieur Le Clerc. By John Clarke, ...
  • 102146
    Book Info
    Caesarea: or, An account of Jersey, the greatest islands remaining to the crown of England of the ancient Dutchy of Normandy. With an appendix of records, &c. an accurate map of the island, and a prospect of Elizabeth-Castle. The second edition, revised, and much augmented By Philip Falle, sometime rector of St Saviour's and Deputy from the States of the Island to their Majesties King William and
    Falle, Philip
  • 102147
    Book Info
    Cases in midwifry : Written by the late Mr. William Giffard, Surgeon and Man-Midwife. Revis'd and Publish'd By Edward Hody, M. D. and Fellow of the Royal-Society.
    Giffard, William
  • 102148
    Book Info
    Cases in midwifry. Written by the late Mr. William Giffard, surgeon and man-midwife. Revis'd and publish'd by Edward Hody, M. D. and Fellow of the Royal-Society
    Giffard, William
  • 102149
    Book Info
    Catalogus librorum bibliothecæ Honorabilis Societatis Medii Templi Londini. Ordine dictionarii dispositus
    Middle Temple (London, England)
  • 102150
    Book Info
    Catholick Christianity: or, an essay toward lessening the number of controversies among Christians. By Edward Lord Archbishop of Tuam
    Synge, Edward
  • 102151
    Book Info
    Cato. A tragedy. By Mr. Addison.
    Addison, Joseph
  • 102152
    Book Info
    Catonis Disticha moralia, et Lilii Monita pædagogica; or, Cato's Moral distichs, and Lily's Pædagogical admonitions, with the following improvements, in a method entirely new; Viz. The Words of the Author placed according to their Grammatical Construction, in the lower Part of the Page. An Alphabetical Vocabulary of all the Words, shewing their Parts of Speech, and Signification. The Themes of the
    Cato, Marcus Porcius
  • 102153
    Book Info
    Charity, as a rule of conduct in the affairs of a religious society, explain'd and recommended. A sermon preach'd to a congregation of protestant dissenters in Newcastle upon Tyne, on November the 22d, 1733 ... By W. Wilson
    Wilson, William
  • 102154
    Book Info
    Charles Green, appellant. Elizabeth Pool (executrix of Sir John Delavall, Bart. deceased) respondent. The respondent, Mrs. Pool's case
    Pool, Elizabeth
  • 102155
    Book Info
    Chemical lectures, Publickly Read at London, in the years 1731, and 1732; and since at Scarborough, in 1733; for the improvement of arts, trades, and natural philosophy. By Peter Shaw, Physician at Scarborough
    Shaw, Peter
  • 102156
    Book Info
    Christ the pearl of great price: or, the excellency of Christ to believers set forth. Being a divine message from God to poor sinners: or, a dreadful warning to all impenitent sinners. I. Wherein Jesus Christ and Salvation are freely offered to all that will come in and accept of it, before the Day of Grace is past. II. Shewing the great Danger of slighting Christ and Salvation tendered in the Gos
    Baxter, Richard
  • 102157
    Book Info
    Christ victorious over the powers of darkness, by the light of his preached gospel. A sermon preached in Boston, December 12. 1733 at the ordination of the Reverend Mr. Stephen Parker, Mr. Ebenezer Hinsdell, and Mr. Joseph Seccombe, ... By Joseph Sewell, ...
    Sewell, Joseph
  • 102158
    Book Info
    Christ's advocateship, practically discoursed, from I. John, Chap. II. Ver. 1, 2. on the Monday after the celebration of the Lord's Supper, in the Tolbooth Church of Edinburgh. Published at the Earnest Request of the Hearers. By Mr. Henry Lindsay Minister of the Gospel at Bothkennar
    Lindsay, Henry
  • 102159
    Book Info
    Christian liberty asserted, and the Scripture-Doctrine of the Trinity vindicated: against a book written by Dr. Waterland, and entituled, The importance of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity asserted, &c. By a clergyman in the country
    Jackson, John
  • 102160
    Book Info
    Christianity revived, and judaism subverted. Occasioned by Mr. Chubb's late tracts, concerning Scripture Inspiration; the Resurrection of Christ; and the Case of Abraham, in being commanded of God to offer up his Son. In a letter from a gentleman in the country to his friend in London. Wherein the doctrine of sacrifices is examined, and the Cases of Abraham and Jeptha are particularly considered
    P. B